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Crazy Feds

luis the young
The Eldar Guy
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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by NurgleNick Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:47 am



/pretend angry face!
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 350
Registration date : 2008-09-03

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by MinionOfCthulhu Sun Aug 02, 2009 4:57 pm

rokassan wrote:
MinionOfCthulhu wrote:
Hurricane wrote:LOL, when the President isn't busy calling police officers stupid....

Maybe they should stop being stupid. Then calling them stupid would not be needed.

So let me guess you dislike police. You did something that drew the attention of Law Enforcement and got your feelings hurt. Now you despise Police. I suggest you refrain from making stupid,uninformed ignorant remarks until you know the facts. Let's see, someone calls that a house is being broken into. The Police arrive, the back door is smashed in and there's a guy standing there(skin color is irrelevant). The man is asked to identify himself, being the racist douchebag he is this guy refuses to ID himself and become beligerant and aggressive. He is detained until be can be identified. A check of the house doesn't show him as the owner. Eventually his story is confirmed. The whole while be is yelling and screaming and threatening the Police(disorderly conduct) ,which he is arrested for. Wouldn't it have been easier to cooperate ,show your ID and assist the Police in confirming your story? Don't listen to the media, they hate the Police and will never give you the truth.

Yes, obviously I must be some sort of criminal in order to have a cynical view of police. Obviously! I haven't had so much as a parking ticket, thank you very much. To be honest, I think everyone acted stupidly in this story, including Obama for not saying "I don't quite have all the facts, and besides, this is a conference about health care, why are you asking me about this?". I realize you have to trust the officer's word over a mere civilian, Blue Wall and all that, but forgive me if I don't take Crowley's account at its face.
It could have been worse, of course. They could have just shot him in the back.

rokassan wrote:
luis the young wrote:Did the proffessor had the right to be mad about being arrested for trying to break into his own house. Yes. no matter the reason, any of you would be mad if you get arrested trying to get into your own house, wether you show ID or not. If you say you wouldnt and that you had it coming, then you are lying.

Was the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES wrong for calling the police stupid, on NATIONAL Tv.
Hell yes. What the hell dude, is the freaking President. Whats next, he gonna call the army dumbshits for not catching BinLaddin ? And people made fun on Bush and the way he spoke. lol
Do you have a right to be pissed at yourself for being a fucking idiot and locking yourself out of you own home and then having to break in? Yes. Do you have the right to be pissed at the Police for doing their job? NO!
Luis are you a right wing Republican or a Left wing Democrat? Make up your mind. Republicans support the Police last time I checked.

Yeah, that's right Luis! If you don't fall lock-step in with every idea espoused by the political party on your voter's registration no matter what, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Number of posts : 39
Armies : Orks (WH40K), Ogres, Lizardmen (WHFB), Cryx (Wamachine)
Registration date : 2009-02-21

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by rokassan Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:03 pm

Thin blue line? You watch too much TV. Of course we back eachother up, nobody else does. Those days of police corruption are gone. Are there a few bad eggs? Of course, there are Priests who sodomize young boys ,but I don't see people crying about that. As far as shooting unarmed people there are many facts to consider. If your told to keep your hands up and your dumb enough to reach behind yourself or under your shirt as if to reach for a weapon and you get shot...well your an idiot. Its not my job to hesitate and allow someone to pull a weapon on me because they might be reaching for a breath mint.
Internet bully

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by Ovich Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:55 pm

No one ever said it was easy being a cop.

You're human, but you are expected to be super human, beyond reproach.

So when a cop does something that's human, like makes a mistake, or gives in to human desires, everyone will generalize that to all cops. Which is ignorant.
Lord of Chaos

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by NurgleNick Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:45 pm

Even Primarchs can be corrupted!

But seriously, cops are pretty cool guys for the most part. Our attitude as civilians contributes to many cops becoming assholes, simply because they're doing their job. Are there asshole cops? Sure. But the job is a bitch, and kind of turns you into an asshole over time, if you weren't one already. I think both sides of the story were fucking retarded, and the truth is too far up their collective asses to ever sort it out from the bullshit, I think the Best Buy story was equally retarded on both sides (including the cop, who basically arrested a guy on the 'principle' of the thing), and I think a certain element of cooperation with the police is a good thing. If they're being an absolute prick to you, get their badge number, and take it to court. I've seen it done; it doesn't end the guy's career, but it pisses him off enough to make him think twice about overstepping his bounds. As for civilians like us.. we need to keep an eye on ourselves, and make sure our emotions and prejudices don't guide our actions.

Much love for the Police. You guys don't seem to hear it from anyone else. :p
Dark Apostle

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Registration date : 2008-09-03

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by Ovich Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:18 pm

That was a very nice introduction,
and I am...very thrilled
and proud to be here.

It's been a wonderful ceremony
here on behalf of our own Fred..."The Dorf" Dorfman!

Fred was darn near death recently.

He wasn't ashamed to admit to me
that he had syphilis.

Thank God he stopped it
in its tracks. It takes a lot for a man...admit where he got it from
and how he got it.

Look at him today.
Fred, you look just wonderful. Th nose looks normal again.
The face has come back into shape. It's not drooling anymore.

And hats off to Marge, his wife,
because that whole experience...the three weeks that she stayed
at Trembling Hills has paid off.

No more alcohol
or sedatives in her life.

There are many other things
I wanna tell you about Fred...things that maybe many of you
already know.

Sammy, you're not going
to sing for us, are you?

Did you know that Fred spent much of his life...honoring a profession that has gone
largely unsung around here? Some of them are here tonight.
The profession is law enforcement.

I know Fred feels that too often
our feelings are locked in...and we feel restrained
and perhaps even reach out and touch
an officer of the law.

After all, they are people,
aren't they?

Stand up. Pat them on the back.
Reach out. Shake hands with any one
of these men in blue.

Hug a cop!
Yeah, go ahead. I said it.

Yeah It's a wonderful feeling!
I'm so proud tonight!

Oh, say can you see

By the dawn's
early light

What so proudly we hail

At the twilight's
last gleaming

Hip, hip, hooray!


Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

Post by ImAShakiraholic Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:17 am

and on that note, hand over your receipt
Chaos God

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Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Crazy Feds - Page 3 Empty Re: Crazy Feds

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