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Why we love / hate Miami...

chef xenos
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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by KingdomCome Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:22 pm

Ovich suggested we start this thread instead of bombing Dans good bye thread. I'll take the torch and run with it...
I hate the overpopulation in Miami as well. I moved into my current house less than a year ago just to get away from the fucked up people that seem to be blitzing the kendall/hammocks area. I'm off of SW 157ave and 144 street. I've seen a spike in vehicle traffic and scum bags roaming around that wasn't there 2 years ago. The vehicle traffic is annoying and the scum bags are insufferable. I don't think these kendall "thugs" know what a real ghetto looks like. I'd put money they wouldn't step foot in a real ghetto dressed how they are if their lives depended on it. They flat out wouldn't walk away unscathed.
There's more, but I'll let others chime in.
Chaos God

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by rokassan Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Have you all noticed that since the mid2000's things in general have gotten worse and worse. Gas,insurance,the economy,our new Governor...the fucking Federal Government almost got to a point that they couldnt pay our soldiers for Christs sake. Some of us have gotta worry about our pensions and pay. What a shitty time to be around. Its the fucking baby boomers in government and business. Its all me,me,me,me. Now look at our country and look at the nightmare kids that are being spawned now. Lazy,self absorbed,ignorant,hyper-violent. I cant tell you how many calls I respond to where it a parent-kid dispute...and the "kids" fucking 40 years old living at home. Or the parent who call the police because their kids wont listen to them...we get there and the response is, "do something with him, I cant deal with it anymore". Mind you no crime has been committed. Fucking weak, lazy self absorbed parents. Guess the TV isnt a good babysitter anymore so have Officer Bill discipline your your little homey nightmare. Ill put a fucking bullet in his head.
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by jerryb Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:36 pm

Well the wiggers make me laugh the most. Usually they are overweight and out of shape, they wouldn't last 24 hours in the real world if there was not a McDonald's within .5 driving distance from their "crib". And they make believe they live in the fantasy "To Fast and To Faggot" race car world.

Unfortunately they have little to no brain power and would shoot you with the gun they took from mommy and daddy's night stand (losers live at home) if they felt you were dissis 'em.

Not mentioned so far is, the enormous amount of rude population!

Another, incompetent drivers and road rage. I believe we lead the nation.

Corrupt politicians. Convicted criminals getting elected. I thought you could not even VOTE, let alone run for office!

Yes, Miami, water fall of diarrhea pouring out of a festering pustule bloody hole of dead rotten diseased animal.
Chaos God

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Kyle Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:40 pm

The economy is pretty shitty everywhere, Miami just makes things worse.

It's not just Miami though, all of South Florida has gone to shit. As been said before, it often feels like a third world country, at times I feel like I'm back in Puerto Rico. Everything just looks and feels run down, even parts of SF that used to be nice, have turned ghetto (especially with all the closures due to the economy). I'm not a tropic person so the weather and humidity I can't stand, I would gladly go back to living in Las Vegas and enjoying 114 degree weather, than deal with the 80-90's here and it's humidity.

Crime is awful, the family has had several bad incidents here. People in general here are also assholes, some of the rudest scum I've ever met.

My wife has gotten sick of Florida and it has played a part along with many other issues in that she has gone and taken a job in Seattle, but I'm stuck here because of my work which makes me shit tons of money as well as taking care of my parents. I do hope to get things taken care of here and move up North as well in a year or so.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
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Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by jerryb Wed Apr 27, 2011 2:44 pm

Kyle, Miami is like cancer, it's killing the rest of the state. It's disease is spreading.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1451
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Registration date : 2008-06-04

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by McSheehy Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:02 pm

I've pretty much lived in Miami all my life.
I may have been born in New Hampshire, but we moved to Miami when I was only 4.
So thats been 26 years of this shithole... and I lived in one of the better areas in Kendall (which in the last 5+ years has really gone down hill).
Granted I did spend 2 of those years up in Gainesville (best friggin years of my life sadly enough).

Miami... Miami used to be like most other major cities in that the city itself was usually shit but the suburbs either weren't too bad or were actually pretty good.
Now both the city and its various suburbs are pretty much all shit and full of some of the most self-centered and worthless people I have ever run across (and I swear each year there are more of them and they are getting even worse). And for the love of all that is evil and unholy don't get me started on the friggin traffic... or the quality of drivers!
And as Jerry said... it's spreading... or at least it damn well feels that way.

Truthfully I can't think of anything positive about Miami at all.
Not even the weather. With our climate most plant life is damn near in constant bloom which only fucks with my allergies year round.
I found when we visted family out in Arkansas I could take dry heat, the humidity down here is horrific at times and miserable the rest.

Traitor Marine

Number of posts : 142
Registration date : 2009-09-17

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Ovich Wed Apr 27, 2011 4:50 pm

I'm going to do a least favorite/ favorite top 5 list here.

Things I hate.

