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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by luis the young Wed Mar 18, 2009 3:40 pm

After our dinosaur showdown Matt and I had nother game with our O&G armies, man that game was fun and very typical for O&G ! Hope you enjoy !

Night Goblin Horde ( the good guys ) Luis
Goblin warbos(valdrog raft'smasha)-martogs best basha, armor of gork, 5+ ward. a gobbo with strg 5, T5, I5, WS6
Grub-NG big boss- BSB, Rowdy grotts big raggedy banner
Brug (grubs brother) - shaman lvl 2, staff of sneaky stealing
Dribbles- Goblin shaman- lvl 2, wolf chariot, 2x dispell scrolls
Red Tip spear tribe (NG) - 35 ngs, 2 fanatics, full cmnd, spears, netters
Missing Tooth tribe (NG) - 35 ngs, 2 fanatics, full cmnd, spears, netters
Happy Face tribe (NG) - 35 ngs, 2 fanatics, full cmnd, hand wepon shield, netters
Yellow Tonge tribe (NG) - 20 ngs, short bows, musc, 1 fanatic
White robes tribe (NG) - 20 Ngs, short bows, musc, 1 fanatic
Dregs speedy boys (wolf riders)- 5 riders, spears, musc
Rotgub speedier boys( wolf riders) - 5 riders, spears, musc
Snotlings - 2 bases
Snotlings - 20 bases
Grobblers crew (rock lobba)
Morglors crew (rock lobba)
Smasher ( gob chariot )
Crusher ( gob chariot )
El Gigante ( giant )
Valdrogs bodyguard ( trolls ) - 2 trolls

Orc horde ( the bad guys ) Matt
Lvl 4 orc shaman on wyvern - 5+ ward
Black orc big boss ( general ) - boar, akrit axe
Goblin shaman- chariot
Black orc BSB - mork spirit totem
2x savage orc boarboys- 5 boys per unit
2x Goblin wolf riders -5 per unit
4 spear chukkas
Orc big'uns - 25 ?
Orcs- 20-25

"Valdrog Raft'smasha looked over at the big mob of orc boys gathering to face his own boys, he thought to himself that they looked big but not as smart as his NG boys. The big flying lizard and the many spearchukkas kinda worried him, but he had lots of boys and there were always more to replace those lost, as long as his very valuable hide was safe he could always rebuild the waagh. Kicking one of the snotlings out of the way he set off to get his boys ready for action."

Deployment went:
I had a nice hill to the middle so the rock lobbas went there, on my fart right i placed 1 unit of wolfboys.
on the hill in front of the cats i placed i unit og 35 NGs, unit of snotlings to the left, then nother unit of 35 NGs, trolls on the righ and unit of 35 NGs, to the right placed unit of Snotlings and unit of 20 NGs, both chariots and nother unit of 20 NGs. Shaman on chariot went to the far left with unit of wolf boys and giant. Valdrog joins unit in the middler ( red spears ), Grub bsb joins unit on his left ( missing tooth) and Brug lvl NG shaman joins the other big unit ( happy face ) on the right.
Matt deployed, 2 boarboys to his left and unit of wolfboys, 2 spear chukkas and doomdiver on a hill on his side, other unit of wolfboys went on his far right with Shaman on wyvern. unit of NGs in the middle flanked by the BSB unit to the left and General unit to the right. 2 more spearchukkas to the left of the BSB unit and Giant to the right of the General unit.

