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40k bike race

The Eldar Guy
chef xenos
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40k bike race Empty 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:05 am

The Racers:
All races can play. When building your bike you may choose one model that does not have a armor value or is a named/special charter. there is no point limit to build the biker and may take any weapons or wargear they are normally allowed.all codex rules apply.tyranids are considered in synapse. monstrous creatures and 2 man teams are allowed.e,g, heavy weapon teams

bike rules: all bikes have a stormbolter mounted to the front of the bike.Instead of granting plus one toughness all bikes are armor 10. there is no difference between regular bikes and jetbikes.

The Track:
The track is open road which does not effect your bikes however there are race specific sections that do have special rules that theme with that race that it represents(see chart below). The track sections are resolved after all players turn before the next round starts unless it says different. The safety zone is an area where no combat can occur until both racers are out of the zone.

TYRANIDS= spore nest
8 spore mines will be placed in the nid track section.They move as in the nid codex, when it touches a bike the mine detonates small blast,2d6+3 against the bikes armor. when a mine detonates a new one will replace it. Tyranid bikes are unaffected.

ELDAR= webway portal
when a eldar bike enters this section of track it will automatical move a extra 6d6''.

DARK ELDAR= the torture yards
when a dark eldar bike enters this section of track it gains a pain token

CHAOS= warp rift
when a non chaos or demon bike enters this track section roll a d6. on the roll of a 1 the bike goes backwards 6d6''. This effects the bike every time it enters.

IMPERIAL(any imperials that is not space marines)= crater mile
center a large blast in the center of the track section. resole it as a earthshaker round,barrage equal to the amount of non-imperial bikes in the track section. imperials bikes unaffected.

ORKS= grot's chop shop
when a non-ork bike enters this track section it can not use any shooting or wargrear/upgrades/psyic powers until it passes a Maneuver test for each weapon/wargear/upgrades it wishes to use.

SPACE MARINES= thunderfire cannon testing grounds
when a non-marine enters the track section it must pass a Maneuver test or the driver is thrown a random d6'' from bike.

TAU= proximity warning
each non-tau bike gets hit by a broadside cannon

Starting the Race:
Each racer should put his name on a scrap of papers and these should be placed in a hat, cup, or bag.  If a player has more than one racer then his name should put a scrap of paper in for each racer.  The names are then randomly pulled from the hat, and this determines the starting order behind the starting line, the pole position.  In the first turn all players will move their bikes in order of their poll positions.  After that play order will be determined as per who has the lead. Note that all racers start the race in Gear 1.  (see below)

Finishing the Race:
The number of laps should be determined before the race (usually one is enough, depending on the size of your board). The first to pass the finish line gets first place, second gets second place and so on.


All vehicles have access to gears 1-6. The current gear is indicated by placing a d6 next to the racer with the correct number up. Gears represent two factors: Top speed, and momentum. At the beginning of a movement phase a driver may go up or down one gear without any tests required.

In 1st gear the vehicle can move between 0-4 inches. In all other gears the number of inches moved is 4" x the gear. The racer MUST move this distance. No more, no less. Racers may 'slide' one inch left or right for each inch they move forward. Sliding does not change the facing of the vehicle. To change facing the racer must attempt a turn maneuver. Any racer with wings or deepstriking may do a 2d6'' boost once per lap
Vehicles with more than one rider or monstrous creatures are slower, but can make close combat attacks without making maneuver tests. To represent their decreased speed, these vehicles only move at 3" x Gear.

There are a variety of maneuvers that can be performed. Many can be performed by any racer, some are vehicle and/or race specific. Maneuvers can be performed at any point in a vehicles movement but there must be at least a number of inches equal to their current gear of movement between maneuvers. To perform a maneuver roll a D6; if the number equals or exceeds your current gear you pass. Note that some maneuvers and conditions may add modifiers to this roll. If you fail a maneuver you must roll on the 'Loss of Control' chart.  If a racer looses control he/she may not attempt any more maneuvers that turn.

