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SR2013 Information

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SR2013 Information Empty SR2013 Information

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:17 am

Copied from the PP forums, posts by Will Hungerford

SR2013 Mild Spoiler

The first staff Steamroller 2013 tournament has come and gone, and it was awesome. Eighteen players came together and threw down over four rounds of intense and viscous combat, with only one emerging as champion. That champion was none other than Development Manager David “DC” Carl.

Surprised? Me neither.

We had some truly great matches in this tournament, such as the insanely close Will Shick versus Jack Coleman battle that went down to tiebreakers after dice down was called; or the furious war between Jason Martin and Ed Bourelle that saw Jason murder Deneghra out of nowhere.

Most important of all, everyone who participated had a great time. If you didn’t get a chance, go check out the Guts N Gears coverage thread to see an absolute ton of photos from the event and check the final standings.

As the alpha starts to wind down and beta gets ready to begin, allow me to share with you a fun spoiler you can look forward to when SR 2013 releases early next year.
SR 2013 consists of twelve select scenarios, some new some old (but tweaked). These scenarios have been chosen to provide tournament players with a great gameplay experience that is balanced, engaging, and easy to understand.

Of course, to get down to twelve scenarios from the previous amount available in SR 2012 some cuts had to be made. If you’re a fan of radial scenarios, I recommend you play a couple tournaments this year while they are still available; they’re going away in SR 2013.

Alright, one more spoiler but that's it Razz

Flank and Reinforcements will exist, but in a different and streamlined manner. Flanks / Reinforcements are now a variant format. The rules are fairly similar to what you expect, except the flank deployment is now an overlay that replaces the normal deployment on any of the 12 scenarios (aka there are no flank specific scenarios).

What this means is that when you go to an event, it will either be no flanks and no reinforcements for all scenarios (standard), or all flanks and all reinforcements for all scenarios (variant).

As a player and a TO, this allows you to know before you arrive to the event exactly what you need to bring and what to expect.

Of course, individual TOs are allowed to tweak the normal rules as they like so they could go back to the old style of mix and match if they wished to, but that isn't covered in SR 2013.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 54
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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SR2013 Information Empty Re: SR2013 Information

Post by ShadowMaster Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:24 am

Copied from the PP forums, post by JonasSolberg

So I made a last mintue change to my hexeris list. Swapping the Sentry and the Agonizer for Tiberion. This change was needed as Tiberion can not only take the hit he can also dish it out. I played one test game with Tiberion and really like what he brought to the table, but missed the agonizer so much.

So I decided as I was falling asleep last night to swap out the krea for an agonizer and an extoller. But didnt pack the extoller in my case. So I didnt want to swap the krea out cause I didnt have ANYTHINGfor the 2 points. SO I forced my self to play without an agonizer in the hexy list which proved to be a big mistake.

I was excited to know that we would be playing the "beta" 2013 steamroller rules.

The first game I ended up playing against menoth and Reznik He came with 3 heavies, 2 light jacks, full unit of zealots with ua, exemplar bastions, choir, vassals, gorman di wolf and a few other solos / support which didnt really mater.

I choose to play eHexeris gerneraly i like to play eHexeris vs warmachine because rasheths feat isnt as usefull against them.

The senario was a new senario, its kill box which is now 14" into the board. There are 2 flags both are 16inches from the right side and deployment edge. You get 1CP if your wascaster controls(called dominate) the flag closest to you. You get 1 point if you control the flag on your opponents side of the board. You get 2cp if your warcaster control the flag on your opponents side of the board. There was alot of forest on the table but not much other terrain.

I chose to go first and he put me on the side of the table with all the forests, which i didnt mind because I had rush on what ever needed it.

