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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

The Eldar Guy
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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:54 pm

September 12th, 2009 there will be a 2000 point 40k tournament at Sunshine Adventure Gaming

7921 Bird Rd # 44
Miami, FL 33155
(305) 264-1250

$10 entry fee. Prize support includes Generalship awards, painting award, and participation prize - no one walks away empty handed!

Submit your lists by Thursday, 9/10/2009 and bring 3 copies of your army list.

Tournament will begin at 11:00 AM so plan to start arriving at around 10:30. Note that if you arrive once the tournament is underway, you can play but will have as much time to play as there is left for the first game.

If you arrive late you will lose time from your game, so do so at your own peril. There are penalties for extreme tardiness as follows:
1. Arrive 30 mins after games begin and have no opponents - Automatic loss for Game 1.
2. Arrive after games begin and opponent feels there’s not enough time for a game (e.g. only an hour left, etc) – Automatic loss for Game 1.
Note that losses still net you Victory Points, see table below.

There will be 5 themed tables set up, including 1 Cities of Death Table and 1 Planetfall table, where the mission will be based around those expansions. The other three tables will be regular games.

Let the TO know if you absolutely do NOT want to play on one of those expansion tables, otherwise he will assume that you don't mind.

For Planetfall, you *may* use the Planetfall FOC (not mandatory) with the following restrictions:
You must keep your base 2000 point list and take out an existing item in the FOC to replace with the new one. In other words, most Planetfall scenarios allow up 6 items rather than the standard 3 - for each one you add you have to remove one elsewhere. In the end it should still be the same core list.

If playing an expansion, please try to have your stratagems selected before the game begins, otherwise you will be using valuable game time.


Total Points 100
Victory: 30
Draw: 20
Loss: 10
Most Achievements (Game) 2
Most Achievements (Tourney) 4
Misc. Penalties -X

Score breakdown: 100 victory points total possible.

Base score per game is 30 points for a victory, 20 for a draw, 10 for a loss.

In addition, you will each receive a list of “Achievements” you can earn during the game. Each achievement can only be earned once in the entire tournament. If you earn more achievements during a game than your opponent, you will receive 2 extra points. If you both tie for the same number of achievements, you will receive 1 extra point.

At the end of the tournament, the person with the most “Achievements” will earn 4 extra victory points.

While there is no sportsmanship score, the TO reserves the right to deduct points for unsportsmanlike behavior such as:
-Stalling for time (e.g. taking forever to move, select a stratagem, whatever)

Last edited by ShadowMaster on Wed Oct 14, 2009 6:01 am; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : make unsticky)


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by NurgleNick Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:19 pm

Add me. And no Planetfall or CoD, please -- I'm completely unfamiliar with both sets of rules, and I have too much stuff in RL to learn new systems. Thanks.
Dark Apostle

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:32 pm

Scenario 1:
Behind Enemy Lines

"A small commando team has been deployed to capture an enemy position behind enemy lines. Your orders are to engage the enemy and buy your operatives some time. Unfortunately, it seems their intelligence is better than we thought – scanners indicate the enemy moving to seize one of our own positions. We cannot let that happen…"

As per Spearhead, the table is divided into four quarters, formed by drawing two imaginary perpendicular lines through the center point. So a 6’x4’ table would have four 3’x2’ quarters.

The players roll-off, and the winner chooses to go first or second. The player that goes first then chooses one of the long table edges and places an objective in one of the two table quarters on his side of the table. His opponent places an objective in the opposite quarter. These objectives may not be impassable terrain or within 12” of the center of the table.

The winner must then deploy one unit from his Troops selections and up to one additional unit from his Troops selection and one unit from his HQ selection. These units are deployed on his half of the table on the table quarter with the objective. These units must be more than 12” from the center of the table. His opponent does the same. If any of these units have the Infiltrate special rule they may NOT deploy outside their table quarter, though they may deploy within 12” from the center.

The winner deploys the rest of his force on the empty table quarter on his half of the table. Units must be more than 12” from the center of the table. His opponent does the same. Units with the infiltrate special rule treat friendly units within the objective quarter as enemy units for the purposes of deployment (in other words, must be more than 12” out of sight of said units or 18” if in plain view).

