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Warhammer online

The Eldar Guy
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Warhammer online Empty Warhammer online

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:36 pm

Just picked up Warhammer online. Could somebody recommend a guild / server (or however the game is set up) where a few local sunshine players congregate?


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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by zephel Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:25 pm

I've tried getting into the gaem a few times, but i don't know anybody in the game so kinda lost the feeling to play. But if people from sunshine play this and got a server i will gladly jump in and make something.

By the way, what side you playing?
Dark Apostle

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by ShadowMaster Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:44 pm

I played at launch with Luis and hung in there almost for 1 year.

The game is a shell of what it could have been. I don't know anyone who plays it. Most went back to DAoC or WoW. My last 2 months were spent mostly solo.

You can't have a Massive Multiplayer Game without a massive bunch of players.

Come play WoW with me on Crushridge. The PvP in that game rocks. The PvE in that game rocks. They have 7 million players, so there is always someone to level with. The Cata expansion just hit and it is excellent.
Chaos God

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Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:16 pm

I just got a non-mac computer so I figured this would be a good game to waste my life on being that I knew the background.

FYI I went with an empire priest on Iron Rock server


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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:43 pm

I actually enjoyed it more than WoW, but it's main problem was lack of players which in turn lead to lack of post launch support. It had lot of promise but the game is going nowhere.

Played WoW for years and it's just so boring now, felt like I wasted so much time of my life heh.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by zephel Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:37 pm

Well what if we start up a group, I personally favor chaos but i'll play w.e
Dark Apostle

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:30 pm

Yikes! Even after too much beer I'm still not having fun on this game. Maybe you are right and I need to make it a group event. Ether that or I'm not cut out for the mmorpg scene.


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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:55 pm

It's a pvp centered MMO, but not enough people playing it for good pvp. The regular game itself is pretty mediocre and like all other MMO's in how it plays out, main different is that it's not very rewarding with loot and not much in the form of group play which is what makes stuff like WoW's tedium bearable

Good complex MMO is EVE Online, but that game can be frustrating and a major time sink... it almost becomes another job for a person.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by The Eldar Guy Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:46 am

I started the mmo FFXI with a group of real life friends (6~7) in 2002 and played for six years racking up 800days of playtime (no afk) in that time. After that most of my friends dropped out and I started doing some other stuff (college for all of us).

In my experience having active, and I mean active, friends really makes or breaks any game. In the 8~9 years I've been playing FFXI I can really say that the best time I had was with those guys for the first six. Still have two real life friends that play it but we aren't as active and there aren't as many of us.

All in all it can be a shitty game and still be good with a group of friends, or a great game and become amazing with -active- friends. Either find a solid guild and get on vent and socialize or find some RL people you know to game with.
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
Chaos God

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by zephel Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:38 am

Well, i'll make an order character and play through with you bro if you still up for it. And if more people on the forum actually got into it, who knows. Might make the game intersting since they did just get their patch 1.4 (playable skaven Very Happy)
Dark Apostle

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Armies : Eldar, Dark Eldar
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Vycem Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:11 pm

I used to play when it came out, hung on for almost six months. The balance for PvP is terrible, you play in ten level brackets, but for the first half of the bracket you kind of can't do shit but get killed repeatedly due to the massive equipment and skill difference, so you end up playing when you're in levels x7-x9 of the bracket. Unfortunately you get XP, so when you get bumped to the next bracket, you have to go PvE.

PvE around the middle levels is a wasteland. You'll have to sloooowly grind up the dungeons by yourself, it gets tedious and repetitive as you kite and kite and kite in the hopes of taking the enemies one at a time. And forget about the multiplayer PvE events, middle levels are empty and there's no realistic way to take them on unless you over-level, so the rewards come too little, too late.

PvP is fun, and I did like the areas where you can hunt down other players...provided there were any other players to hunt down.

I wish that game didn't suck.


