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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Warlord Solskritt
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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:29 pm

+++Special Rules+++

Calculated Leadership
The Imperial Guard functions only through strict adherence to Regimental organisation and the competence and level-headedness of its Officers.

Any guardsmen may use the leadership of any model with the ‘Officer’ special rule for all Morale, Pinning and target priority checks if they are within 6” (for Junior Officers and other models with the ‘Officer’ rule) or 9” (For Senior Officers and Heroic Senior Officers). They may also attempt to regroup, even if they are below half strength, if they are within this range (this can be used in conjunction of a Vox, see below).

This cannot be used if the Officer is in base to base contact with an enemy model, falling back, or is pinned.

Close Order Drill
“Shoulder to shoulder, men! Present bayonets! Steel is all they will find here! Let none through! Protect your brothers to the left and right, and they will do the same for you! ” –Colonel Farnier of the 14th Rifles at the defence of the Basilica of the Thorned Rose.

During their movement phase any Imperial guard unit with more than 5 models may adopt Close Order drill. To do this all models must be moved into base to base formation. While in Close Order drill the unit gains +1 In and +1 WS.

Cannot be used by Ogryns or Rough Riders


Heavy Stubber
The Heavy Stubber is a place name for any medium sized, high rate of fire weapon. The usual classification is bigger than a lasgun, smaller than a heavy bolter. The standard infantryman can’t use the Stubber unless they slow down to brace for its massive recoil, but many regiments still take it for its useful suppressive abilities, and to allow the lasguns to get into close range.

The Heavy Stubber is a ranged weapon with Range: 18” S4 Ap6 Heavy 3.

During the Movement phase any infantry model with a Heavy Stubber may use the ‘Slow and Purposeful’ universal special rule for the remainder of the turn.

Do not forget that although for shooting and assaulting purposes this only affects the model with the Heavy Stubber, a unit may only move as fast as its slowest member, so the difficult terrain roll affects the whole squad.

Hunting Lance
Rough Riders of the Imperial Guard usually use this weapon as a method to deter eneI disagreaults. It is
a large spear which mounts a small explosive device to it. When Charging the Rough Riders will sink the spear tip into their foe which then triggers the explosive.

The Hunting Lance is a two handed weapon. The first time the model with the Hunting Lance charges they gain +1 In and +1 Strength (usable with other bonuses such as Furious Charge) and they count as having power weapons. Once that assault phase ends the lance is discarded and so gives no further benefit.

If the wielder of the lance is charged before they can use it they may still gain the power weapon bonus if they wish, but all other bonuses are ignored. The lance is then discarded.

The Lasgun is the most ubiquitous and prevalent weapon in His Majesties Imperial Guard. It is known for being resilient and powerful. Most Imperial Guard regiments use it at single shot at longer ranges and then switch it to fully automatic when closing with the enemy to suppress the enemy and gain the advantage.

The lasgun is a Rapid Fire weapon with the following profile.

Range 24” S 3 Ap – Rapid fire

The lasgun follows all the normal Rapid fire rules except when within 12” the Lasgun can choose to fire 3 shots rather than the normal 2.

Macharian Cross
Named after the most glorious of Imperial Guard Commanders, Lord Solar Macharius, This honour is given to any Officer who has excelled himself on the strategic side of the field of battle.

After Deployment but before the first turn commences, the Imperial Guard player may redeploy D3 units, (following all normal deployment rules). No model may be redeployed more than 12” from its starting position.

Medallion Crimson
The Medallion Crimson is an honorific given to soldiers who have received grievous wounds in the name of the Imperium. As is the nature of the award that most of the time it is awarded posthumously. Although those who survive to take to the field again are truly hardy individuals.

The model can ignore the first Instant death they receive; they take a single wound instead.

Platoon standard
Each Platoon has an emblem which it learns to love. Sometimes a standard, sometimes an Icon, Sometimes a form of mascot.

Any fleeing guardsmen unit within 8” of the Platoon standard must reroll their failed rally tests.

Regimental standard
A Heroic Senior Officer of a regiment will have a personal standard, one which is a clear indicator to all Guardsmen that the Commander is with them and his banner held aloft is a clear insult to any enemy they face.

Any fleeing guardsmen unit within 8” of the Regimental standard must reroll their failed rally tests.

Also when the model with the Regimental standard charges into combat all Imperial Guard models within that combat benefit from +1 attack for that round only.

Vox castor/ Master Vox
The Vox Castor is a simple communications device which has been created to aid Officers in their command and control of the battlefield. Many variations of this system exist within the Imperium including the telepath soldiers of Seperus Prime and the drummers of Karshnak four.

If a model in a unit is upgraded to have a Vox operator then it may use the Calculated Leadership special rule of any Junior Officer or Heroic Senior Officer, provided that the Officer is also in a squad with a Vox operator, even if they are outside the normal range.

This cannot be used if the vox operator in the unit is killed, or if no Officers with access to Vox Operators remain.


Doctrines are training disciplines which is what gives the Imperial Guard its tremendous edge. No matter what the foe, no matter the terrain, no matter the cost. There will always be trained and hardened individuals ready to fight.

Heavy Infantry
Heavy Infantry are frequently employed as shock troops; they are given advanced armour and training so they can move forward and crush their opponents with Imperial Steel. Notable Heavy Infantry units are members of the Cadian Shock troops, The Volpone Bluebloods and the Vostroyan Firstborn.

Members of a Heavy Infantry platoon are given carapace armour. Carapace armour gives any Infantry models a 4+ armour save.

Some regiments of the Imperial Guard specialise in accuracy training and spend most of their time honing their skills on the firing range (and sometimes, in firing squads). At the end of their training
they are much more capable of placing kill shots, even in swirling close ranged action.

