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Falcons, Tanks That Just Dont Take A Hint...

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Falcons, Tanks That Just Dont Take A Hint... Empty Falcons, Tanks That Just Dont Take A Hint...

Post by ImAShakiraholic Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:57 pm

Can a falcon tank shock troops in terrain while moving over the terrain and not taking a test?

A: Yes

Reasoning by Moz:

Here's the RAW that shows you that if you claim to boost over a unit during a tank shock, the unit will still fall under the rules of tank shock. So boosting over really does nothing.

Skimmers can always choose to move over enemy troops and this neither impedes their movement nor harms the troops below.

If a unit is overrun by a tank, and individual models would end up underneath the vehicle, they must be moved out of the way by the shortest distance...

P1 Skimmers can choose to move over enemy units
P2 Units underneath a vehicle that is tank shocking must move
P3 Vehicles with an equal or higher frontal armour value do not have to move and their presence will effectively stop a tank shock at 1"
C1 Claiming to move over a unit during tank shock is irrelevant, all units underneath are tank shocked
C2 Tank shocking over a vehicle with an equal or higher front armor value (or immobilized) stops the tank shock at 1"
C3 Skimmers can tank shock units in terrain that is impassible to them otherwise by flying over the enemy unit during a tank shock


Q: How often does a Falcon get a 5/6,6/5, or 6/6 result on the glancing chart? The reason I ask is I want to know how much Vectored Engines is worth. I'm thinking that if you add the cost of the squad to the Falcon and then see what percent of that total Vectored Engines is you can compare that against the % chance you land instead of being destroyed to see how much extra value it has.

A: There are 36 possible combinations...


So there are two out of 36 for a 5 & 6, and 3 out of 36 for 5 & 6 or double 6s. And there is four out of 36 for 5 & 5, 5 & 6, or 6 & 6.

So the odds of a single glancing hit actually destroying (as opposed to immobilizing) a Falcon with Vectored Engines is 35 to 1!

Posted the math before on GH's site, but I'll post it here again.

- First, we are assuming that the Falcon can only be glanced (which in most instances is the case)

- With Holo fields there is a 75% chance that one of those numbers will be a 1, 2 or 3. Which with Spirit stones (extra armor) means that 75% of the time you will just shake it.

- As mentioned, the only way to get the thing immobilized and/or destroyed is to get a 5-5, 5-6, 6-5, or 6-6. Out of 36 possibilities that's a 1 in 9 chance.

- If we add in the fact that you have to HIT the thing first and then GET ON THE TABLE the odds go down. Let's use the infamous BS4 and Lascannon as an example:

Chance to hit: 2/3
CHance to glance (pens turn into a glance): 2/3
Chance you will get an immobilized/destroyed on the glancing table rolling 3 dice and discarding the highest: 1/9

2/3 * 2/3 * 1/ 9 = 4/81 = 5% (roughly, more like 4.9%)

So, a 5% chance that you will actually down a Falcon with 1 lascannon shot aren't stellar odds. And if there are three of these puppies on the battlefield?!

And they say it's not broken..
Chaos God

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