Number of posts : 815
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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:37 pm

Lack of players basically killed War Online. There wasn't enough players to support the middle levels, and the server populations created huge PVP imbalances on most servers. The game had promise and could have been fun, but it depended on it having huge amount of players available to keep it interesting. Without the players a PVP centered MMO goes to crap.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Dice_Runt Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:04 pm

I played it in the beta for awhile had a blast. I know keith played it a bit longer as did fred. World of Warcraft i played for like 3 months then just stopped. Then again video games lost there luster for me after like 3-5 months
Dark Apostle

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Registration date : 2010-12-02

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by rba718 Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:45 am

I played for about 2 years since release. The game has changed a lot though I haven't played in like 6 months or more I think.

I remember Gorfang being mostly Order dominated and then Badlands being Destro dominated but that was then, it's probably different now.

The game's pretty fun if you love PVP especially when you have a lot of people going at it over keep and map fights. The endgame got revamped completely before I left and it was actually pretty amazing.
Traitor Guardsman

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:36 am

The PVP in the game was fun, and they really improved the game, but the lack of players really hurt the game as it's design depends on having lot of players. All the action is in tier 1 because of the unlimited free trial, and tier 4, the entire middle portion of the game is completely dead with not enough ppl to support it, while tier 4 is where almost everyone is stuck in. The game just is impossible for a new person to join in and enjoy the way it was designed since it requires other players to do all the public quests and the PVP is essential.

They screwed up lot of things at launch of course, such as the big outdoor pvp was basically pointless, they completely forgot the main goal of MMO's is rewards and players need a carrot on stick to do things, so most players just never moved and just kept doing the scenarios for pvp which gave fastest xp progression. Other important details needed to be fixed but really it was a bad idea for the game to release about 2 months before Wrath of the Lich King. Over night our guild had lost over 60% of it's members when the expansion released.

Game should have released after Lich King and with more work put into it.... game ran like crap even on high end systems too.

I played for some time as well and was playing it along with WoW and I still enjoyed it because of the pvp, but what killed the game mainly for me was the complete lack of any support in the form of new content. Outside the land of the dead, for almost 2 years they did nothing but continually try to improve and fix the game as it is, which is good but really... need more content or ppl will get bored with your game.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:54 am

I thought the game ran pretty well.
My issues ran deeper to the company level.

DAoC launched and ran for years. Mythic likes systems that are hard to compare. Class A gets the ability in this realm, but class B in this realm, and class C (for DAoC) in realm 3. In the begining there were many class imbalance issues that they were slow to fix. EVENTUALLY they seemed to grasp that balance is closer when classes on both sides are treated equally, and they went on to make those adjustments.

When they announced WAR, DAoC was a great and balanced PvP game with a solid player base. It was a FUN game with EPIC battles with PURPOSE. It's what you'd want in a MMO PvP game IMO.

Fast forward to WAR launch, and it's right back to the DAoC dark ages. Order class A trumps it's Destruction counterpart 3 fold. Gimp class B is required fr groups because his Ability X (ie: CC Mez) is key for PvP groups. Changes are slow to come, but then suddenly sweeping drastic change.

Our Witch Elves (played with my wife) got nerfed so hard I couldn't kill a fire wizard from stealth 2 on 1. So who am I suppost to attack? It was my Shadowblade nightmare all over again. There was just no way I was going to continue on through years of that same crap again. If you read their patch notes, it seems to continue today. No thank you.

Last edited by ShadowMaster on Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
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Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:35 am

Class balance issues are rampant in pretty much all MMO's, they become more personal for certain players whose class is the target of major changes of course. There is always those classes that seem to never change .... course sometimes that is also a bad thing. Pallies at launch of WoW were considered "I win" buttons, then they got nerfed to uselessness for a long time, and then after BC they became godly to the point of brokeness, and finally they were toned down after almost 2 years of ridiculousness. While Shadow Priests were laughed at by all for just not being good enough at anything and we hanged our head in shame for years while healing specs just got better and better all the time.