Any BS3 model with Sharpshooters may re-roll any roll of a 1 on the ‘to hit’ roll when shooting. This may not be used with plasma guns as they are temperamental weapons which are difficult to aim properly by any.

Light Infantry
The unit has been versed the ways of stealth and misdirection, able to reach positions unattainable by direct assault. The Tanith 1st (also known as the ‘Tanith First and Only’ and ‘Gaunts Ghosts’) blazed a path of glory using their skills as a scouting and light infantry regiment.

Infantry units only. Unit gains the “Infiltrate” special rule.

Grav Chutes
The Grav Chute is an all purpose term for any kind of method which allows Guardsmen to drop onto their target from the sky. Some examples include using low flying troop ships and rappelling lines, parachutes or even rare anti-grav jump packs.

Infantry units and Sentinels only. The unit may use the ‘Deep strike’ special rule.

This is another all purpose term for any form of mobile camouflage which can be given to units. There are many examples including the Camo Cloaks of the Tanith first to the Reflective glass plates of the Vitrian Dragoons.

Infantry units only. Gives the unit the ‘Stealth’ special rule and a 6+ cover save while in the open.

+++Vehicle Upgrades+++

Extra armour
Over time, vehicle crews grow fond of their vehicle, giving them hundreds of personalised upgrades
and enhancements (much to the consternation of the Adeptus Mechanicus). A prominent one is the addition of armoured shock plates to the Exterior and Interior of the vehicle to reduce the normal shakes of minor impacts.

The Vehicle turns any Crew Stunned results into Crew Shaken results.

Track Guards
A standard upgrade for all vehicles of the Imperial guard, additional armour plates are added to the tops of the tracks and the tracks themselves are strengthened and well maintained, making the chances of losing or slipping a track much more difficult.

The Vehicle has a 4+ save against any Immobilised results. If this is passed treat the hit as a Crew Stunned result.

Reinforced weapons mount
Over time it has been realised that certain weapons on Imperial tanks are vulnerable to enemy fire. It has been deemed that these weapons have upgraded sponsons and turrets, reducing the chances of disabling the weapon.

A single weapon on the vehicle has a reinforced mount. If an enemy player chooses this weapon on a weapon destroyed result roll a dice. On a 4+ the result opponent must choose a different weapon to destroy.

Hunter Killer Missile
A single Hunter Killer missile has been the unseen bane of many enemy vehicles as it flies out from the distance. The launching of Hunter Killers has presaged innumerable vehicle outflank attacks.

The vehicle mounts a single Hunter Killer missile.

Range: Unlimited S8 Ap3 Heavy 1

Rough Terrain Mechanism
Some vehicles need to be adapted to fight in terrain which could easily slip a track or disable a wheel. This adaptation usually takes the form of a Dozer blade (sometimes relieved from a local construction guild)

The Vehicle may re-roll any Difficult or Dangerous terrain rolls

Pintle Heavy Stubber
“I may be the captain, but that doesn’t mean ill sit there with a laspistol…give me something with a bit more Oomph!”- Captain Verdes, 13th Pardus tank Regiment.

The vehicle mounts a pintle Heavy stubber.


1- HQ Command squad

“An army is only as good as its Commander. If a Commander is weak, his army falls, if a Commander is strong, Glory awaits.”- Tactica Imperialis.

Name Ws Bs S T W I At Ld Save
Heroic Senior Officer 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 5+
Senior Officer 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 5+
Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 7 5+
Ogryn 4 2 4(6) 4 3 3 2 7 4+
Unit Size: The HQ Command squad consists of 1 Senior Officer and 4 Veterans.
Points: 60
Weapons: The Officer is armed with:
Close Combat Weapon
frag and krak Grenades

Each Veteran is armed with:
frag and krak grenades


The Senior Officer can upgrade to be a Heroic Senior Officer at +20 points.

The Officer may replace his Laspistol for a Bolt Pistol at +1 point and a Plasma Pistol for +15 points

The Officer may replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power weapon at +5 points and a Power Fist at +15 points.

The Officer may be given a Refractor Field (5+ Invulnerable save) for +10 points. He may also take a meltabomb for +5 points.

The Officer may take the Medallion Crimson at +10 points

The Officer may take the Macharian Cross at +20 points

Up to 4 Veterans may replace their lasguns with one the following weapons each:
Grenade Launcher-10
Plasma gun -15
Meltagun- 10
Heavy Stubber- 10

The Command squad may purchase up to 2 of the following upgrades, which affects both the squad and the Officer. Any upgrades purchased here may be taken by any support squads purchased from the command squad, costing the same points below for each squad.

- Heavy Infantry for +10 points
- Grav Chutes- +20 points
- Sharpshooters- +10 points
- Light Infantry- +15 points
- Cameleoline- +15 points

If the Command squad takes ‘Heavy Infantry’ doctrine they may upgrade their lasguns and laspistols to
Hellguns for +10 points for the squad.

A single Veteran may be given a Platoon Standard for +10 points or a Regimental standard for +30 points.

A veteran may take a Master Vox for +15 points.

The unit may purchase an Ogryn Bodyguard at +20 points. The Ogryn is exactly the same as its unit entry; it may also use the ‘Bodyguard’ rule. (See below)

The Command squad may take a Chimera (see: Motor Pool)

Special rules

The Senior Officer (or Heroic Senior Officer) is a member of the ‘Officer’ class.

Veterans and Ogryn Bodyguards are totally loyal to their officer and will protect him from any and all harm if they possibly can.

At the beginning of any Assault Phase the Officer may swap his position with any other member of the Command squad.

