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Campaign Narrative

Warlord Solskritt
luis the young
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Campaign Narrative Empty Campaign Narrative

Post by Ovich Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:58 pm

I'm just going to be posting a brief synopsis of each campaign session we have just to fill people in who can't make it or for those who are simply interested in how things go.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Ovich Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:08 pm

As the March frost thawed and the rains of April began to fall, forces from all over the warhammer world began to march upon the Darklands.

From the North, the forces of chaos exited their longships and established their base east of the Volnor river off the coast.

From the South, the brave men of the Empire exited their brief stay at Middenheim to create a large fort at the foothills of the Midden Mountains.

In the Northwest, The Elven ships landed and began fortifications along the coast, north of the deadlands, not far from the nearby forests.

In the Southwest, the Tomb Kings of Khemri built their first tomb in a new land after a difficult and perilous march through Empire lands.

In the South East the Skaven emerged from their Tunnels to create new dens in the soft balmy earth close to Kislev.

And from the harsh and cold North East, the Greenskins set up their war tents after marching through the ruins of the now haunted city of Praag.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Ovich Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:25 pm

Scouts were deployed by all forces as the first rains came and went and rivers became more easily forded. Each army in search of the Hexes of power promised by their mages.

It was inevitable that some of these scouts would eventually meet. and in the hills south of the Midden Moors no less than 3 armies began to clash.

A small unfortunate empire detachment of scouts found it's escape blocked by Chariots of the Khemri and Elven Reavers from behind the hills. In their panic they were surrounded and almost killed to a man, their pathetically few survivors managing to find their way back to their fort with word of invasion..

The Elves could not afford to have the undead know of their presence and managed to destroy the scout chariots with little casualties of their own.

After the Reavers sped off however, 2 of the chariots knitted themselves back together and limped home to tell their King that the Elves are here.

But the King of Khemri was busy formulating his own plans to assault the Empire Watchtower east of their position. He could not afford to have these mortals continue to fortify their position so close to the newly erected Pyramid of Aarazul.

Taking his Banner, the King of Khemri marched on the tower and managed to sack it with his magical superiority. While the men of the empire were many, and their blackpowder weapons powerful, their hearts were soft and many men fled when confronted with the horror of the living dead.

The disgraced Empire General and his beaten army would now limp back to their fort and make preparations for a new possible assault on their position.

After dispatching their scouting counterparts, the Elven Reavers stumbled upon a small wood filled with standing stones. Their elven sense of the arcane told them that this was a place of power and would need to be held and so sent word out to the Elven Prince what had transpired.

Chaos forces searching in the forest of shadows stumbled upon a small hut, owned by a witch who calls herself Babba Yagga.. After striking a deal, the forces of chaos are now bolstered by the sorceress.

Meanwhile... the rats have stayed in their holes the whole time.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by luis the young Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:40 pm

Ovich wrote:Meanwhile... the rats have stayed in their holes the whole time.

ROFL lol!

awsone narrative stephan, that last part made me laugh so hard, Lol.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by scurrdi Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:22 pm

Very nice! I likey!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Warlord Solskritt Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:10 pm

Ovich wrote:Meanwhile... the rats have stayed in their holes the whole time.

I find this offensive....It should say "The glorious Confederats valiantly held their position in their mighty fortress!" or something similar. Very Happy
Warlord Solskritt
Warlord Solskritt
Imperial Guard Commissar

Number of posts : 1105
Age : 31
Location : Miami Beach,Florida
Armies : Rats,Uruk-Hai,Germans
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Ovich Sun May 18, 2008 12:15 pm

Campaign Second Week.

The Autumn opened across the darklands with brisk winds and the promise of a harsh winter.

The Forces of the Changer of Ways began marching it's army south to claim the discovered power at the center of the lands, while maintaining "relations" with the great witch Baba Yaga. The elven forces nearby chose the path of caution and avoided the Chaos army which seemed to focus it's goal on capture the Stones of Midden for themselves.

The High Elves, through diligent exploration and searching , stumbled upon the ruins of their ancient ancestors. A tower that radiated power and upon discovery, immediately allowed the elven mages to perceive the complexities of magic in ways they never dreamed of. This tower would clearly need to be watched over.

