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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

luis the young
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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:22 pm

here is the booklet

MGG Campaigns: Warhammer Fantasy Battle 2011 Spring Campaign
By Nathan L Williams

This is your basic conquest map based campaign. Read the Booklet!!!!!
And enjoy yourself

Getting Started
Campaign Turn Break down/Explanation of Campaign Phases
Special Landmarks
Army Notes
Missing Campaigns Days

Getting Started (set up)

Players start out with a 1,000 point army (No lords, No special characters) and one free lord which includes mounts and what not. This Lord level character is representing you on the battle field and through out the campaign. This will be your ONLY Lord. So choice wisely.

Due to that fact that you are not allowed to field any other lords, follow this percentage when building your armies. Lords 0%, Heroes up to 35%, at least 25% on core, up to 50% on Special, and up to 25% on Rare.

You also start with 3 territories, which you the player get to pick (As long as you're 3 hexes away from any enemy territory and special locations). After every one has picked their territory, place your capital.

Your Capital/HQ then gains a 1000 point defense force, following the above percentages. Also your Capital is considered to be a Castle and can only be taken over during a Siege game.

Campaign Turns
This is the order in which things happen.

Roll for Initiative
Income, Production
Recovery & Advancement
Glory Points (every 3rd round)

Roll for Initiative
The players roll off to see who starts the turn. Highest goes first and so on.

Income and Production
This does not happen on turn one.
This is going to take some time explain. So sit down and relax.

First up is Income & Production:

For each territory the player controls they get 50 points; and each Capital/HQ they control produces another 25 points for them to spend. There are some special landmarks that produce differently but that will be explained under the Landmarks section of this booklet. (They do not produce 50 points!!!!)

This can be spent on anything from upgrading a banner, replacing loses that where suffered early on, start new banners, ect. Players do not have to spend the points at the moment and can save them up for later. Just notify the Game Master after the turn.

If one chooses to use the points as soon as they get them, spend it before the next part of the turn takes place.

Um this is that part where you move you forces.

Infantry or Mixed Armies move one Hex a turn.
All Calvary (Flyers count) move two Hexes a turn unless in a mountain Hex. If in a mountain Hex they move only one Hex a turn.

You have 3 Move types:
Standard Move: Move around in your lands.
Battle Move: Make this move to attack enemy territories or take over neutral lands.
Garrison Move: You don’t move and choose to garrison. i.e.: Stay in that location.
Unless in a defense force, no banner may garrison the same spot for more then 2 turns.

Should a banner come in contact with another banner then a battle most be fought!!!!
For Glory and Honor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recovery and Advancement
This is where you find out how much of your forces are indeed dead and how you get advancements!!!!!!

Recovery Charts
Winning side gets plus one to all rolls

Heroes and Lords (For those that fell in battle)
1-2= Dead
3=Rushed to HQ/Capital will miss the next D3 campaign turns
4= Recovers with half starting wounds
5-6= Full Recovery

Monsters and the Like (For those that fell in battle)
3=miss next game
4-5= recovers half wounds
6= Full Recovery

Recovering units (non wiped out units)
1-2= those that fell, shall never rise again
3= 25% comes back
4=50% comes back
5= 75% comes back
6= full recovery. The unit is back to full strength somehow.
(Units that flee off the battlefield start with the number that fled off , then roll up top)

Wiped Out units
1-3, they're never coming back
4=25 %

A special note on models killed by the Giant’s Eat ability and some spells like the Infernal Gateway (when 11-12 for Strength is rolled), Pit of Shades, Purple Sun and wizards pulled into the Warp: These are considered dead. Do NOT roll for them

Last edited by Dice_Runt on Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:22 pm

part two
Once a unit/monster/hero gains 12 XP it gains a roll on the Advancement chart. Now you might be asking yourself, "how do you get XP?" Well let me show you! Follow this easy chart below:
*Note on Warmachines they DON'T gain XP*

XP Chart:
1 xp for winning the game
1 xp for surviving the game
1 xp for taking part in a siege game
2 xp for winning a siege game
1 xp for capturing the BSB
1 xp for beating an enemy hero in a challenge (units’ gain 1 if done by the champion)
1 xp for beating the enemy lord in a challenge (units’ gain 2 if done by the champion)
1 xp for killing a monster
2 xp for Killing Lurlick the Wicked *see below for more info*

Unit Advancement Chart
Roll 2 d6
2= +1 movement
3-4= +1 WS
5-6=+1 BS
7-8= roll one D6 1-3 +1S/ 4-6 +1T
9-10= +1 A
11= roll one D6 1-3 +1Ld/4-6 +1 I
12= pick one stat or skill
Stats may only be increased once for units and max out at 10

Hero/Lord & Monster Advancement Chart
Roll 2 d6
2= +1 movement
3-4= +1 WS
5-6=+1 BS
7-8= roll one D6 1-3 +1S/ 4-6 +1T
9-10= roll one D6 1-3 + 1 W/ 4-6 +1 A
11= roll one D6 1-3 +1Ld/4-6 +1 I
12= pick one stat or skill
Stats max is that of 10

Skill List:
Immune To Psychology,
Fear (if the unit cases fear it gains Terror)
Heroic Feats: (units and monsters only) +1 combat res once per game
Veterans: (units, heroes, and lords only) Re roll all to hit or all to wound once per battle. Pick before rolling.