Support Squads

The Command squad can purchase up to 5 Support squads. They are totally Independent from the Command squad but they all must be deployed at the same time. No more than 2 of the same unit may be taken

Fire Support Squad
Unit Size: 6 Guardsmen
Points: 30 points
Weapons: Lasguns
MUST take one of the following:
3 Heavy Bolters- 40
3 Autocannons- 45
3 Missile launchers- 45
3 Lascannons- 70

Mortar Squad
Unit Size: 6 Guardsmen
Points: 60 points
Weapons: Lasguns
Come with 3 Mortars

Sentinel Squad
See Unit entry. (Fast Attack)
Sentinels purchased from HQ command squads may not purchase the ‘Independent formation’ upgrade.

Field Artillery
Unit size: 1-3 Artillery pieces and 3 guardsmen per piece.
Points: 70 per Artillery piece
Weapons: Lasguns

The Artillery must be one of these two weapons:
-Thudd gun
-Heavy mortar

Independent squadron
When deploying, Field Artillery squadrons may choose to deploy like a normal Artillery unit, or as an independent squad where each Artillery piece is deployed and acts like a separate unit for the duration of the battle.

Special weapons squad
Unit Size: 6 guardsmen
Points: 30
Weapons: Lasguns:
Up to 3 guardsmen may each replace their lasguns for one of the following special weapons:
Grenade Launcher-10
Plasma gun- 15
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5
Heavy Stubber - 10
Heavy Flamer- 15
Demo Charge (may only take 1) - 15

Each guardsmen may replace their Lasgun with a Shotgun at +1 point each

Sniper Squad
Unit Size: 6 Guardsmen
Points: 70
Weapons: Sniper Rifles

Special Rules


“As the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, the way to a mans mind is through his head. It should be remembered that the man who keeps his head will win the battle”- De Marchess, ‘thoughts’

Imperial guard snipers are BS4.

When an Imperial guard sniper squad fires at an enemy unit they may always allocate a single successful to hit roll to any model in the enemy unit.


Last edited by rokassan on Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:30 pm

Advisors are a Catch-all phrase for a large number of Representatives of the Imperium into Imperial Guard armies and also autonomous agents with specialised skills within the Guard. They are to be found wherever they believe their skills will be most useful, usually in the thick of the fighting.

Advisors are a specialised Imperial Guard only army choice which are used to increase the power of individual squads, Advisors are purchased in batches of 1-5 of each specific type of advisor, but they must conform to all of the following rules:

Although 1-5 of each Advisor are purchased, they are not a normal squad or character, they follow their own deployment rules below.

Any model with the ‘Advisor’ Special rule must be attached to any non vehicle unit before deployment. They count as squad leaders and cannot leave their chosen unit unless it is destroyed. No more than 1 Advisor may join a single squad.

Advisors gain the armour save of the unit they have joined (not invulnerable saves, only armour saves). If they have joined a Rough Rider unit they move as Cavalry (only if converted appropriately, however.)

Advisors also gain the special rules of any squad they join (So if a Commissar joined a Stormtrooper squad they would have the Infiltrate, Deep Strike AND the Mission Accomplished special rule)

The HQ Command Squad may take more than 1 advisor, but may only take 1 of each type (Commissar, Priest, Sanctioned Psyker, medic)
0-1 Commissars
Rigid Adherents to the Imperial Creed, Commissars are ruthless, fearless individuals whose dedication to the service of the Emperor overrides any compassion or mercy for the men they must sometimes lead in battle. Universally feared by those around them, Commissars have the power to execute any troopers (or officers) found wanting.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Commissar 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 10 5+
Unit size: You may purchase 1-5 Commissars
Points: 20 points each
Weapons: Each Commissar comes with:
Close Combat Weapon
They may upgrade the Laspistol to a bolt pistol for +1 point or a plasma pistol for +15

They may upgrade their Close combat weapon for a power weapon at +5 points or a power fist at +15 points.

Special rules

Inspiring Presence
The presence of an Imperial Commissar does wonders for focusing the minds and abilities of the guardsmen around them.

If the Commissar is attached to a unit with model with the ‘Officer’ special rule, the Officer gains +1 Ld while the Commissar is alive (able to be used with the Calculated Leadership rule).

If the Commissar is joined to a unit with no officer, then he takes command and counts as a squadron leader

Summary Execution
The Imperial Commissar is given the free will to decide if there is a weak link in the chain of command, and the power to execute this individual without trial.

If any unit a commissar has joined fails a Morale or pinning test of any kind, the Imperial guard player must immediately remove a model from the unit (not the Commissar!) and the test is then automatically passed. If no guardsmen survive, the Commissar becomes fearless.

If the Commissar executes a model with the Officer special rule (or if they die in any other way), he immediately takes charge of their duties. The Commissar counts as an officer for the purposes of the ‘calculating leadership’ special rule for the duration of the battle.

0-1 Priests
Members of the Ecclesiarchy accompany many Imperial Guard regiments into battle. They ensure that the troops are sufficiently motivated to do their duty without fear, as well as fighting fanatically themselves.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Priest 4 2 3 3 2 4 3 8 5+
Unit Size: You may purchase 1-5 Priests
Points: 25 points each
Weapons: The priest comes with:
Close Combat weapon.

The Priest may upgrade his Close combat weapon to an Eviscerator at +20 points

Special rules

For the Emperor!
Priests are known for being fanatical and crazed servants of the Imperium, rousing the men to greater acts of savagery, even when conventional tactics would be wiser.

The priest and any unit he joins are subject to the ‘stubborn’ and ‘Preferred Enemy’ Universal Special rules.