The High Elves also hosted Lord Cousiellant, Brettonian Paladin, at their fort and entered negotiations. The Brettonians, he stated, were ill equipped and poorly positioned to enter the campaign itself in any force. Brettonian interests however, rest in the fate of the high elves, who they believe will be best suited to deal with the evil that is spawning on their doorstep. While the thought of the relic falling into the hands of chaos or the undead would be unthinkable , the brettonians certainly do not want the Empire to find it either. And so, with conviction, Lord Cousiellant agreed to send a detachment of pegasus knights and bowman to the aid of the high elves who were besieging the Empire Fortress of Salizmund.

And what a battle it was ! Salizmund, heavily defended by artillery, crossbowmen, handgunners, and wizards from the celestial and bright order would eventually fall into Elven hands by the end of the autumn. Despite a ferocious resistance, the pledged Pegasus Knights were the key to the battle and helped win the day, despite suffering heavy losses. The Elven Prince, whose dragon was significantly injured could make no headway on the eastern ramparts, but was still instrumental in capturing the castle.

Now in elven hands, the serfs and peasants of the empire continue to toil for their new elven masters, in return for their protection.

In the southwest, the Empire were presented with a rare gift, a respite from the marching hordes of Khemri. The Tomb King, unsure of how the approaching winter would affect his hordes, decided to retreat back to the barrows and caves in the marshlands and wait out the winter in shelter.

Given a break from the threat in the east, the Empire continued to lick it's wounds while beginning to explore the mountains in the southwest.

It was in the dead of winter that a young pistolier and his corps would make the most important discovery of the campaign. While braving the snowy mountain passes with their sturdy mounts, they came upon rather large cave, previously uncharted on the middenheim maps. Pigeons were dispatched immediately back to the empire fort, and an empire wizard was sent out to investigate. Upon arrival, the mage realized immediately what they had found. The glittering pool at the center of the cave exudes raw magical power the likes of which the empire wizard had never even knew existed. They had found the RELIC of POWER ! But in order to use it, the rest of the areas of power would need to be controlled.

In the east, the forces of Warlord Grotlick were bogged down by infighting and animosity. No headway was made and the continued existence of the various pacts and agreements between chiefs and bosses began to crumble.

In the southeast, Warlord Solskritt watched and waited. His spies arrived with news that the main relic of power had been discovered nearby. After careful deliberation (about 2 minutes) he decided to approach this news with caution. First, the skaven dens must be protected ! Upon his command, several watchtowers began construction, from the far east across the land, all the way to the foothills of the midden mountains. The skaven would create a fortress out of the entire south east, and once the Relic of Power was theirs, no one would be able to stop them !!..
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Warlord Solskritt Sun May 18, 2008 4:34 pm

Awesome fluff Stephan!
Warlord Solskritt
Warlord Solskritt
Imperial Guard Commissar

Number of posts : 1105
Age : 31
Location : Miami Beach,Florida
Armies : Rats,Uruk-Hai,Germans
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Ovich Sun May 18, 2008 5:21 pm

Campaign Third Week.

As the year slowly slides into summer, newcomers arrive, hoping that it's not to late to stake their claim for power.

In the west, the Von Carstiens have finally made their presence felt after initially doubting the veracity of claims that there may be a necromantic power at work more deadly then theirs.

In the east, the infighting greenskins fled back to their mountains at the approach of a large army of the Asraii. The woodelves have decided to leave Athel Loren in order to support their kin. But perhaps, if the relic should fall into wood elf hands, they would know of better ways to destroy it than their haughty cousins.

The forces of Chaos decided to hunker down and dig in over their bases of power, doing little but building resources and bidding their time until the winter.

The Tomb kings, recognizing the threat the vampires pose on their borders sent an emissary to the Von Carstiens, introducing a possible alliance against the living. This unholy pact was accepted in the face of the burgeoning High Elf juggernaut developing in the Northwest. Together, they've focused on finding the last area of power, while harassing Elven scouts that have come to close. In the fall, the Vampire Counts with allies from Khemri in support, successfully routed the small scout force defending the Elven tower of Tol Goldur, immediately gifting the vampires with an enhanced sense of necromancy that they've never known before.