Basic Maneuvers:
Turn - Perform this maneuver at the moment you wish to turn. Success means the vehicle may be turned up to 45 degrees.
Hard Turn - Same as a Turn but subtract -1 from the maneuver roll. Success means the vehicle may turn up to 90 degrees.
Break - Performed at the beginning of movement when declaring your gear, it allows the racer to shift down two gears.
Shooting - Success means the vehicle may fire ONE weapon. Vehicle mounted weapons have a 45 degree front arc, while pistol weapons can fire 180 degrees forward. More than one weapon may be fired, but a test must be made for each. No weapon can be fired more than once. All weapons must fire at the same target. Pistol Weapons may shoot in the bikers rear arc, but at a -1 to the maneuver roll.
Hand To Hand Attack - Success means a driver/passenger may make one attack at an enemy vehicle/rider within 1". More than one attack may be made, but a test must be made for each. No more than the maximum number of attacks that the model has may be made in a single turn.
Jink - This maneuver is performed when another racer declares he/she is shooting at you or attempting to swing at you in close combat.  Before they roll their maneuver test to shoot/attack you can opt to Jink.  If successful the enemy misses, but must still perform their own test (they did shoot, you just dodged).  If you fail the enemy shoots as normal, and you must roll on the loss of control table. 
Run over – This maneuver is performed against a dismounted rider. If the maneuver roll is successful, the target suffers D3 hits at a strength equal to the gear the bike is in. The target may attempt to Jink (dodge). In order to dodge, the target must roll equal to or higher than the gear the bike is in.
Pivot – While in 1st gear, the bike can pivot 45, 90 or 180 degrees with no maneuver check needed.
Boosters – Only in gears 3 and above. Success adds D6 to movement. No turns or slipping allowed.  This can be done once per turn for each gear you are in.  For example, if you are in 4th gear you can attempt to boost 4 times.

Loss of Control Table: (Roll D6)

1 Spin: Move in straight line for remainder of distance. Roll scatter die at end of movement to determine facing. Gear reduced to 1.
2-3 Swerve Left: Vehicle turns 45 degrees left then moves in a straight line for the rest of its remaining movement. The current gear is unaffected.
4-5 Swerve Right: Vehicle turns 45 degrees right then moves in a straight line for the rest of its remaining movement. The current gear is unaffected.
6 Wipe out: The vehicle spills and tumbles along the ground for half the remainder of its movement in straight line. The vehicle and rider take D6 Strength = Gear hits (distribute as impacts). The rider (and passengers) are all thrown D3" from the vehicle in random directions.  The vehicle can only move again once the driver (at least) has climbed aboard.  Once boarded the vehicle starts its next turn in gear 1.


Bike Armour: All bikes have 9 armour.

Collisions & Impact: Whenever a vehicle collides with an obstacle, building, etc. the vehicle takes D3 hits at a strength equal to the gear it is in. Roll a D6 for each hit. On a roll of a 6 the rider is struck.  All other results mean the vehicle has been hit. When vehicles collide with each other, they both take D3 hits, but the strength is based on the gear difference. If they are traveling the same direction the strength equals the difference in gears. If they are traveling in opposite direction the strength equals the sum of the gears.  Both Bikes must take a maneuver check, the target suffering a -1 modifier to the maneuver roll. The bike that is hit will also be moved half of the remaining distance to be traveled by the impacting bike (this applies to the Loss of Control result).

Shooting: All shots fired at a vehicle are randomized between the rider/passengers and vehicle. Roll a D6, on a 5-6 it hits a rider or passenger, otherwise the vehicle is struck.

Damage to riders: Use 40k rules using the riders base toughness and includes armour saves to drivers.

Damage to vehicles: Use 40k rules using the bikes armor values. However, use the table below to determine the damage. Glancing hits get a -2 to their damage roll. AP 1 weapons get a +1 to their damage roll. When a bike is destroyed by the rusult of a 6 all pervios damage is lost and the bike is reset.

Damage Table:
Armor value beaten by Result
0 or less=No Effect
1=Engine Damage: Vehicle is at -1 movement for all gears. Further results are cumulative.
2=Control Damage: Vehicle is at -1 for all future maneuver rolls. Further results are cumulative.
3=Clutch Stuck: Must roll a 4+ to change gears at start of turn, failure means can't change gears. Each additional result adds a 1 to the difficulty. Once you hit 7+ you cannot change gears (up or down, even when you hit obstacles).
4=Major Engine Damage: Gear multiplier for movement reduced by 1. ie. 4"*gear reduced to 3"*Gear. Further results are cumulative. If this falls to 0” the bike is destroyed, but the rider is not thrown.
5=Roll again twice to see results, re-rolling 5’s and 6’s.
6 or more=Vehicle Destroyed: Rider is thrown D6" in a random direction.

