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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

luis the young
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:06 pm

Everyone, please see the newest 7th edition FAQs...


Dragon Armor is now all-powerful!!! Prepare to see many, many, many Dragon Princes units in High Elf lists...still getting through the other FAQs, but wanted to point that one out!!!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by luis the young Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:31 pm

wow.....WOW, who the fuck came up with that ruling for the Dragon Armor ? thats THE bigest pile of shit i have ever read "Hey look at me, im a weak high elf, but im wearing armor so thick that cannonbals and giant rocks bounce of it when they are set on fire" And the biggest shit is that High Elf dragons have Dragon armor, so, they are immune to the same shit. What a load of shit, THAT right there pretty much took my few chances of killing a high elf dragon, cause the only thing i have that can put a dent on it is the Screaming Skull Catapult, and since the SSC ammo is flaming/magical, then the high elf dragon is immune to it.

And wtf, they were all over the High elves, but left evryone else FAQs the same, including the VCs, lol.

ps: i wonder if they are going to have a rule where you can piss on top of a flaming ammo to put out the fire so you can have a chance of killing those guys.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:46 pm

As I go through the FAQs...several are the old ones you can still find on the GW site...but the High Elf one is definitely new. I'll update this post with additional information as I read through all the FAQs.

RE: Dragon Armor for the High Elves -- Thank the idiots on the Dire Wolf council for that one...Looks like GW is getting really lazy in their rules interpretations (even ignoring multiple previous FAQs). Don't know what to say, other then...get ready for some Dragon Prince cheese!!! geek jocolor king

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:48 pm

luis the young wrote:And the biggest shit is that High Elf dragons have Dragon armor, so, they are immune to the same shit.
High Elf Dragons are not wearing Dragon Armor...the rider might, but the Dragon is not (unless I am remembering the Army Book incorrectly -- will double check when I get home). So, you can kill the dragon who is T6 with your heavy rock that's on fire, but the weakling T3 Elf wearing "special armor made from dragon scales" ignores it...nice!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by luis the young Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:52 pm

check your book, cause i think the dragon armor being worn by the rider, also benefits the dragon.

gw should sell dragon armor to firefighters and make billions, now people can walk into a burning building and not worry about 800 tons of burning building falling on them, cause after all, dragon armor makes something on fire just bounce off ...
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by luis the young Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:55 pm

Maybe the armor has a force-field incorporated in it, thats probably why they dont get affected by a solid ball of burning metal travelling 200 miles an hour and hitting them on the chest and they dont even fall over. ....
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:03 pm

luis the young wrote:Maybe the armor has a force-field incorporated in it, thats probably why they dont get affected by a solid ball of burning metal travelling 200 miles an hour and hitting them on the chest and they dont even fall over. ....
As I said earlier, I will have to double-check my book, as I remember some discussion on Dragon Armor protecting the entire model, vice just the rider...not sure if there's a final ruling, but as the High Elves are already uber-powerful...I might seriously consider making it just the rider until I see an official FAQ saying otherwise in tournaments where I'm the rules judge...cause, as you so eloqently point out...WTF is up with that!!!???!!!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by scurrdi Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:20 pm

Wow... thats just really, really dumb.

Chaos God

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:04 pm

scurrdi wrote:Wow... thats just really, really dumb.
Yup...and it gets dumber, because if I take magic armor that doesn't count as Dragon Armor, my dragon is no longer protected by the Dragon Armor special rules, and so is now vulnerable to the Screaming Skull Catapult...It's not bad enough that the darn thing would get a charge off in turn 2 anyway against the Catapult if properly placed and that you can't instantly kill him with one shot (at least not the Star Dragon), as it has 7 wounds...but now, it's completely immune to not only the SSC, but all flaming attacks -- that's just too uber powerful...what's next...the dragons attacks will be poisoned, killing blow, magical, and get a +1 to hit! I'm a High Elf player and am disgusted by the FAQ -- not going to make me give up my favorite army, but I'm disgusted by the lack of imagination and understanding of the effects of their rulings -- for 7+ years they've been saying that Dragon Armor is immune to the fire (thing that makes the attack flaming), but not the suddenly, it is! Dumb-da-dumb-dumb!!!