The High Elves, avoiding unecessary casualties with the undead have threatened, but have generally steered clear of the foul hordes, waiting for a better time to attack. Instead they've turned their eyes on finding the last piece of the puzzle. Unfortunately despite some thorough searching, nothing of importance was found. During the fall, one young mage became comatose due to the foul sorceries of the Vampires. It can be assured that the princes would not allow this type of trickery to continue. Towards the end of Autumn, the Elves have decided that the main relic, may be worth taking a closer look at.

The empire have spent the summer and fall consolidating their forces and guarding the main Hex of power. With enemies on all sides, they hope that the natural defenses of the mountains, and their own strong fortifications can help them triumph in this campaign. With the growing Skaven threat in the east. the empire generals have planned to face the menace now, before allowing it to grow too strong. In an attempt to procure the help of allies, the empire general, swallowing his ego, beseeched the High Elves to the north in a letter, expressing the need for goodly forces to work together. The elves, knowing the threat the skaven will soon pose have allowed a small army to support the General in his quest to rid the skaven from their infested burrows in the south east mountains..

Warlord Solskritt's plans are beginning to come to fruition. Having successfully placed a ring of fortified towers around his burrows, and breeding hundreds upon hundreds of foul vermin, the Skaven, are no longer sitting in their dens. With his eye upon the main relic of power, Solskritt has dispatched his most able general, Ratbert E Leap, to move forward and obtain that which is rightfully his !! The only thing in his way, those soft and puny man things and their pointy eared allies. But alas, the humans have smelled the coming storm and have attacked General Leap in a preemptive strike !! Moving up his second army in support, led by General "Verminwall" Ratson, the skaven quickly launched a counter offensive. The man things would suddenly find themselves greatly outnumbered. Just the way the skaven like it. What Solskritt does not like is the newly arrived forces of pointy ears to the north of his capital. Greenskins are stupid and will make deals and fall for treachery.. not these pointy ears.. they will have to be disposed of.

In the North East, the Woodelves have recognized the need for a strong place to control their domain. With the hordes of Skaven to the south and the foul minions of chaos to the west, they would need to build up their forces quickly. Luckily the forrest of shadows to the east should provide some cover. But it is not enough. Messages dispatched to the empire fortress of Ferlangen for an alliance were quickly rebuffed. While unfortunate, this would mean war. Quickly assembling 2 large armies, the wood elves have marched upon Ferlangen in hopes of capturing the fortress for their own. In the south, while scouting the vermintide, the woodelf scouts were ambushed and destroyed by the stealthy minions of Soulskritt. !

Stay tuned for the next episode of THE CAMPAIGN
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Warlord Solskritt Sun May 18, 2008 5:34 pm

Warlord Solskritt
Warlord Solskritt
Imperial Guard Commissar

Number of posts : 1105
Age : 31
Location : Miami Beach,Florida
Armies : Rats,Uruk-Hai,Germans
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by luis the young Sun May 18, 2008 6:27 pm

this is great stephan, keep up the good work bud !
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by scurrdi Sun May 18, 2008 7:46 pm

That was simply fantastic, I love it!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by ShadowMaster Mon May 19, 2008 8:56 am

Chaos God

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Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by Dr. Love Mon May 19, 2008 9:32 am

The Men of the Empire (and our somewhat friendly, but backward neighbors, the High elves) have stood against worst odds. We shall defeat the Rat men and fight to the death against these foul creatures!
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
Dark Apostle

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Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by lordfairfax2001 Mon May 19, 2008 10:29 am

Looks good and, though I didn't get in a battle, I had a good time...Thanks, Stephan...disregard my PM...looks like we're still in the Fall...

Number of posts : 739
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Campaign Narrative Empty Re: Campaign Narrative

Post by ImAShakiraholic Mon May 19, 2008 2:40 pm


The Vampires main army is lead by the Unholy Count known only by the name Lord Balanar.
The Vampires newest (second) banner is lead by the Great Necromancer King Leoric.
While Banehallow the Lycanthrope is the commander for the scout banner.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1255
Age : 38
Armies : Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, Space Marines :: Vampire Counts, Hordes of Chaos (Khorne)
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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