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Necrons Vs Berzerkerz

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Necrons Vs Berzerkerz Empty Necrons Vs Berzerkerz

Post by Necron Nodal Command Thu Mar 13, 2008 11:07 am

Berzerkerz land on unpopulated world to start a new base front for the Chaos hordes. Unbeknownst to them the world was not as unpopulated as they thought.

Necrons won first turn and the destroyers used their maneuvorability and range to lay volleys on to the Demon Princes of Slaneesh. One took 3 wounds and the other was a little more sturdy armored and took only one wound. The Monoliths moved up to make a blocking wall and warriors followed pursuit.

Berzerkerz first turn was a bit stale, the Demon Princes flew away to cover while the rhinos made a mobile wall and all the Berzerkerz jumped out and hid behind them waiting for the right moment.

Necrons second turn saw the missfire of 2 ordance blasts that would have annihilated the berzerkerz if scattered correctly but merely made craters in the earth instead. The warriors retreated back to avoid charge range as much as possible, the Destroyers blew up one rhino and destroyed the weapons of another rhino.

Berzerkers second turn the rhinos broke out and made a wall to block further los for the destroyers. The Demon princes flew close to the warrior squads to cast their Lash of Submission on them. One demon succesfully casted and brought a squad of warriors close for charge. The rest of the Bezerkerz charged one of the Monoliths but could not damage the powerful Warmachine. The Demon prince charge the warriors through cover and a squad berzkerz followed suit. In the assault they killed 5 warriors, they passed their test and everyone consolidated.

Necrons third turn 4/5 warriors came back, teleported through the monoliths to help fire power on the berzerkerz n the other demon prince. Monolith1 fired gauss flux n killed 2 berzkerz and the other Particle whiped n killing only 2 more berzerkerz. Destroyers blew up another rhino and finished off the heavily wound demon prince. Warriors1 rapid fired into berzerkerz and killed 2, while Warriors2 rapid fired into the Demon Prince that was still alive and only caused 1 wound. Necron lord charged the berzerkerz n killed 1 while the powerfist managed to cause 1 wound back making it a stale mate combat.

Berzerkerz third turn saw the demons coming on the board right near the warriors for charge. Berzkers closed in aswell to get some pistol shots on before the assault. The Demon prince flew high and over the warriors to get rear charge on the further warrior squad. Berzerkerz that survived the particle whip took cover behind the only rhino that was still mobile to avoid destroyer fire. The shooting phase n assault phase combined showed both warrior squads so low in models an outnumberd they faild their morale tests an were caught and wiped off the board. The necron lord in turn killed 1 more berzerker n then fell to the power fist. Every consolidated as far apart to avoid the monoliths ordanance on the ensuing turn.

Necrons fourth turn was the worst turn. The lord failed WBB and the reroll so he was removed. The monoliths this turn decided to use the gauss flux arc instead n ended up killing a total of 3 demons n 3 berzkerz. One destroyer squad laid waste in the demon prince finishing him off and the other fired upon a few berzerkerz killing 2.

Berzerkerz fourth turn they moved close to the destroyers to get charge n the demons jumped on the other. Both squads lost 3 destroyers each and failed morale tests, they ran off the board ensuing phase out.

Overall it was a good game. I had alot of bad freaking roles for my morale tests and those 3 1's from the particle whip was just utter crap, i was so mad. I wanna play you again this saturday.
Necron Nodal Command
Necron Nodal Command

Number of posts : 27
Age : 38
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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Necrons Vs Berzerkerz Empty Re: Necrons Vs Berzerkerz

Post by ImAShakiraholic Thu Mar 13, 2008 2:44 pm

The game as you can see was EXTREMELY good! Alex as always a mighty general and recorded the battle perfectly.

This Saturday you will see once again the power of Khorne and we will smash your metal bodies asunder.

Gotta give props to my rhinos for very good mobile terrain!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1255
Age : 38
Armies : Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, Space Marines :: Vampire Counts, Hordes of Chaos (Khorne)
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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