If within 6” of the enemy and in LoS at the beginning of the Guardsmen shooting phase, the Priest and the unit forgoes shooting any Rapid fire or Heavy weapons and MUST attempt a charge that assault phase

The Emperor knows.
“No man you showed his back to the enemy has been accepted to the Emperors table! No man who fled is shown his light. Stand your ground, no matter the odds, and you will be eternally rewarded!” – Catolis the burning at the victory of the Hellish gates.

When a priest joins an Imperial Guard unit they do not count negative morale modifiers for being outnumbered in close combat.

0-1 Sanctioned Psykers
These sombre and solitary individuals are able to use their psychic powers to enhance the troopers around them. Their powers are known for being wild and destructive and many guardsmen have cause to be nervous in the presence of a psyker.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Psyker 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 8 -

Unit Size: You may purchase 1-5 Sanctioned psykers
Points: 40 points each
Weapons: The Sanctioned psyker comes with:
Close Combat Weapon
He also has the following Psychic powers:

Mind Block
Above all, the Sanctioned psyker is permitted to live inside the Imperium for protection from enemy sorcery.

This is a passive ability which always works and does not require a psychic test. Any enemy Psychic powers cast against any Imperial guard unit are stopped on a roll of a 6+, for each sanctioned Psyker in the army, the roll goes down by one (5+, then 4+, etc to the maximum of 3+) whenever this is used, roll a dice for each psyker in the army, on a 1 they must take an Invulnerable save or lose a wound.

Pyrokinetic enhance

Most Sanctioned Psykers have the ability to make nearby weapons fire at much greater energy and power, although done improperly; the results can be devastating for the men holding them.

Used at the beginning of the Imperial Guard players shooting phase and counts as a shooting attack. If a psychic test is successfully passed then all ranged weapons in the psykers squadron begin to fire superheated and powered ammunition. For every roll of a 6 on the ‘to wound’ roll, the shot becomes Ap1.

If the psyker fails to pass the psychic test, the feedback causes a S1 hit on every model in the unit with no armour saves allowed and they may not shoot this shooting phase. The Psyker may use his invulnerable save against this attack.

Lightning arc
A favoured ability of Imperial Psykers is to launch lightning bolts from their hands, although as most can imagine, this is almost as risky to themselves as it is for their foe.

Requires a successful psychic test to use. The psyker gains a ranged attack for that turn with the following stats. Range: 18” S6 Ap3 Assault 5

For each roll of a 1 to hit, the psyker must take an invulnerable save or lose a wound.

Special rules

Know the darkness
Sanctioned Psykers have learned to live with their abilities and are also augumented with special technology which allows the psyker some protection against their own wild power

The Sanctioned Psyker has a 4+ invulnerable save against all the negative effects of his own abilites, not against enemy (or friendly) attacks

0-1 Medics

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld
Medic 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
Unit Size: You may purchase 1-5 Medics
Points: 30 points each
Weapons: The Medic comes with:
Scalpels (count as Close Combat weapon)

Special Rules


Protect the Emperors Children
The Medic is the dispenser of wellbeing and health within the Imperial Guard. He gives surgery to those who need it and pass around medicae approved drugs to aid in battle readiness and ability.

The Medic and the squad he is with gains the 'Feel No Pain' Special Ability, but it only works on a 5+ rather than a 4+.

Hardened Veteran Squad
Every Imperial regiment includes some truly hardened individuals. They know every aspect of every war. They are allowed some free reign by many Officers as the expertise they know can only be taught in the field and the lessons are harsh, the penalties harsher.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran 4 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+
Officer 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Unit size- 5-10
Points- 9
Weapons: Each Veteran comes with:
Close Combat Weapon
Frag grenades

Up to 3 veterans may take from the following weapons:
Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun- 15 points
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5
Stubber- 10

A single veteran may take from the following heavy weapons (they do not lose any of their original weapons):
Heavy Bolter- 10
Autocannon- 15
Missile Launcher- 20
Lascannon- 30
Demo Charge- 20

Any number of Veterans may exchange their lasguns for Shotguns at +1 point each

A single Veteran may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant for +10 points

The Veteran Sergeant may upgrade his Close Combat weapon to:
Power weapon- 5
Power fist- 10

The Veteran sergeant may replace his laspistol for a plasma pistol at +15 points.

The unit may take a Chimera

A single Veteran may take a vox caster at +5 points

The Veteran Sergeant may take an Honorifica Imperialis at +20 points. If he does so his Stats will be the same as the Heroic Senior Officer, he will gain the ‘Officer’ Special Rule and his Hardened Veteran squadron will count as an HQ choice.

If he does this up to 2 Hardened Veteran squadrons may be taken as Troops choices.

Special Rules

Stormtrooper Squadron
Stormtroopers are trained by the Schola Progenium to perform the scalpel work sometimes needed by the Imperial Guard. They are given the best armour, the best weapons and the best training known to His Majesties Imperial Guard and their pampered existence gained them the nicknames ‘Glory boys’ and ‘Toy soldiers’.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Stormtrooper 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Sergeant 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+
Unit Size: 5-10
Points- 13
Weapons: Each Stormtrooper comes with:
Frag and Krak grenades
Carapace armour

Up to 2 Stormtroopers can replace their Hellguns with a
special weapon from the following list:
Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun- 15 points
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5
Stubber- 10
Heavy Flamer- 15

May take a Chimera

May take a vox caster at +5 points

A Single Stormtrooper must be designated as a sergeant at +20 points
He is armed with a Hellpistol (same as a Hellgun in all ways) and a CCW.

He may upgrade the CCW to be a power weapon at +5 points.