First turn I ran everything up, he did the same on his but carefull enough to stay out of charge range. I start my 2nd turn and max 2 HUGE mistakes which I can only account for because I got very little sleep the night before and hadnt had enough coffee yet. 1st I planed to feat and double ashes to ashes his zealots, so i ran the shamen out and moved up the gladiator and riled to have 7 fury on the table, only to sadly find out the zealtos cannot be targets by spells, sad thing I knew they get spell immune just forgot. I ended up having to feat and ashes to ashes 2 times the bastions which of course ended up putting them all at like 2 damage and none dead. Next I decided to move Karn up the board to far, FOR NO Reason at all and in a bad position.

He alpha striked me and I lost karn the shamen and the krea, which should not have happened, I answered and took out 1 heavy and his 2 lights and his whole bastion unit, the zealots feated and caused problems for my drake and gladiator. At this point I wish I could have had the agonizer to stop he next charge on me which took out my a bronzeback and gorman nerfrf tiberion with black oil. I misplayed Tiberion because of the blackoil and end up having him sitting pretty to a massivly buffed heavy who takes him out in one turn, I was REALL REALLYmissing the agonizer at this point. STill not over we end up with only 1 heavy and support each and he has a few zealots but i still have my drake. By this time he has setup on his flag with his warcaster and starts scoring points first, So I am forced to setup and go to him, which ended up meaning I couldnt get at his jack just right to kill it. I end up loosing to time.

Lesson for me allways ALLWAYS bring an agonizer.

I still love this all beast eHexy list, I thought i might have trouble managing the fury but I dont. With the beast handlers the bronzeback hexies feat and the simple act of over fury on the beast that is going to die to your opponents next wave seems to do just fine.

NExt game was against my best friend who we play all the time. He plays retribution. I choose to play Rasheth as the senario was a new one again and thought it would go well with rasheths theme force. He played Rhan Tier with Hyperion 2 arc nodes 1 battle mages 1 storm fall 2 magisters 1 unit of halbadiers

THe Senario is 2 zones 6x12 only 10 inches from the left and right board edges and a little bit towards your deployment from the middle. This means that the zones are very far apart from each other. You get 1 point for controling your zones, your get 1 points for controlling your opponents zone, and you get 2 points if you dominate(control with your caster) your opponents zone. 5 points to win. There was this objective you could controll and shoot -2mat and -2rat aoes at your oppoents army you get 1 point if you destory your opponets objective.

I completly ignored the objective other then to destory it for a point.

I decided early that I would deploy everything to my zone and prevent him from contesting it. Because i went second I would get to score first. MY bog trogs which ambushed behind a huge forest beside his zone. The bog trogs would then run 1 guy in each turn into his zone to contest. BEhind the forest on the edge of the table they were essentially way to far out of range and out of sight to get killed by him.

ON my turn I would score my zone and he wouldnt score his. On his turn he would run something into myzone and clear his zone of the 1 bog trog to score 1 point.

I simply had to much beaf and hitting power im my zone for him to keep throwing stuff into my zone. Eventually i managed to extend enough to prevent him from getting a guy into my zone on his turn then I scored on his turn and mine and I win. HE ended up inflicting huge casualties on me and I hardly killed anything of his.

MVP this game was easily the bog trogs for tieing up the opponents zone everyturn,\
Game 3
VS pVayl He brought with a ravager and scathian angelius hit full unit of swords with ua the magic pot thing that makes guys and a full unit of the light cav archery.
I choose Rasheth because he rocks against hordes.

THe senario was the disapearing flag senario which is exactly the same as 2012 except you now can get 2cp if you dominate a flag with your caster. And its 4 cp to win.

THis is a good plain old bloodbath esentially everything traded and traded. MY feat did very well however I made a small mistake and let the agonizers die too easily, His great used of the massivly anoying spelly rampager taking controll of my bronzeback multiply times evened out the trading ,until I had 1 gladiator and 1 unit of beast handlers and he had a very wounded ravagore and the corpse collecting pot and a few swordsmen.

I ended up sitting my gladiator on a flag to get a few senario points and he was forced to take a free strike from one and only last remaining bog trogs which rolled 655 and killed him. I won trough senario.

3 rounds was all that was needed to declare a winning in the 9 person tournament.

I came 4th.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 54
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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