Demons deploy as per their Codex.

At the end of deployment, each player will have on his half of the table a table quarter with an objective and up to two Troop and one HQ units (one Troop mandatory), and one table quarter with whatever units from his army are not being held in reserve.

The opponent that chose his deployment zone first starts game turn 1 with his first player turn.

Special Rules:
- During game Turn 1 the Night Fighting mission special rules are in effect.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:32 pm

Scenario 2:
Rogue Psyker

"The last transmission from the research facility at Aryx III was: ‘Project 358-d is a success.’ They spoke too soon. We must move in and seize these rogue psykers before anyone else does."

This is a standard Seize Ground mission with a full complement of 5 objectives and Pitched Battle deployment. Battle. See special rules below.

Special Rules:
-Each objective represents a Rogue Psyker that must be captured.

-Only one unit can control an objective at one time. If more than one friendly unit is within 3” of the objective, the controlling player designates the unit currently in control.

-If a unit controls an objective during the shooting phase of their turn, they may opt to “use” the objective instead of firing and assaulting for the rest of the turn. If they chose to do so they designate any unit of the table for one of the following effects (resolved immediately):
1. The target unit (of any type) must move anywhere the objective controller decides, up to the unit’s maximum movement distance, provided they are still able to move. This movement follows standard movement rules (coherency, dangerous terrain, etc) and cannot be prevented in any way. If a unit consists of a squadron of vehicles, the entire squadron is moved. Any non-vehicle unit engaged in combat cannot be moved.
2. The target unit (of any type) must shoot at any valid target within their range and line of sight as designated by the objective controller, provided they are still able to shoot. This shooting cannot be prevented in any way. If a unit consists of a squadron of vehicles, the entire squadron must shoot.

-Contested objectives can be used on a 4+ roll. A failure on the roll means the opponent may use the objective immediately (e.g. during their opponents turn), with the exact effects as above. Since this action takes place during the player’s shooting phase, this means that their opponent may only force a unit that hasn’t fired yet to Run if it capable of doing so (e.g. it hasn’t shot yet and it’s not pinned).

-Anyone contesting or controlling an objective may choose to “kill” the Rogue Psyker during their Shooting phase. Doing so is automatic and immediately removes the objective from the game and nets the player a -5 point penalty from their final score (so a Victory becomes 25 points, a draw 15, etc). This penalty IS cumulative per objective removed in this fashion. Note that if the player nets negative points from the battle the points will be deducted from their tournament total – so be careful.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:33 pm

Scenario 3:
Precision Strike

"We have determined the enemy’s weak point. We must now punish them for it."

This is a standard Annihilation mission with Dawn of War deployment. See special rules below.

Special Rules:
-Each side has only 5 Kill Points.

-Before the game begins you will look over your opponent’s army list and decide which 5 units will yield a kill point.

-Note that Kill Points may be selected independently, that is an HQ’s retinue may be selected as a retinue while the HQ himself yields none (He’s too reliant on his advisors, lets see what happens when he has to think on his own…), a dedicated transport may be selected while the unit inside yields none (cut of his legs and he will beg for mercy), etc.

-Note that if you lose all your Kill Points you can still win…provided you wipe out your opponent.

-As usual, ties are resolved by Achivement Points (see scoring guide).


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:33 pm

Alternate Scenario:
Cities of Death

"They think themselves safe in their walled cities. We will teach them the error of their ways."

This is a standard Firesweep mission from the Cities of Death expansion book (pg. 42), with the following changes to fit 5th edition (as per GW’s web site):

-True Line of sight applies.

-Intact buildings may now be occupied as per the 5th edition rulebook.

-Scoring units are calculated as per the Cityfighting Victory Points Table on page 48 of the Cities of Death book. Yes, that means non-troops as well!

-Game Length is as per the 5th edition rules.