Level Increase: (for casters only) increase level by one. Instead of becoming level 6 they gain lore master.

*In this land there is the fabled warrior named Lurlick the Wicked. He once ruled these lands back before Sigmar. He had sworn an oath to the chaos god Tzeentch to offer up souls in his name as long as he may live. Tzeentch has kept him alive so that he may indeed keep offering up souls. Trapped in the state he is unable to die; challenging those that are viewed to be worthy. In hopes that one day he might be bested and be allowed to die.

Once a character reaches 24 xp he will be challenged to fight against Lurlick.

The game is played on a 2 x 2. Only the Character and his mount are deployed against Lurlick.

Lurlick The Wicked has the stats of a Chaos Lord with +2 wounds along with being Immune of Psychology and has the following items:. Mark of Tzeentch, Chaos Rune shield, Talisman of Preservation and carries the Ring of Tzenatar, counts a bound item that contains flickering fire. *

Last edited by Dice_Runt on Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:24 pm

part three
Bidding & Glory Points:
What are Glory points you might ask? Glory points are what allow you to upgrade your territories, bid for mercenaries, and acquire wondrous items.

You will start the game with 1 glory point. You calculate glory points at the end of every 3rd round. So turn 3,6,9,12 and so on.

How do you get Glory points you might ask? Well, follow this chart:
1 Glory point for each Capital you control.
1 Glory point if you control more than 6 Territories.
1 Glory point if you have won your last two campaign games.
2 Glory points if you beat an enemy lord in a challenge.

What can you do with Glory points? At the end of every 3rd turn, players will have the chance to bid on Campaign Items and Special units. Glory Points that are used in the bidding are lost. Ten (10) is the max amount of points that can be used for bidding.

An example of a Campaign Item is the Following:
The Tempest Blade: +2 I, +1 A, in the magic phase it does D6 S4 no armor saves to all enemy units in Base to Base. Counts as Lighting for Storm Rage (this is not a bound Item, it just happens).

Upgrade Chart for Territories.
One upgrade a turn on each territory.

Grand Library: costs one Glory point and it's built at HQ/Capital. One Banner may replace all "one use" items after each battle for free. Pick a banner once it is built the banner gains this benefit for 3 campaign turns. Also the HQ/Capital replaces it’s items for free.

Hall of Heroes: costs two glory points, built at HQ/Capital. Any fallen character dies on 1 instead of 1 or 2.

Un/Holy Sanctuary: costs one glory point. Can be built anywhere. When this territory is attacked you gain plus one Dispel Dice and one unit gains MR(1).

Barracks & Drill Yard: 2 Glory Points, built at HQ/ Capital. One unit in the garrison force gains one advancement. You pick which unit and which advancement they receive.

Fort: cost one glory point Can be built anywhere. You gain a fort. *See Forgotten Fortress for more info*

Special Landmarks
Special landmarks are unique territories that provide the controller with special abilities and units.

Wizard Tower: your force gains a free Level 2 Wizard (use Battle Wizard Stats) with any 25 point arcane item. He may pick any lore besides Waagh magic. If the wizard dies for any reason he will repair in the army in two campaign turns. Though if death is due to miscast he is gone…never to be seen again…..Should you lose this territory you lose the wizard, and your enemy will gain him. If he is carrying a one use item, it will always be replaced at the start of the next battle. Once the Lore is picked that is his lore for the rest of the campaign.

Un/Holy Shrine: any hero/lord may take a free magic item wroth up to 100 points. This item does not count against your max point limit. It can be picked from any book. Should the wielder die, the item is returned until another Hero/lord goes to pick it up. Once the item is picked it can not be changed.

The Forgotten Fortress: Your force has now gained control of a fort with 500 points wroth of troops.

Ancient Battlefield: One Hero/Lord gains a free 25 point item from any book. This territory is worth 25 points.

Treasure Hold:It produces 50 points. Once per campaign it will produce 100 points, after that it produces only 25. This Ability can not be used for one campaign turn once it is captured.

Last edited by Dice_Runt on Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:25 pm

Army Notes
This is a list of overall basic rules that are being put in place for different armies and a few adjustments to the main rules.

No Special Characters
All armies follow this: Lords 0%, Heroes up to 35%, at least 25% on core, up to 50% on Special, and up to 25% on Rare.

Banner Max size is 3,500
Max for HQ/ Capital is 2,500
Max for Forts is 1,500

Notes on Wizards
Roll for spells when they are bought not before the battle.

Spells may repeat, if you have two wizards in the same list they may share the same spells. Wizards will always be able to switch a spell for the signature at the start of the game. If done so it will regain is normal spells that were rolled at the end of the battle.

Lords or those with the Lore-master special rule are the only ones allowed to max their spells.

Notes on Chaos Armies
Chosen roll on the Eye of Gods chart when they are brought. What ever ability that unit rolled is what they have for the campaign.