Animosity strike the NG unit
Left wolfboys march foward max speed and trigger one of my fanatics from small unit of NGs, the fanatic only kills 1. boar boys march foward trying to stay out of range of my chariots. evrything on the middle moves foward max speed. Wolfboys on the right march foward but not close enough to trigger fanatics, wyvern moves right behind them.
MAGIC -- his orc shaman kills 3 wolfboys on my left, they pass panic. nothing else happens
SHOOTING - one chukka does 2 wounds to El Gigante ( his sombrero has one sticking from the top ), Doomdiver overshoots the table by like 8 inches Smile
Amimosity strikes the unit on the right that released the fanatic and the BSB unit..of course
CHARGE !! the 2 wolfboys charge his wolfboys, shaman chariot charges his wolfboys, snotlings on the right charge the 4 wolfboys and so does one of the chariots. Both wolfboy units flee the left one flees through the wyvern but not far enough, my 2 wolfboys redirect into the wyvern after passing terror test !! shaman chariot falls short Sad . The wolfboys on the right flee through the fanatic and they all die, my snotlings and chariot fail charge.
Mork wants ya on BSB dispelled, evrything else dispelled.
this is where it gets good !!! One rock lobba aims at the chariot, other one aims at the Giant. Chariot shot lands right on it !, Giant shot scatters to the side 10 inches..AND LANDS ON THE HEAD OF THE SHAMAN ON THE WYVERN !! Shaman and Chariot die ! I wound the Orc shaman and he fails his 5+ ward ! DEAD shaman !!! wound the Wyvern but only 3 wounds on it ( grrrr ) Wyvern passes monster reaction and gets frenzy and hatred.. GREAT Evil or Very Mad
Wolfboys fail to to anything to the Wyvern, wyvern eats them.
Man what a turn !!! killed all of Matts magic in one round of shooting... WITH ROCK LOBBERS !!! Sniperpults FTW !

Matt still cant believe that i took out his shaman on a fluke, he gets ready for business.
He calls the WAAAAAAGH. and promptly looses one unit of savage boar boys, all 5 dead. he moves 6 with his General and charges the snotlings in front on him and sets off fanatics from my Warboss unit, he looses a few orcs. fails with the NG again !
Frenzied Wyvern charges El Gigante, Giant Charges El Gigante and sets off the 2 fanatics in the BSB unit who fail to do much, BSB unit waaaghs..1 inch.
MAGIC--- crickets chirp chirp chirp
SHOOTING - Doomdiver kills some gobbos on the large unit to the right. Spear chukka kills the failed charge chariot, some Gobbos from my generals unit get speared.
Wyvern does 3 wounds to El Gigante, the other Giant does Thump with club, El Gigante is blinded by his sombrero and fails his ini roll and takes 11 wounds Sad down goes El Gigante !! he falls on the Wyvern and giant and gives him 2 wounds. Wyvern and Giant overrun close to my Shaman on chariot. Wyvern is now wearing El Gigantes' sombrero Sad. Snotlings are raped, he overruns into my Warboss unit.
OK..terror tests !!!!! Shaman on chariot legs it ( cowardly git ! ) BSB and his full unit of 35 NGs fails terror also, and flees..through both Lobbers and off the table !!! one rock lobber fails panic and runs off too !! Gotta love Goblins !!! my whole left flank is now gone
Animosity strikes small unit of NGs with no fanatic.
Wolfboys move to the edge of a forest on their side, chariot angles close to support them and the other small unit of NGs move to try to encircle the remaining boarboys. Trolls are stupid so i cant charge his warboss unit on the side Sad . Snotlings left move to block the BSB unit.
Mork wants ya fails to go off
Lobber takes a shot at giant and scatters way the hell off.
-- I issue a challenge and his champ kills mine, his orcs kill like 3 gobbos, and his Warboss cant do a thing to my Warboss, mine kills a couple of Orcs, my gobbos kill 1 i think. He passes his LD test with the BSB rerroll.