-There are two Cityfighting Stratagems that are directly affected by the rules change and have been altered:
1. Command Centre Stratagem - The Command Centre stratagem used to allow units to ignore Target Priority tests and grants the Counter-Attack special rule to a unit within 12". Since Target Priority tests no longer exist, it now only grants Counter-Attack to a unit, although that special rule is undoubtedly better using the new Assault rules.
2. Preliminary Bombardment Stratagem - Preliminary Bombardments still exist, they're just a little harder to find in the new rules. They can now be found tucked away on page 258, as a mission special rule!

In addition, please note the following:

-Cityfighting Stratagems are in full effect. Each player gets 3 Stratagems.

-Dusk & Dawn rules are in effect (page 45 of the Cities of Death book).

-Reserves are in effect as per the Cities of Death book (page 45).


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:34 pm

Alternate Scenario:

"This world does not belong to you. We have come to take it back."

This is a standard Planetfall mission from the Planetstrike expansion (page 14). See Special Rules below.

-Please see the Planetstrike Expansion book for complete setup, deployment, etc.

-Remember that each player has one stratagem per objective on the table.

-Remember that if you wish to use the alternative Force Organization chart, you may only swap out entries in other Force Organization entries, so the bulk of your army will remain the same. You cannot edit units in any way. You are still limited to 2000 points.

Special Rules:
-The Planetstrike book outlines rolling a d6 to determine who the attacker or defender is. But sometimes, you may really have your heart set on being one or the other (or may just feel your army is not designed for a particular role). Instead of rolling the die, a player may choose to “sacrifice” Victory Points to select their role. These points will be deducted from their total at the end of the game, up to a maximum of 30. Negative mission points will be deducted from the player’s tournament total, so be careful!

Player A really wants to be the attacker, so he decides he will sacrifice 4 points from his total score at the end just to make that decision. After all, he expects an easy victory.

Player B senses something is up, and declares he is willing to sacrifice 5 points to make that decision.

Player A now has the chance to either declare a larger point sacrifice, or let Player B choose. Or they can just roll for it and let the Dice Gods decide.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:35 pm


Please write a “1”, “2”, or “3” next to the achievement for the game where it was earned. Remember, you can only earn them once the entire tournament.

Massacre (No enemy units left)

First Blood (First to destroy a unit)

Children of the Khorne (Killed every member of an enemy unit in hand to hand without giving them a chance to break and flee)

John Woo Afficionado (Unit single-handedly wiped out full strength enemy unit to the last man in shooting phase)

Natural Born Killers (Left only a single enemy unit at the end of the battle to tell the tale)

That’s One Bad Dude (Single model, non-vehicle unit such as Walker or HQ single handedly kills a unit in either shooting or hand to hand)

Seriously, Don’t Mess With Him (Single model, non-vehicle unit such as Walker or HQ single handedly kills 2+ units in either shooting or hand to hand during a single game)

Did You See That? (Single model, non-vehicle unit such as Walker or HQ single handedly kills 5+ units in either shooting or hand to hand during a single game)

That’s One Bad Mother (Single model, non-vehicle unit such as Walker or HQ single handedly kills 2+ units in either shooting or hand to hand each game of the tournament)

His Name Will Live In Infamy (Single model, non-vehicle unit such as Walker or HQ single handedly kills 5+ units in either shooting or hand to hand each game of the tournament)

None Shall Pass (Same unit that captured an objective controls it at the end of the game)

Veteran (Unit survives the game)

Hardened Veteran (Unit survives 2 games)

Hardcore Veterans (Unit survives all 3 games)

I Had a Little Time (One model painted in the army).

I Had Some Time (One multi-model unit or vehicle painted).

I Had a Lot of Time (Half the army is painted)

Time Management is My Middle Name (Entire Army Painted)

Check It Out (Conversion in the Army)

All Your Base are Belong to Us (Unit captured more than one objective in the game)

So, That’s What It Looks Like (Unit in enemy deployment zone)

Zombie Killer (Enemy HQ destroyed)

Run Forrest, Run! (Unit causes 2+ enemy units to flee in a game)

Big Game Hunters (Unit destroys 2+ vehicles or monstrous creatures in a game)

I Hear He’s Crazy (Non-Fearless Unit passes morale test on a double one)

Trapped Like Rats (Destroy enemy transport in such a way that unit inside gets wiped out at the same time).