Beastmen and Deamons gain rolls on the Eye of the Gods just like Mortals heroes and lords.

Chaos Trolls keep one random mutation after each battle; they do not get to roll on the advancement chart.

Should a character roll over twice on the Eye chart in a game they player may keep one upgrade after the battle. (War-shine’s ability does not count).

Add the following special rules
The Gods & Their Chosen: This special rule applies to Warriors and Deamons only. If you choose to have your Lord level character marked then only that god’s units will count for core, if undivided is chosen then all is good. If using Warriors all undivided units count as well. Also all banners are to be lead by either an undivided character or a character with a similar mark as the lord.

Master and Servant: Should your Mortal army be lead by a marked Lord then you may field one core daemon unit of that god. Undivided may take one unit as special instead.

Last edited by Dice_Runt on Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:25 pm

that is it folks hope to see you there. It starts at around 12 and goes till 4
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by KingdomCome Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:26 pm

This sounds awesome. Damn shame I don't have a built fantasy army. Nate check your pm.
Chaos God

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Vycem Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:42 pm

Damn. I'm still building my army. Maybe I can be mercenaries that come in later in the year? Hah


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:16 pm

um do you have a 1000 points??? And what army. I own several and two are for sell
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by ShadowMaster Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:11 am

I think 1K is a pretty small game for 8Ed, but I'll roll with it.

I need to know what peeps are playing so we don't all show with the same stuff. Goblin Wars!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Vycem Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:37 am

I have an Empire army that really needs to get assembled.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by luis the young Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:53 pm

I may play my Skaven. Can the Vermin Lord be used or does he counts as a Special Character ?
And what happens to units tranformed using the Dreaded 13th ?

Im tempted to use my Tomb Kings or Chaos Dwarves though. Dont wanna play O&G since prob evryone else is gonna be using them.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:40 am

Vermin lord is a normal lord
Any units created by the dreaded 13, are units to be added to your banner. But after the battle it your army is over 3,500 points. Then the unit is either A disbanded, B used to replace lost causalities, C forced to form a new banner.

Note on Tomb may use the old book up till the new book is released. Reduce or increase unit costs, nothing may be aided to forces or taken out but unit sizes may change, and items that are lost are still useable up till that hero dies....

Um bill that is only for you starting army....

Will say this, i might use my goblins. Key word is might. If not i will more then likely use my &*#@*^. lol I know there will be a dwarf army joining us....

Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:56 am

oh and chaos dwarves are welcomed
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by ShadowMaster Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:33 pm

I think 1K is awfully small to start. I can't seem to make any interesting lists at that level.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:07 pm

define interesting lists. lol
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by ShadowMaster Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:39 pm

Something with more than 3 units that walk forward together and hit something.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by King Hiss Mon Mar 07, 2011 11:59 pm

well i like this alot just need to chose between my woc army my brets or empire they all seem perfect fun for this lol by the way that skaven thing is gonna be a pain if they keep the troops the convert i mean im fine with the idea and it cool and make sense theres just to many of them to start lol they are a freaking pests and i need to buy some rat poison and stick it in my army lol, but yea i need to choice wat army to use so i would like to have some idea of wat ppl are gonna use cuz i wanna use some thing different if some one lends me the vampire codex i mite even use them or my tk i just wanna play an army no one esle is gonna have that way we have a little more varity in game play plus this is gonna be my first campaign for a table top game ever so i would like to have as much fun with it as possible and how many ppl will there be there in it

King Hiss
Traitor Guardsman

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by The Eldar Guy Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:06 am

"A special note on models killed by the Giant’s Eat ability and some spells like the Infernal Gateway (when 11-12 for Strength is rolled), Pit of Shades, Purple Sun and wizards pulled into the Warp: These are considered dead. Do NOT roll for them."

Just some friendly criticism, as I've read through it and am interested in this kind of stuff, but this will make it a pretty short campaign for some.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:54 pm

The Eldar Guy wrote:"A special note on models killed by the Giant’s Eat ability and some spells like the Infernal Gateway (when 11-12 for Strength is rolled), Pit of Shades, Purple Sun and wizards pulled into the Warp: These are considered dead. Do NOT roll for them."

Just some friendly criticism, as I've read through it and am interested in this kind of stuff, but this will make it a pretty short campaign for some.

are you guys forgetting about the income...

Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by luis the young Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:44 am

Do we have a head count on whos gonna participate ?
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:38 pm

Keith (showing up second week)
dans a possibility but i doubt it
I am guessing you Luis

lol to tell you the truth i am not sure who else is showing
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by King Hiss Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:28 pm

this sounds like we need to advertise fanatasy lil more lol my brothers mite come to but i dout it

King Hiss
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 115
Registration date : 2010-03-29

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:11 pm

They shifted our chedule on Thursday afternoon and I'm currently set to work. Try to get coverage.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:13 pm

i have told that to joel so damn much
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th Empty Re: MGG Campiagn 1 starts March 13th

Post by Dice_Runt Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:20 pm

Um see some of you there
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 490
Registration date : 2010-12-02

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