S.Boarboys charge the wolfboys, fanatic from small unit of NGs goes off and lands right in front of wolfboys, S.boarboys take 2d6 hits and loose 3 guys. Warboss charges the snotling blocking him and sets off fanatics from my Warboss unit, 2 fanatics hit him and kill a few orcs. BSB Charges Trolls and sets off 2 fanatics from Shaman unit, few more dead orcs, he passes panic. Frenzy Wyvern charges rock lobber, giant is at a bad angle.
MAGIC --- hahahahaha
Nothing hits, i think Doomdiver kills a couple of gobbos on the Shaman unit
His boarboys destroy my wolfboys, chariot panics and runs, boarboys overrun off the board.
His warboss challenges mine, i accept and we hit each other with rubber wounds. Gobbos strike back and kill 1 orc, orcs fail to do anythinng. He looses combat but passes LD again.
Wyvern eats the lobber crew, the lobber and a mole that was sleeping under the lobber.
Trolls are raped, i failed evry single save there was !
Snotlings bravely charge the Warboss unit on the flank ! rusty nails and pieces of wood waving !
Shaman unit is to far to charge BSB unit.
Fail to cast mork wants ya again !
SHOOTING ........
Both warbosses keep on swinging at each other with rubber swords, orcs kill ONE gobbo, gobbos kill 2 orcs, snotlings flail at the Orcs and do nothing Sad . He looses and rolls ..FAIL !! rerroll.. FAILS AGAIN !!!! Warboss unit breaks !!! and ..... THE SNOTLINGS CHACE THEM DOWN !!! hundreds of angry little green men swarming over the Orcs and the General on his Pig !! HAHAHAHAAHAHAH lol! lol!

Game ends cause we ran out of time ! We never did count VPs, but i think i won that one, i had 1 quarter, general dead, lvl 4 shaman dead, big'uns dead, wyvern almost dead, got a banner. not sure, it may have been close ! The game was fun as hell, it shows you the goofiness that an O&G army, any other army that loose lvl 4 mage and his other mage by turn 1 is in deep trouble, instead i balanced it when half my army ran off the board Smile rofl. good times man, good times.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by Diosamblet Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:31 pm

luis the young wrote: The game was fun as hell, it shows you the goofiness that an O&G army, any other army that loose lvl 4 mage and his other mage by turn 1 is in deep trouble, instead i balanced it when half my army ran off the board Smile rofl. good times man, good times.

So true! Loosing half the orcs in both of my main blocks hurt a lot more than both my mages, actually. It crippled my CC advantage vs. your little gits. Running down my general with snotlings (after a good thumpin' at the hands of a bunch of gobbos) is only the second worse humiliation my orcs have suffered against you Luis! (the first is having my wyvern and shaman chased off the board by goblins...)

Number of posts : 672
Registration date : 2008-03-06

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by luis the young Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:47 pm

The Awsones that is Snotlings shines once again !!!! rofl

What i love is that after a beautyful first turn, half my army crumbled arround me in one round, lol. and my gobbos holding off your Orcs was just to much. We gotta fight that again and get a full 6 turns Smile
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by scurrdi Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:47 pm

Sounds/Reads like a fantastic battle! I demand photos!!!!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by Diosamblet Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:50 pm

Actually Dan, Luis DID take some pics with his iPhone. Hope he puts 'em up

Number of posts : 672
Registration date : 2008-03-06

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by scurrdi Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:54 pm



Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by luis the young Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:16 pm

Only took 2 pictures, both our armies facing each other. Sorry bout the crappy quality, gonna see if i take more pics next time.

Here are the Benevolent NG Forces, please admire El Gigante in his pimp sombrero
Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! IMG_0123

And here we have the Evil vile forces of the brutish Orcs
Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! IMG_0122
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by Diosamblet Thu Mar 19, 2009 8:46 am

well in the second one you can see my giant and wyvern. Luis' catapult guess was maybe half an inch over the giant, but then it just deviated 10" right onto the wyvern, killing the rider and wounding the big beastie 3 times.

Number of posts : 672
Registration date : 2008-03-06

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

Post by scurrdi Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:37 pm

Ha, I guess thats one way to knock out a big critter like that!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc ! Empty Re: Waaagh Goblin vs Waaaagh Orc !

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