He may upgrade his Hellpistol to:
Bolt Pistol- 0
Bolter- 0
Plasma Pistol- 15

The Sergeant may take an Honorifica Imperialis at +20 points. If he does so his Stats will be the same as the Heroic Senior Officer, he will gain the ‘Officer’ Special Rule and his Stormtrooper squadron will count as an HQ choice.

If he does this up to 2 Storm trooper squadrons may be taken as Troops choices.

Special Rules

Deep Strike.

The Hellgun is a frightening weapon, putting out volumes of high powered shots and its characteristic roar while firing will make even the stoutest of enemies hide in fear.

Hellguns cause Pinning.

Mission Accomplished
Stormtroopers are known for being some of the most tenacious soldiers when attempting to gain an objective.

Stormtroopers ALWAYS count as a scoring unit as long as the sergeant survives. Even if taken below half strength and even if the mission rules forbid it.

Ogryn Mob
“Hur hur hur hur…smash”

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Ogryn 4 2 4(6) 4 3 3 2 8 4+
Bone ‘ead 4 2 4(6) 4 3 3 3 8 4+
Unit size- 3-10
Points- 20
Weapons- Ripper gun
A single Ogryn may be upgraded to a Bone Ead for +10 points.
The bone ‘ead can take a Powerfist for +20 points

If the unit has a Bone ‘Ead, or if they have a Commissar attached to them, and have less than 12 troop capacity (Ogryns count as 2, Advisors as 1) then they purchase a Chimera.

Special Rules-

Ogryns have learnt to use their size and strength against their opponents, taking the enemy charge and wrestling them to the ground.

Ogryns have access to the ‘Counter Attack’ Universal Special rule. Also, when charged, Ogryns still gain their charging bonuses.

Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:31 pm


Infantry Platoon

“Many Generals have been blinded by the power of the tank; have gloated on the artillery barrage, and dream of the Aerial strike, or the Orbital bombardment. Those Generals have all collapsed and lie in the sands of time, beaten.

They forgot what it is to be a General of an army.

Remember the Infantry.”
- The High Lord Militant, blessed is his name.

Units: An Infantry platoon consists of a Command squad and from 2 to 5 Infantry squads

Each PLATOON counts as a single Troops choice on the Force Organisation chart when deploying, and is rolled for collectively when rolling for reserves. Otherwise they function as independent units.

The platoon may also purchase a single Support squad from the following list. If the Infantry platoon contains 4 or 5 Infantry squads then it may purchase 2 Support squads:

Fire support Squad
Mortar squad
Sniper Squad
Command Squad

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Junior Officer 4 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Veteran 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 7 5+
Unit size: The Command squad consists of 1 Junior Officer and 4 Veterans.
Points: 45

Weapons: The Junior Officer is armed with:
Close Combat Weapon
frag and Krak Grenades

The Veterans are armed with:
frag and krak grenades

The Junior officer may replace his laspistol for a Bolt Pistol at +1 point and a Plasma pistol for +15 points

The Junior Officer may replace his Close Combat Weapon with a Power weapon at +5 points and a Powerfist at +10 points.

The Junior Officer may also take a meltabomb for +5 points.

The Veterans may take up to 4 of the following weapons:

Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun- 15 points
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5 points
Stubber- 10

The Command squad may purchase up to 2 of the following upgrades, which affects both the squad and the Officer. Any upgrades purchased here may be taken by any Infantry or support squad purchased from the command squad within the platoon for the same points cost.

- Heavy Infantry for +10 points
- Grave Chutes- +20 points
- Sharpshooters- +10 points
- Light Infantry- +15 points
- Cameleoline- +15 points

A single Veteran may be given a Platoon Standard for +15 points.
A veteran may be upgraded to have a Vox for +5 points.

May take a Chimera

Infantry Squad
The Imperial Platoon is made up of a number of Infantry squads. Lightly armed and armoured, they depend on their numbers, their manoeuvrability and the overall strategy to help them carry the fight. A lasgun in the right place will beat one hundred rifles in a line.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit size- 10 guardsmen
Points: 60
Wields: lasgun and Frag Grenades

up to two guardsmen may replace their lasgun with one of the following special weapons:
Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun- 15
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5
Stubber- 10

May take a Chimera

one guardsmen may take a Vox at +5 points

If there are five infantry squads in any single platoon, one may be upgraded to veterans at +20 points. This gives them +1 BS.

Armoured Fist Squadron

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Guardsmen 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Unit Size- 10 guardsmen and a single Chimera
Points- 80+chimera
Weapons- Lasgun, Frag and Krak Grenades
The Armoured Fist squad MUST take a Chimera (see: Motor Pool for details)
May take a pair of special weapons:
Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun- 15 points
Meltagun- 10
Flamer- 5 points
Stubber- 10

May take a Single Heavy Flamer at +20 points

May take a vox at +5 points.

May take a single Demo Charge at +20 points

May purchase any of the following upgrades for the unit:
- Heavy Infantry for +15 points
- Sharpshooters- +10 points
- Stealth- +15 points

If the HQ command squad is mounted in a Chimera, Armoured
Fist Squadrons can be taken as Fast Attack choices as well as

Special Rules

Artillery strike
Armoured Fist Squads are known for being some of the most daring individuals as they rush forward to unleash some of the most potent weapons in the Imperial Guard arsenal. Their Chimera is usually heavily modified, including powerful coordination and vox equipment to accurately direct nearby artillery.

Any Griffon Mortars, Heavy Mortars or Earthshaker rounds fired within 12” of the Armoured Fists Chimera will roll a D3 to scatter instead of a D6.

Conscript Mob-

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Conscript 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 5+
Unit size: 20-50 Conscripts
Points- 3
Wields: Lasguns

Special Rules

Conscripts are pressed into service usually only in times of dire need, or when numbers is a greater need over training.