Last edited by hivefleet psychodelic on Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:19 am; edited 2 times in total
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:06 am

these are the rules to the bike race
if i can get enough suport for this event id love to run it
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by Carlos Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:23 am

Dude, this is a balling ass game I'm down to do a bike race
Traitor Guardsman

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:34 am

Hmm... I've got an idea for a conversion...
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
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Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by zephel Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:56 am

Well i'm running a seer on a bike for this one lol, can the seer take a warlock bodyguard since in my codex they actually would count as a single hq?
Dark Apostle

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by KingdomCome Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:30 am

Lol. The tau section of the board is lethal! Come here and get smoked by a broadside! Roflcopter here comes my tau bike!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1233
Age : 40
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Armies : 40K: Tau, Eldar, SM FoW: Americans & Russians Infinity: Combined Army of EI WM/H: TrollBloods
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:31 am

zephel wrote:Well i'm running a seer on a bike for this one lol, can the seer take a warlock bodyguard since in my codex they actually would count as a single hq?

Haha, I doubt it. If you wanted more than one model on a bike theres rules for that. But taking a 10man squad in addition to your farseer is a bit much.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
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Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by zephel Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:35 am

lol, i don't want the full ten man, ( even though there is no point limit Very Happy) just wanted to take two or three Very Happy fully decked out seer with an embolden lock and enhance lock next to em Smile
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 454
Age : 31
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Registration date : 2010-09-24

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:41 am

KingdomCome wrote:Lol. The tau section of the board is lethal! Come here and get smoked by a broadside! Roflcopter here comes my tau bike!


Eldar section: move 1D6"
Tau: Get hit by a S10 AP1 shot...

While we're on critiquing... Down the list:

8 spore mines that are replaced after explosion? How wide is the track? Maybe replace them when the lap is cleared so tactical maneuvering can be taken advantage of.

Eldar: D6"...
DE: w/e
Chaos: w/e
Imperial: Bit strong- maybe tone down the strength or make imperials affected as well?
orks: w/e
SM: Thrown off a bike seems to be a really, really bad thing.
Tau: enough said.

The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:17 am

fixed the eldar. and chaos to put it on the same level. post this in 3am

you can take a wraithguard as your side car but it will be slower

as for orks. that can be mean.
lets say i have a winged tyrant on a bike in gear 4,if i wanna use wings then i gotta roll a 4+ or i can not use them same with psyic powers wargear biomorphs and all weapones,rolling for each indvidule one

for the track
about 10'' wide
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by Quincilla767 Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:43 pm

Hey what what about GK bikes?! and Inq bikes?
Traitor Guardsman

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:16 pm

What about them?
all bikes have the same rules. You can use a jetbike for looks but it has the same rules as a rugular bike.

and yeas ceaser you can do a broadsuit on a bike. Hell you can do a gun drone on a bike if you wish
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:26 pm

Interesting. My girlfriend is interested (so a maybe). We were talking about possible conversion opportunities and paint schemes on the way home.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by Death_Company_Orks Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:50 pm

Aspiring Champion

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by jspyd3rx Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:06 pm

I can do a Trygon on a bike?
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1190
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by KingdomCome Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:41 pm

Yes. It'll move at 3+ gear d6. Watch out for the Tau corner!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1233
Age : 40
Location : Miami, Fl.
Armies : 40K: Tau, Eldar, SM FoW: Americans & Russians Infinity: Combined Army of EI WM/H: TrollBloods
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by jspyd3rx Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:48 pm

This is gonna be fun!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1190
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by jspyd3rx Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:37 pm

Just figured it out. Custom converted big mek with a shokk attack gun on a bike. Go team Gork or maybe Mork!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1190
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:46 pm

Joel gave me the green light for this event how ever he is not giving rize support. So i was thinking that if everyone throwns in 2-3 bucks then we can have our own prize support
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by jspyd3rx Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:50 pm

$5.00 should be the entry fee. Totally manageable by all I believe.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1190
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by KingdomCome Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:54 pm

As fun as this sounds, I don't think I'd pay a dime to have prize support. It's an hour and a half at best and its more for fun than for a prize. Lord knows people get dumb and butthurt enough over the regular tourney prize money.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1233
Age : 40
Location : Miami, Fl.
Armies : 40K: Tau, Eldar, SM FoW: Americans & Russians Infinity: Combined Army of EI WM/H: TrollBloods
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by ImAShakiraholic Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:56 pm

Can I play my Space Marine bike as a Tau?! Rofl
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1255
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Armies : Chaos, Tau, Eldar, Tyranids, Necrons, Space Marines :: Vampire Counts, Hordes of Chaos (Khorne)
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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:01 pm

I think prize support is unnecessary.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by jspyd3rx Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:24 pm

You're right. Might actually be more fun without prize support. Is Joel gonna charge us to play?
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1190
Registration date : 2009-10-10

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40k bike race Empty Re: 40k bike race

Post by chef xenos Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:16 am

i have no problem with no prize support. just didnt want to hear any one dropping out from no prize support
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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