5. I don't feel like I'm living in the U.S.A. period. I feel like I'm living in some sort of quasi- american/latino country like , Wait a second, maybe like Puerto Rico ! Yes, I recognize that If I live here, it would do me well to learn Spanish, but there is a part of me that rages against the fact that I must learn another language in order to function normally. But as already been mentioned, it's not being around hispanics that's annoying. It's being around people who don't speak fucking english that's annoying.

4. The weather. People always say to me.. but it's so beautiful down there. Bullshit. It's fuckin hot. Ball sack stickin to the thighs hot. It's not even the end of April and it's fuckin 90 degrees outside. WTF ? Yeah sure the winter is nice because it feels like the spring and the early autumn up north. So how does that even out ? Tropical weather .. ? no thanks, I'll take my seasons. Oh and BTW, Hurricanes, and all the hysteria that comes with it flat out sucks.. I'd rather deal with earthquakes or twisters. Of course I should probably throw in all the negative shit that comes with tropical whether : fucking Mosquitoes , red ants, all sorts of disgusting insects and vermin, big fat translucent spiders that attach a web to the fucking ground that you run into while you're trying to jog at night , etc.

3. The economy. I've gone shopping at the A&P up at my folks house in southern NY, northern New Jersey. These are wealthy neighborhoods up there. You would think that prices at a normal supermarket up there would be like shopping at whole foods. You'd be wrong. The rich snobs in northern Jersey and southern NY pay less for there groceries that we do here at Publix. It's friggin ridiculous. Of course gas is high, salaries are low, and all forms of entertainment are more expensive than elsewhere in the country, except maybe California.

2. Schools - some of you may not care cause you don't have kids. But lets face it. The public schools here do not have a good reputation. Maybe it's all the thugs, maybe it's crappy teachers, maybe it's overloaded classrooms, maybe it's uninvolved parents, maybe it's the fuckin F-CATs or maybe it's the state government squandering all our money for education. But seriously, any responsible parent who makes decent money down here is looking at private schools for their kids.. and there's a reason for that.

1. I've driven in N.Y.C, Boston, SanFran, Paris, Milan, and in a bunch of places in between. Now Granted, I haven't lived my life in these places, so I don't know what it's like to drive there on an everyday basis. But I probably wouldn't be too far off the mark when I say that none of these places have the correct set of ingredients to create the HORROR that is driving in Miami. Miami has that perfect blend of OLD BLIND PEOPLE driving buicks and cadillacs at 4 mph, ILLEGALS without Licenses or Insurance, SOCCER MOMS in large SUVs, young COLLEGE HOT HEADS who think that because they're not a chick that it means they're good drivers, DUMB TEENAGE GIRLS who press on the gas when they mean to press on the brake, and a plethora of general IDIOTS who believe that the size of their trucks are indicative of the size of their cocks. When I first moved down here I simply couldn't believe how many trucks and SUV's clog of the roads with their bulk. But let's face it it's not just the drivers, that makes driving a living hell. It's the traffic, the construction, and the way the lights are programed. It's like the scene from "falling down". Why the hell is there construction on the Palmetto, ALL THE FUCKING TIME IN THE 10 YEARS IVE BEEN HERE. And the traffic lights. I would like to strangle the buttfuck whose in charge of programming these lights. In every other city I've been in, the lights work like a wave. You're stopped at a light, it turns green, as you're approaching the next like, it turns green in sequential order and so forth, until the wave catches up and you hit another red light. In Miami it's like locks at a canal. Light turns green, you go, light turns red at the next light you stop. Light turns green, and you do it again. The lights are programmed so that the only person who can make it from one light to the next, before it turns red is the person in the front, right at the light. It actually encourages speeding, because even if you're in the front you usually have to haul ass to make it to the next light before it turns. and the Coup de Grace, is the traffic itself. What a fuckin rat race. The only places I've heard of it being as bad is L.A. and DC.

So there's my bad stuff. Although if I had more time I could definitely create an expanded list.

and now I'm so worked up, I can't even think about any good stuff

I'll have to do it next time.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Frantic Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:04 am

The things I hate have pretty much been covered here. The biggest thing for me really is the traffic. The cost of living and the fact that buying a home here seems so out of reach because of the property taxes and the home owners insurance.

But what I love most about Miami is the great outdoors.

I like that we have the keys and coral reefs and all that cool stuff.
Me and the wife have a sailboat and spend days at a time out on the water fishing snorkeling and relaxing.

I'm also a fan of the weather actually.

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by rokassan Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:07 am

2)scumbag non- english speaking trash who refuse to learn the language.
3)The extreme right wing politics. Thats because of all the miserable old Cubans who cant get over the bay of pigs and the dumb-ass white trash in central and north florida...hence Rick Scott.
4)schools are in the toilet

1)Weather. You can keep the snow storms,tornados and earthquakes. Do I like cool weather? Sure. Do I like being frozen in my house for 4-5 months out of the I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
We dont get hurricanes that often and your house isnt leveled like with a tornado...look at the midwest.
2)I grew up here so I have a misplaced loyalty to some degree.