Blood on the Streets (Played Cities of Death game)

Death from Above (Played Planetstrike game)

I’m Not Afraid to Mix It Up (Played both Cities of Death and Planetstrike game)

Cut Off Their Hands (Killed all enemy Troop units in an objective game)

You and What Army? (Kill all but the Enemy HQ)

Butcher (Played entire game without shooting)

Marksman (Played entire game without hand to hand combat)

They’re Not So Tough (Took out either an AV14 vehicle facing or a fast skimmer that went flat out)

Hey, Don’t I Know You From Somewhere? (Killed a Special Character)


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:37 pm

10 Slots available. Currently signed up:

1 )Brian (WC_Brian)
2 )Chris (TheEldarGuy)
3 )George (Feen039)
4 )Frank (grix)
5 )Nick (NurgleNick)
6 )Juan (Death_Company_Orks)
7 )
8 )
9 )
10 )

Post a reply or PM me to have your name added. Note that if the list gets filled, there may still be an opening for no shows.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:36 pm

firstly, just put me down for the regular games.
The achievements are pretty cool and different.

Vycem wrote:
1. The target unit (of any type) must move anywhere the objective controller decides, up to the unit’s maximum movement distance, provided they are still able to move. This movement follows standard movement rules (coherency, dangerous terrain, etc) and cannot be prevented in any way. If a unit consists of a squadron of vehicles, the entire squadron is moved. Any non-vehicle unit engaged in combat cannot be moved.
2. The target unit (of any type) must shoot at any valid target within their range and line of sight as designated by the objective controller, provided they are still able to shoot. This shooting cannot be prevented in any way. If a unit consists of a squadron of vehicles, the entire squadron must shoot.

I have to say though that scenario 2's objective abilities are a little OP, despite how much I'd like to use them. In the first case you have Lash of Submission x10 and the second is just broken.

Objective option #1: Cannot be stopped unlike lash of submission and can target friendly units. First turn charge is widely possible and as is arranging enemy units. A jump infantry unit, for example, can move 12", move 12" again, and charge 6" (30" charging seer council anyone?). They can also move as many times as you control objectives. A unit in an open topped vehicle can do the same. Throwing vehicles into dangerous terrain, turning them around, and etc is also a problem.

Objective Option #2: I'll just say this. If there are 5 objectives... I promise you I'll be shooting at least 96 Twin-linked Strength 6 shots a turn with my warwalkers.

Its all very interesting and I can tell you put a lot of time into all this. For the most part it looks great and aside from the second mission I don't see any problems with it.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:54 am

Hmm, I see your points. It's kind of why I wanted the missions up, for people to give me feedback.

The Eldar Guy wrote:firstly, just put me down for the regular games.
The achievements are pretty cool and different.

I have to say though that scenario 2's objective abilities are a little OP, despite how much I'd like to use them. In the first case you have Lash of Submission x10 and the second is just broken.

Objective option #1: Cannot be stopped unlike lash of submission and can target friendly units. First turn charge is widely possible and as is arranging enemy units. A jump infantry unit, for example, can move 12", move 12" again, and charge 6" (30" charging seer council anyone?). They can also move as many times as you control objectives. A unit in an open topped vehicle can do the same. Throwing vehicles into dangerous terrain, turning them around, and etc is also a problem.

Objective Option #2: I'll just say this. If there are 5 objectives... I promise you I'll be shooting at least 96 Twin-linked Strength 6 shots a turn with my warwalkers.

I've been debating this mission back and forth myself. I wanted it to have the potential to be powerful enough to encourage people to try to fight over objectives earlier.

On your first example, note I said "1. The target unit (of any type) must move anywhere the objective controller decides, up to the unit’s maximum movement distance, provided they are still able to move." Maybe I didn't word it well enough, the intent is that if you're moving your own unit, you're doing so in the shooting phase, so they'll be limited to running. You would've been better off declaring a run yourself, and really gain no extra movement. So in a way it's a more limited lash. But yes, I did intend for you to be able to move stuff into dangerous terrain, etc.

