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Learn to Love the Lash

Srgt. Master
acidchalk (erick)
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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Learn to Love the Lash

Post by ImAShakiraholic Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:59 pm

found this on another site, they really need a FAQ on this thing WTF

Quote:If you've seen the rumors (or got your hands on a copy of the Chaos Space Marine codex), then you've heard about Lash of Submission. And according to most of the forums out there, the sky is falling.

My prediction is that Lash of Submission will prove to be one of GW's most annoying and abusive powers. Since Siren has vanished, it is now the crowning jewel in the powergaming crown (right next to 3 Falcons). I predict that the "Lash Army" (Copyright 2007, Bell of Lost Souls) will replace the spot Big Bugs hold on the list of abusive tournament armies. Expect to see them on the top tables as early as Baltimore.

This article is going to discuss the finer details of using Lash of Submission and tomorrow's post is going to talk about how to minimize the effects of Lash when you face it.

Last of Submission is a new psychic powers available to Chaos Sorcerers and Daemon Princes dedicated to Slaanesh. It's a particularly nasty power allowing the psyker to choose any non-vehicle unit that he can see within 24". If he passes a Psychic test, he can move that unit 2D6". After the move, the unit must take a Pinning test.

Those of us with a history of using the Callidus' A Word in Your Ear ability can instantly see the utility in being able to use a similar power once or twice per turn for the entire game.

Here's a few that you can expect to see:
1. Conga Line: re-arrange your opponent's unit so that models with special weapons are in front. Line them up so that each model is 2" from the next in line (toughest up front and weakest in the back). Then use weapons with short ranges (e.g., rapid-firing weapons) to pick them off. Since you can only take casualties from those in range, it's pretty easy to kill characters (e.g., heavy weapons, power fist sergeants, standard bearers, apothecaries, commissars, etc.).

Dirty Trick #1: Sniping Independent Characters is very easy with Lash. Since you can use the power on any "non-vehicle enemy unit visible" Independent Characters lose their protection against targeting. That means you can tell that pesky Librarian or Farseer to walk in front of his lines. Once he's the closest model, the rest of your army can target him!

Dirty Trick #2: Nothing prevents you from using Lash on the same unit more than once. With an average of 14" (and a maximum of 24"), this is a great way to get a unit where you really want it.

2. Group Hug: Arrange your opponent's unit into a tight circle. This allows you to completely cover the entire unit with blast weapons. Combining this group hug with Defilers, Vindicators, Blastmasters and Plasma Cannons id devastating. This is going to make expensive units like Terminators, Bikes and Assault Marines a lot less common. This is a fantastic counter to new threats like Deathwing Assault and Death Company.

Dirty Trick #3: Push a heavy weapons unit more than 6" into area terrain. Since the Lash move ignores difficult terrain and can cause pinning, this can take out heavy weapon teams for several turns as they move back into position.

3. MY Objective: Lash will allow you to move an enemy unit out of scoring range. With two Lashes you can clear two objectives. And since according to GW's terrible FAQ "transported models are not physically on the table", they can't "do anything" including holding objectives (forcing Mech armies to disembark). This makes the Lash Army the most effective army in the game for managing mission objetives.

Dirty Trick #4: Move a unit that is falling back within 6" of one of your units so they can't regroup.

4. Dangerous Terrain, anyone?: Bikes and Jump Packs are both vulnerable to Dangerous Terrain. By moving them into dangerous terrain, you force them to test at the end of the move (followed by a pinning test). Bikes are forced to take an additional Dangerous Terrain check when they move out (Jump Packs don't have to make this check).

Dirty Trick #5: Move a unit of Bikes into Dangerous Terrain. Now use Lash a second time to move them into Dangerous Terrain again. That forces two DT checks. Now on the player's turn, they have to take a third Dangerous Terrain test to leave the terrain. Nasty.

Dirty Trick #6: Move enemy units out of the area of beneficial effect (or move the beneficial effect away from the units). Eliminate the effectiveness of a Resurrection Orb, Book of St Lucius, Regimental Standard, etc. This is a great way to keep Necrons from standing back up (at least until you can Lash his Lord).

5. Feed me Seymour: Move an enemy unit into assault range. Combining this with fast or infiltrating units, you can easily get first turn assaults. Take a tooled up close combat unit (infiltrating Chosen, Winged Daemon, nasty unit in a Landraider, etc.) and move the closest enemy unit 2D6" towards them (or 4D6" if you have two Lashes).

Dirty Trick #7: Since you can use Lash on ANY non-vehicle enemy unit visible, you can use the power to push models out of close combat. Since the units aren't engaged at the beginning of the Assault phase, you can shoot and assault them. This is a much nastier version of Hit & Run.

As you can see, Lash is a pretty amazing psychic power. The only real weakness is the relatively short range. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk about how to deal with Lash as an opponent. So check back! If you are using Lash (or have had it used against you), please post a comment!

This power makes the New Chaos dex WORK.
A) Makes 40pt Blast masters worth it.
B) Makes Defiler worth it even w/o indirect.
C) Buts the Vindicator in the picture.
D) Makes your 17pt Infiltrating, 1 attack CHOSEN, marine a little better.
E) Will allow good assault moves with daemons...

Yeah, the power is pretty messed up but hey now Slannesh is a great army!
Chaos God

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Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by acidchalk (erick) Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:42 pm

Yep had some of my necrons pulled out of rez orb and into the laps of some happy terminators......

acidchalk (erick)
Traitor Marine

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Srgt. Master Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:23 pm

same here, lost my heavy weapons teams to that lash moving them right under thier noses..
Srgt. Master
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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Leviticus Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:41 pm

wow this OP is ooooold.

Psychic defense is a must, grab it or go home.
Traitor Marine

Number of posts : 169
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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Vycem Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:17 pm

Leviticus wrote:
Psychic defense is a must, grab it or go home.

-Necron Lord, before he quietly went to weep android tears in a corner.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by ShadowMaster Sat Apr 17, 2010 2:48 am

Slaneesh Daemons can also do this, but only for d6" and you can't hit the same unit twice in 1 turn.

It seems interesting, and useful.
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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by NurgleNick Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:05 am

Dark Apostle

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Leviticus Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:40 pm

Yay, 4 more years till we all die in 2012!
Traitor Marine

Number of posts : 169
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Registration date : 2009-12-23

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Srgt. Master Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:35 pm

Leviticus wrote:

Psychic defense is a must, grab it or go home.


-Imperial Guardsman before dieing to a stray peanut.
Srgt. Master
Srgt. Master
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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Leviticus Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:52 am

"Shoulda been standing on this elevated grassy field"

-Imperial Guardsman who was standing in "cover."
Traitor Marine

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty the beatings will continue

Post by bromah Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:11 am

the lashings will continue till moral improves

for IMps and for Space marines take an Inquisitor lord and give him a psychic hood..that's 65 pts and an hq choice. but nice defence!

Number of posts : 66
Registration date : 2009-04-13

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Learn to Love the Lash Empty Re: Learn to Love the Lash

Post by Srgt. Master Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:04 pm

errr...right...they can do that... =,=

but that would mean giving up two (of the fun) orders and an Earthshaker each round!
Srgt. Master
Srgt. Master
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Armies : Adeptus Mechanichus/ Guard
Registration date : 2010-01-13

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