If we could get rid of all the 3rd world trash Miami could revert to being a decent place to live, but alas itll never happen. We'll keep seeing fraud, more La Clinica's vegetable vendors on the street side and rude disrepectful people who get offended when you dont speak Spanish. I know how Bill the Butcher felt.
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
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Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by jerryb Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:34 pm

I love the weather also, I live in other states and countries, and the weather here is one of the best conditions. However, fortunately you do not HAVE to live in Miami to enjoy it, there is entire State to relocate too.

Georgia is equally as nice, with mountains!

Republicans screw up the Bay of Pigs, kinda of ironic.
Chaos God

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by rokassan Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:00 pm

Unless you move to a major city in North or Central Florida your gonna be dealing with ignorant White trash. I suppose as far as you and I go Jerry we'd be ok. But be of hispanic background and youll see the ignorance and racism...aimed at you. Ive heard stories first hand.
Internet bully

Number of posts : 3612
Age : 49
Location : Miami
Armies : [40k]Chaos SpaceMarines,IG,Orks,Chaos Demons[FoW]MW-Italians,LW-Pnz.Gren(Grossdeutchland Div.),LW U.S.Para's,[Fantasy]Orc's [LotR] Easterling force,FoW-EW French force.(LW and MW) Hungarian Tank company.
Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Kyle Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:39 pm

I love it cold, I love snow, I like it when it rains, hence why I look forward to Seattle hopefully in the future. Florida weather is like the complete opposite of what I like, though I don't mind heat so much as the humidity. I loved Las Vegas and it's desert weather.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Ovich Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:24 pm

Yeah, Florida is an extreme when it comes to weather.

Do I want to live in friggin Buffalo New York or Ann arbor Michigan and freeze my ass off for 6 months, no.

But at the same time I can't stand getting into my car on a friggin APRIL afternoon, and feeling like someone chucked me into a giant microwave.

How about a nice in between, like North Carolina.
Lord of Chaos

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Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Hurricane Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:03 pm

big fat translucent spiders that attach a web to the fucking ground that you run into while you're trying to jog at night

Really?? When's the last time that happened???

lol! lol! lol! lol! lol!
Chaos God

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Ovich Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:53 pm

When I went to go pay a visit to your MOM !
Booty Call !!!!
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by chef xenos Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:40 am

i dont mind miami all much but thats probably cus i'm not from miami. but yes the pretend to be hoodrat kids annoy the uck out me(and its not just white kids that do it) i grew up in the bad shit hole housing projects up in the 6 years i been here iv lived in almost every part of miami and not one place in miami is anything like jax use to be.
chef xenos
chef xenos

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Carlos Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:46 pm

Hate: Have all been stated

The lack of intelligent life-forms.

Like: The weather, and fishing is cool too.
Traitor Guardsman

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by acidchalk (erick) Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:33 pm

What i hate is my cousins washing up on shore every morning and then we change the road signs to accommodate their laziness. If you come here integrate don't be ignorant.

acidchalk (erick)
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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by Dice_Runt Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:04 pm

Hate: Have all been stated

I was told this once at my old job by some old cuban that white people have no part in miami and should not be here at all for it's a Latin city. Also like it when i am told by said type of person how they are the most oppressed people on the planet. Which makes me laugh considering that i am part Native American and Irish
I was fucking stunned...... to say the lest

only response, same as in aliens. Nuke it is the only way to be sure
Dark Apostle

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by acidchalk (erick) Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:45 pm

Oh yeah, it's total bullshit. I was born in cuba and got here when i was what 5? I can tell you not a single one of us were oppressed. You see it's because they come here and try to fucking change everything to spanish to suit their needs and when you don't, they get all offended and say it's oppression. All it is, is pure ignorance which businesses here reinforce by offering option 2 for espaƱol, and spanish road signs. Sometimes at work they'll transfer me a spanish call because i speak the language, so1 i'll just pretend i don't know spanish, and that no one here does. To my surprise, they spoke english good enough to complete what they were trying to do over the phone. Ok, i'll stop ranting now.

acidchalk (erick)
Traitor Marine

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by McSheehy Sun May 01, 2011 8:35 pm

Now I don't mind when I've been told that I need to know Spanish to get a job (a much as it bugs me because foreign language skill has always been a great weakness of mine), but I've actually been told at a couple different initial job interviews that English wasn't a required skill.
Damn I need to get out of this friggin city... South Florida in general really.

Traitor Marine

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Registration date : 2009-09-17

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by mk2 Tue May 03, 2011 8:35 pm

Well I have lived in miami since 1970, I remeber the late 70s and early 80s when the lines to get gas were around the block and Fidel had dumped his entire prison system on our shores. The shootouts in the mid to late 80s were legendary as the cocaine cowboys fought with each other and the police. There were the city riots that burned parts of the city down killed a bunch of was hell on earth.
What I think I am saying is that its always sucked and I am willing to bet it has always sucked everywhere else to, it comes and goes in a cycle.

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by robinKarl Thu May 26, 2011 10:54 pm

well, then you guys just move out of miami, what about homolulu


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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

Post by rokassan Fri May 27, 2011 8:38 am

Detroit is so much prettier or Baltimore.
Internet bully

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Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Why we love / hate Miami... Empty Re: Why we love / hate Miami...

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