Conscripts may not be taken as one of the two compulsory troops choices. These must be filled before they can be taken.

Rough Riders
Many primitive cultures retain the use of mounted infantry, and the Imperial Guard has assimilated their skills and many have praised the Rough Riders’ brand of fast moving support. Although their charge is already deadly, the Hunting Lance is what makes many of these squadrons so feared and respected.

Name Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
Rider 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Horsemaster 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Unit Size- 5-10
Points: 10
Weapons- Laspistol and Close Combat Weapon
May take Hunting lances at +3 points each

May take Carapace armour at +2 points each

May take 2 from the following options:
Grenade Launcher- 10
Plasma gun -15
Meltagun- 10
Flamer-5 points
Stubber- 10

May take a vox at +5 points

A single Rider may be upgraded to a horsemaster at + 10 points

The Horsemaster may upgrade his close combat weapon to a power weapon at +5 points.

The Horsemaster may take an Honorifica Imperialis at +20 points. If he does so his Stats will be the same as a Heroic Senior Officer, he will gain the ‘Officer’ Special Rule and his Rough Rider squadron will count as an HQ choice.

If he does this up to 2 Rough Rider squadrons may be taken as Troops choices.

Special Rules


Furious Charge

A Hellhound is a Flamer tank based on the Chimera hull that uses its inferno cannon to burn enemy troops to a cinder. The Prometheum tanks it carries fuels its hellish spray and it’s thicker than average armour reverberates with the laughter of its pyromaniacal crew.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Hellhound 3 12 12 10
Weapons: Inferno cannon and Heavy bolter
Points: 110
Comes with Searchlight and Smoke launchers

May take any number of the following Vehicle upgrades:
Extra armour- 15
Track Guards- 15
Reinforced weapons mounts- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Rough Terrain Mechanism- 5
Pintle stubber- 10

Special Rules
The Massive Fuel tanks which give the Hellhound its deadly payload are a double edged sword to any nearby guardsmen if they are penetrated.

If the Hellhound is destroyed it automatically explodes 6” using the normal rules for vehicle explosions.

The Inferno cannon is known and feared as one of the terror weapons of the guard. The enemies of the Emperor quail in fear as the long snaking tendrils of flame immolate all that they touch, no matter where they hide.

When firing the Inferno cannon, take the flame template and place it in any position and at any angle so the template is wholly within 24” of the Cannons mounting. Apart from this, the Inferno cannon is treated as a normal template weapon.
Sentinels are ideal scouting vehicles, and their pilots are often forced to use their own initiative and judgement, qualities not always fostered in Imperial soldiers. Many of these pilots are highly individualistic and have a reputation as insubordinate mavericks. When not pressed into service as scouts, they are often used to harry the flanks of enemy formations or act as mobile anti armour squadrons.

Name Ws Bs S I Front Side Rear
Sentinel 3 3 5 3 10 10 10
Unit size- 1-3
Walker, Open Topped
Equipment: Searchlight and rough terrain Mechanism
Points: 25
MUST take one of the following weapons:
Heavy bolter- 5
Heavy Flamer- 5
Multilaser- 10
Autocannon- 15
Missile launcher- 25
Lascannon- 35
2x heavy bolters- 15
2x Autocannons- 25

May take any number of the following Vehicle upgrades:
Extra armour- 15
Reinforced weapons mount- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Improved Comms- 10
Armoured Crew Compartment- 5

The Sentinel squad may purchase the ‘Independent formation’ special rule at 10 points per Sentinel

Special rules:

Independent Formation
Sentinel Pilots are known for being lone wolves as they work outside of normal platoon organisation. Also, they are used to operating away from the bulk of the Imperial guard advance using their powerful short ranged Vox equipment.

When deploying, Sentinels with the Independent Formation ability may choose to deploy like a normal Vehicle unit, or as an independent squad where each sentinel is deployed and acts like a separate unit for the duration of the battle.

Salamander Scout Squadron
Salamander Scout vehicles are used when terrain is favourable, but speed is needed. Built on the Chimera chassis, the salamander scout balances out its armour and adds a powerful engine which allows it to quickly flank an enemy force.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Salamander 3 11 11 10
Tank, Agile, Open Topped
Weapons: Autocannon and heavy Bolter
Points: 40
Unit: 1-5 Salamander scout vehicles.
Comes with Searchlight

One salamander can be designated as the unit commander at +10 points. The Salamander gains Improved comms and replaces the Autocannon with a heavy flamer.

Assault Tank
The Leman Russ chassis is one of the most dependable and durable tank shape known to the Imperium. Due to this, and the age of the Leman Russ’s form, there are many variants on its weapon mount. Some Emphasise standing power and shell calibre, other its Armour. The Assault tanks use the Leman Russes engine for speed and manoeuvrability. It grinds ahead, uncaring of enemy fire, firing salvos of small weapons into the enemy and supporting the Imperial Guard advance.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Leman Russ 3 14 12 10
Points- 115
The Assault tank uses the standard profile of the Leman Russ tank and its options (see Motor Pool for details) except for turret mount, which is detailed below.

The Leman Russ Assault Tank MUST take one of the following turret weapons:
Conqueror Cannon- 20
The Leman Russ Conqueror mounts a lighter calibre, shorter ranged shell in its turret which allows it to remain firing while still moving at high speeds.
The Conqueror may move 12” and still fire the conqueror cannon and any weapons which are S5 or
The Conqueror cannon mounts a coaxial Storm Bolter.