Also, I must retract my previous posts in which I was "disagreeing vigorously" with Abbadon, who, as it turns out, was correct in his assumptions about Dragon Armor...mea culpa on that...just never thought GW would make the armor so powerful. So, you have now been vindicated...enjoy 'cause you're gonna see a lot more Dragon Princes in High Elf lists from now on...anyone who takes Silver Helms in their list at this point is just nuts -- and don't give me crap about're just nuts!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by luis the young Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:20 pm

I saw a HE Ard'Boys list that somone was gonna take to the semi finals. Teclis, like 2 Dragon mages with Dragons, and like 4 units of 6 Dragon princes, it just got pregresively more disgusting as it went along....
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:21 pm

Sooooo...I just read the rules for Dragon Armor...the rules state that the armor protects the wearer and his mount (I think this was intended to imply that the steed on which the Dragon Prince is riding is also protected, and not monstrous creatures -- at least I hope it wasn't intended to mean that); but as it's says specifically wearer and his mount are protected, then a Prince wearing Dragon Armor riding a dragon would make both himself and his dragon (mount) immune to ALL flaming attacks...even Screaming Skull Catapults, impact hits from the Chariot of Fire, Bolt Thrower Shots with the Rune of Fire, or anything else that counts as flaming...oh, and all breath weapon attacks, too (in case immune to ALL flaming attacks wasn't powerful enough).

Talk about stupid! Again, I LOVE, absolutely love the High Elves and felt the old list was plenty powerful (the old Dragon Princes were the best heavy cavalry per point in the game), but with these new rules I'm just disgusted (again, not so much so that I'll be starting a new army, but enough to wish the game designers would get off the crack their smoking and return some sanity to the game).

Number of posts : 739
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:22 pm

luis the young wrote:I saw a HE Ard'Boys list that somone was gonna take to the semi finals. Teclis, like 2 Dragon mages with Dragons, and like 4 units of 6 Dragon princes, it just got pregresively more disgusting as it went along....
But Teclis is only S2 and T2 with no armor, or ward save...he's completely over-priced!!! affraid Rolling Eyes

If you face that guy...please make sure you have Bill there with you so he can arrest him (or shoot him, preferably) for being a total loser!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by scurrdi Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:23 am

Hey Luis, I bet Teclis can eat an SSC to the face! Twisted Evil

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Ovich Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:08 pm


Did you guys see the ruling for the wood elves..

Treemen can stand and shoot with their Strangle roots, without line of sight needed !!

And Since a spite does not count as a magic item, a Standard bearer can take the annoyance of Netlings And a magic banner... SWEET
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Warlord Solskritt Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:34 pm

High Elves have now become overpowered thanks to GWs stupidity.
Warlord Solskritt
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Ovich Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:37 pm

yeah.. that dragon armour bullshit is going to be crazy..

But you know what.. a good old NON FLAMING empire cannon ball will still go straight through that shit.
Lord of Chaos

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by lordfairfax2001 Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:54 pm

Ovich wrote:yeah.. that dragon armour bullshit is going to be crazy..

But you know what.. a good old NON FLAMING empire cannon ball will still go straight through that shit.
Makes perfect sense...cannonball hits Efl thing...squish...light cannonball on fire...bounces off with no adverse effects (not even the wind knocked out of the Elf thing)...

Bolt from bolt thrower hits same Elf thing...skewered Elf...light bolt on fire...broken twigs...

Gotta love those gaming geeks who are writing our rules these days!

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Ovich Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:17 pm

It really is a profoundly stupid ruling when you think about it. How could they actually rule that way?
Lord of Chaos

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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Warlord Solskritt Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:53 pm

Ughhh....And the reasoning behind the rule is so stupid! Anyone else feel like going to GW HQ in England,take whoever wrote that ruling and beat their head into a pulp with a hardcover rulebook?
Warlord Solskritt
Warlord Solskritt
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Abaddon Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:50 pm

So at the end of the day I was right about the dragon armor after all. It seems there are a lot of apologies coming to me from those who apparently did not know how to read a rule book.

I mean after all, what do I know about Fantasy. I have only been playing since 1989.

Last edited by Abaddon on Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by Hurricane Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:01 pm

There's always Flames of War.... no stupid rules in that game!
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Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out Empty Re: Newest WHFB 7th Edition FAQ Is Out

Post by ImAShakiraholic Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:17 am

just stupid models!
Chaos God

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Post by Hurricane Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:22 pm

LOL.... and lots of them.
Chaos God

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