On the Option 2, the way I worded it is that the unit must be able to fire and it counts for its firing. In other words, its your turn, you waste the power making a unit fire. It has to be a unit that hasn't shot yet, so it fires, then it can't fire anymore - you could've done the same thing without activating the objective. So the best you can do is make an opponent unit fire, but then they can do the same to you on their turn.

General thoughts I'm playing with, let me know if you think any of these would tone the mission down:

1. Treat activation as a regular psyker attack that can be countered, etc. This would shaft armies with no psyker protection, however.

2. This is one I almost did put in but took out at the last minute: Make a base 8 psychic test. If the test is failed, the Rogue Psyker failed a perils of the warp test and is automatically slain. Counts as having killed the objective yourself (losing you the 5 points). This would bring a GREAT risk to using the objective, but as you've noted...great power to wreak havoc.

3. Contested Psykers cannot be used - you either have full control or you don't.

I'm open to further thoughts/suggestions/etc on this. Thanks for taking the time to read them over!


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by The Eldar Guy Mon Sep 07, 2009 3:48 pm

I think treating him as a ld8 psyker would tone it down a lot. The power will still -probably- go off but at least it lets people have some defense against it.

Also, treating it like LoS would balance it out more, having it only affect non-vehicle units. It is still a potent power as los is cheesiest and most powerful psychic power in the game imo.

the problem I see about your description of #2 is that it doesn't really seem to do anything. If you can't really shoot again, noone is going to let their opponent shoot Razz
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Michaelharmon Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:12 pm

Have fun guys. Sounds like a blast. I've been dying to try out planet strike! Someone take pics.

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by razorramon31 Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:43 pm

Sign me up....Ray (Black Templars)

Number of posts : 66
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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Death_Company_Orks Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:08 am

hey vycem, i just moved last week and i'm currently in the process of building my list. i'm sorry i will not be able to send it to you on time by today but i will have all 3 copies on saturday. i can only say this about my list, i will be using my orks in a hole new way... pirat

Ps: i will not be taking my oversize battlewagon so all you guys can relax and stop building up your arguments about how its not to scale. lmao... i will instead use a looded vehicle thats up to my standars... HUHUHUHAHAHAHAHA...(EVIL LAUGH) Twisted Evil
Aspiring Champion

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by Vycem Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:46 pm

No prob, as long as people show up with a list for me, one for them, and one for their opponent, I'll live.

I just don't want to see a notebook paper you can't part with because it's the only army list you've got Smile



Number of posts : 815
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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by WC_Brian Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:07 am

Hats off to Endre, well done sir!

This was alot of fun, those are some thought provoking missions. I liked the option for both players to play CoDeath or Planetstrike if they both agreed. I suggest that all players play the same mission every round unless they opt for the different rules set like CoDeath. Letting the players choose gives someone the chance to convince their opponent to play missions that are very favorable for their own army. If you are playing a different rules set this isn't as much of an issue because of the added novelty and enjoyment they will bring the two players.

The achievements are an interesting idea but not something you can pay attention to during the games and time consuming to read over afterwards. Someone or multiple people could easily record theirs incorrectly resulting in a person either moving up or down in the final standings. Anything being recorded should be very easy to keep track of.

Dark Apostle

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by rollo Sun Sep 13, 2009 3:45 pm

so is there gonna be another one of these in october??? cause if soooo im in.......cant wait to come home and play gesh
Traitor Captain

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Sep 13, 2009 4:49 pm

October 12th will be the next tournament
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
Location : Miami
Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by rollo Sun Sep 13, 2009 6:37 pm

sssswwwwwwwweeeeeeeetttt whats the points 2000 again??? count me in for thaT!!!!!!
Traitor Captain

Number of posts : 268
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Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring Empty Re: Official 40k Tournament Thread - September 12th, 2009 UPDATE: Missions & Scoring

Post by The Eldar Guy Tue Sep 15, 2009 11:37 am

The Eldar Guy wrote:October 12th will be the next tournament

It'll be October 10th, not the 12th. Razz
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1571
Age : 36
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Armies : Eldar(40k & BFG), Dark Eldar (WIP), & Dark Elves
Registration date : 2008-06-29

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