Annihilator Cannons- 25
The Leman Russ Annihilator mounts a pair of twin linked Lascannons in its turret. It is a powerful anti tank vehicle which can use its Lascannons on the move for mobile anti armour support, or remain still and destroy almost any enemy armour with its multiple anti armour capabilities.

Exterminator Cannons: 15
The Leman Russ Exterminator mounts a pair of twin linked autocannons in the turret. The Exterminator excels in the battlefield as mobile anti infantry support, able to keep on moving at Infantry speeds while laying down withering hails of firepower against enemy infantry and light vehicles.

Executioner Cannon: 20
The Leman Russ Executioner is a rare variant on the Leman Russ Chassis as it mounts an advanced Plasma Destroyer in its turret mount. The Plasma Destroyer is a potent anti Heavy Infantry weapon which provides a useful support for advancing infantry.

Special Rules

Infantry Support
Assault tanks are used as mobile infantry support because their lighter weapons allow them to maintain a constant speed while firing.

You may only purchase a single assault tank for each Infantry platoon that is present within the army.

All other normal restrictions apply (such as Force Organisation Chart restrictions)
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:31 pm


Battle Tank
While heavier and slower than the assault variants, the Leman Russ battle variants can mount incredibly powerful weaponry which make them the bane of enemy troops and vehicles in equal measure.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Leman Russ 3 14 12 10
Points- 115
The Battle tank uses the standard profile of the Leman Russ tank and its options (see Motor Pool for details) except for turret mount, which is detailed below.

The Leman Russ MUST take one of the following turret weapons:
Battle cannon- 25
The Battle Cannon is a powerful long ranged Artillery weapon able to decimate squads of infantry with each shot. Although due to its massive recoil it is difficult to aim properly.

Vanquisher cannon- 35
The Vanquisher cannon is a Variant of the battle cannon. While still retaining its normal abilities it may also fire powerful Anti Tank or ‘Augur’ Shells. These shells have a much slighter recoil and the vanquisher mounts a powerful radar and targeting system, able to pinpoint weaknesses in enemy armour

The Vanquisher comes with a coaxial storm bolter.

Demolisher cannon- 45
The city fighter’s friend, the Leman Russ Demolisher mounts one of the most powerful of the standard tank armaments, the Demolisher cannon. It is a short ranged blast weapon capable of penetrating even the thickest armour and pounding the infantry inside to jelly.

Special Rules-

Griffon Mobile Artillery
The Griffon is an Artillery variant on the Chimera chassis. Although the shell is lighter in calibre and shorter in range compared to the Earthshaker, the Griffon heavy mortar has Griffon shells which give
it a considerable edge to other Artillery. Not many foes will hold while liquid fire rains down and shrapnel shrieks in all directions.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Griffon 3 12 11 10
Tank, Open Topped
Weapons- Hull heavy bolter and Griffon Heavy mortar
Points- 95

May take any number of the following Vehicle upgrades:
Extra armour- 15
Track Guards- 15
Reinforced weapons mounts- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Rough Terrain Mechanism- 5
Pintle Heavy stubber- 10
Improved Comms- 10

Special rules-

Griffon Mortar
The Griffon Heavy Mortar is a marvel of Adeptus mechanicus engineering. It fires a lethal shell which packs a mixture of shrapnel, explosive and incendiary liquid. Upon Impact the Griffon unleashes a maelstrom of heated metal and liquid fire which is totally unescapable

The Griffon Heavy Mortar ignores cover saves of all kinds.

Basilisk Heavy Artillery
The Basilisk is the Imperial Guards principal artillery piece. Its range and power are unmatched by
any enemy cannon and the devastating psychological effect a salvo of earthshaker shells creates can open holes in an enemy line, allowing an Imperial Guard breakthrough.

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Basilisk 3 12 11 10
Tank, Open Topped.
Weapons- Hull heavy bolter and Earthshaker cannon
Points- 130

May take any number of the following Vehicle
Extra armour- 15
Track Guards- 15
Reinforced weapons mounts- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Rough Terrain Mechanism- 5
Pintle Heavy stubber- 10
Improved Comms- 10
armoured Crew Compartment


Chimera Armoured Transport

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Chimera 3 12 11 10
Weapons: Hull heavy bolter and 6 side mounted lasguns
Points- 50
Comes with Searchlight and Smoke launchers
Fire Points: The Chimera has 2 fire points in its Roof and its passenger door.
Transport Capacity- 12 Models (Ogryns count as 2 models)
Options: The Chimera may take a turret mount with one of the following weapons:
Autocannon- 10
Heavy bolter- 5
Twin linked Heavy bolter- 10
Heavy flamer- 5

Alternatively the Chimera may mount a Chimerax quad autocannon in its turret. This costs 25 points and may only be taken if the Chimera is a dedicated transport for an HQ Command Squad or Infantry Command squad.

May take any number of the following Vehicle upgrades:
Extra armour- 15
Track Guards- 15
Reinforced weapons mounts- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Rough Terrain Mechanism- 5
Pintle stubber- 10
Improved comms- 10

Special Rules

The Chimera may ignore any and all water features and drive through them normally.

Leman Russ

Name Bs Front Side Rear
Leman Russ 3 14 12 10
Points- 115
Comes with Searchlight and Smoke launchers

The Leman Russ’s turret weapon is dependant on whether it is purchased as an Assault tank or a Battle tank. Check the Fast Attack and Heavy support section for details

The Leman Russ MUST take on of the following Hull weapons:
Heavy bolter- 10
lascannon- 20

The Leman russ may take one of the following Sponsons:
Pair of heavy bolters- 15
Pair of heavy flamers- 10
Pair of plasma cannons- 20
Pair of multi meltas- 25

May take any number of the following Vehicle upgrades:
Extra armour- 15
Track Guards- 15
Reinforced weapons mount- 15
Hunter Killer Missile- 10
Rough Terrain Mechanism- 5
Pintle stubber- 10
Improved Comms- 10

Special Rules-

The Leman Russ has a hardened frame which makes it a stable firing platform. It can take the greatest of weapons recoil while the guardsmen inside can function at almost full effectiveness.

If the Leman Russ remains stationary it may fire a Primary or Ordinance weapon and any weapon with a S5 or less at the same time and at the same target.

If the Leman Russ moves 6” it may fire a single Primary weapon (not Ordinance) and any weapons which are S5 or less.


Name Range St Ap Type Notes
Autocannon 48 7 4 Heavy 2
Annihilator lascannons 48 9 2 Heavy 1 Twin linked
Battle cannon 72 8 3 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large blast
Bolt Pistol 12 4 5 Pistol
Bolter 24 4 5 Rapid Fire
Conqueror cannon 36 7 4 Heavy 1 Small blast, Fast Vehicle
Demolisher cannon 24 10 1 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large Blast
Demo Charge 6 8 2 Assault 1 Large Blast
Earthshaker Cannon (direct) 120 9 3 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large Blast
Earthshaker Cannon (indirect) 240 9 3 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large Blast
Exterminator Autocannons 48 7 2 Heavy 2 Twin Linked
Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1
Grenade Launcher (frag) 24 4 6 Assault 1 Small Blast
Grenade Launcher (krak) 24 6 3 Assault 1
Griffon Mortar 8-48 6 4 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large Blast, Ignores cover
Heavy bolter 36 5 4 Heavy 3
Heavy Flamer Template 5 4 Assault 1
Heavy Mortar G48 6 4 Heavy 1 Ordinance, Large Blast
Heavy Stubber 18 4 6 Heavy 3 Slow and Purposeful
Hellpistol 18 3 5 Assault 3 Pinning
Hellgun 18 3 5 Assault 3 Pinning
Inferno Cannon 24 6 4 Heavy 1 Inferno!
Laspistol 12 3 - Pistol
Lasgun 24 3 - Rapid Fire Lasgun (page 5)
Lascannon 48 9 2 Heavy 1
Meltagun 12 8 1 Assault 1 Melta
Multimelta 24 8 1 Heavy 1 Melta
Missile launcher (frag) 48 4 6 Heavy 1 Small Blast
Missile launcher (Krak) 48 8 3 Heavy 1
Mortar G48 4 6 Heavy 1 Small Blast
Plasma Pistol 12 7 2 Pistol
Plasma Gun 24 7 2 Rapid Fire
Plasma Cannon 36 7 2 Heavy 1 Small Blast
Plasma Destroyer 56 7 2 Heavy 1 Small Blast
Quad Linked Autocannon 48 7 4 Heavy 4 Twin linked
Ripper Gun 12 5 6 Assault 2 Ogryn Proof
Shotgun 12 4 6 Assault 2
Sniper Rifle 36 X 6 Heavy 1 Sniper
Stubber 18 4 6 Heavy 3 Slow and Purposeful
Thudd Gun G48 5 5 Heavy 4 Small Blast
Vanquisher AT round 72 8 3 Heavy 1 2D6 against arm
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
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Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Ovich Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:47 pm

Rapid firing with 3 shots is nasty... even if it is only strength 3 ap- .

Example. 20 man squad of Guard open up on Marine unit.

60 shots. 30 hit 10 wound. 3 guys die.

and thats only1 squad with no heavy weapons . and if they're shooting at Tau or eldar or Orks or Nids,, the effect is even greater.
Lord of Chaos

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Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Valhalla114 Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:46 pm

Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 465
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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by scurrdi Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:43 am




Whats terrifying to me is that I think this is even close to being true then GW has obviously outdone themselves. I don't see this army being at all overpowering, but the options available and everything are just too AWESOME!!!

Hehehehehe indeed Alfred, indeed...

Any word on release date??

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by NurgleNick Tue Sep 09, 2008 12:43 pm

Never. April Fools!
Dark Apostle

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Warlord Solskritt Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:20 pm

ZOMG! Rough Rider army!!!I'll be able to take up to six squadrons of 'em.1 as HQ,2 as troops,and 3 as fast attack!!! Muahahahahah!!! Obsolete cavalry for the win!
Warlord Solskritt
Warlord Solskritt
Imperial Guard Commissar

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by ImAShakiraholic Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:27 pm

they are bringing the Griffon and annihilator back!
Chaos God

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Valhalla114 Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:56 pm

Annihilator is new. The Griffon, Vanquisher and the Exterminator are the old ones. So many new variants though Im thoroughly pleased.
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 465
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Registration date : 2008-02-29

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by scurrdi Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:58 pm

Oh no JC, you can take many more then that.

See, you could make 2 squadrons of Rough Riders and give both sergeants Honorifica, make them HQs, and giving you 4 slots for Troops, plus 3 more for fast attack...

The cossacks will ride!!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Dr. Love Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:02 am

This almost makes me want to start collecting an Imperial Guard army.
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by luis the young Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:23 am

Dr. Love wrote:This almost makes me want to start collecting an Imperial Guard army.

I may start to look for one one....i got this new Nid army ..
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty re:

Post by hunter_D Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:54 am

Would the new IG codex be their 5th edition?

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty Re: New IG rumor in three sections...its huge

Post by Valhalla114 Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:56 am

Well their was a real old Imperial Army codex, then the one with the old school Cadians on it, the one with the Catachans on it, the most recent and now a fifth so as to my estimations yes this should be the 5th codex.
Dark Apostle

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New IG rumor in three sections...its huge Empty re:

Post by hunter_D Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:15 am

ok thanks

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