The core game issues is what to me is what hurt WAR the most, as lot of the game was poorly designed/balanced that players were constantly ignorig aspects of the game.. The whole PVP aspect being the focus of the game was just a mess and open world PVP was just a bad idea with the way it was implemented with it's silly zerg like play and no concern for population imbalance. Whole server sides just basically would quit because there was no chance to beal the population imbalances on said server, so the PVP scene was barren in most servers...... no one doing PVP in a PVP focused game? Yea that's a problem.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:47 am

I think WoW does a good job of spliting the PvE and PvP portions of their game. It's really optional as to what degree you PvP and how hard core that PvP is. It allows everyone to find their own level of fun that works for them and that is why it succeeds.

As for balance, the Pally/Shamen issue was more of a problem when only 1 side had Pallys and Shamen. Now if class A is too strong, at least both sides have class A working for them. Class to Class will never be perfectly balanced, but Order to Destruction is balanced.

WAR Fire Wizards only exist on Order. The Destruction cold based sorc was never even close to as effective. How hard would it be to make them both the same? Sure it's a bit less fun, but it is way more balanced.

WAR failed because the Order classes > Destro classes by a long shot. (Bright Wizards, Witch Hunters, and Warrior Priest inparticular. Mythic loves their Albs). You don't get much time to adjust for that in a PvP based game. Then changes come in large sweeping droves that you can't even keep track of. Who would play through that crap? Clearly, very, very few.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
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Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:01 pm

Order being superior to Destro seemed to be a myth, and completely server based. I know the server I was on the Order never dominated the Destro, and from the server war listings, Destro tended to dominate on most servers.

Order had some better classes early on in terms of power, but Destruction had far more players becasue frankly, Destruction had the most interesting classes to play. In majority of servers, Destruction dominated the realm warfare and large part because of population imbalances. It didn't matter how a class was unbalanced in War when the core PVP mechanics were flawed to the point that no one wanted to play.

And really Order characters got beat dow with nerf sticks like crazy as well, the BW was heavily castrated eventually and people were crying nerf on Sorcs then....

WAR had lot of issues that I imagine played a bigger part in it's failure.

1- Shitty PvE
2- Reliance on heavy player population
3- Completely useless crafting
4- No player economy
5- Lack of gear individuality, you could go through 10 levels and despite getting new gear constantly, the appearance would not change as they just used the same item graphic item for many pieces.
6- No one was playing the open world pvp for the many reasons mentioned already.
7- Zero content updates, nothing new was added to the game till about one year after release, and that was pathetic.
8- Launching in a poor state 2 months prior to a WoW expansion. Laughing
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Leviticus Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:41 am

I played WAR maybe a year ago. I have a level 37 or 38 dwarf on Iron Rock. The game was pretty awesome. PVE was ridiculously easy (don't instance, do public quests by yourself. Watch your EXP fly and enjoy the free gear that comes with!) and PVP was simply out of this world. If your faction has access to Land of the Dead and you're level 25, JUMP IN THERE! You get bumped up to level 40 (the same kind of level increase as if joining a battleground below max level) and you GAIN exp as if you were level 40!

Did I also mention free epics?... Yes... Free epics.

The game was great, I was playing with Josh for a while. He decided to quit, and I ended up going back to wow. All in all, I gave WAR an 8/10. You just have to know how to cheese the system.
Traitor Marine

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by zephel Wed Jan 19, 2011 5:03 pm

^ what he said
Dark Apostle

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by Kyle Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:07 pm

Order got screwed early on also since the game launched with them missing two of their primary close combat classes. The Ironbreaker was good but not played enough to make up for the lack of others.

The Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, and Engineer were the top played Order classes and they were mainly ranged DPS, Order in PVP often would get steamrolled since they lacked close combat units and tanks while the Destruction side had more than enough popular CC units with Chosen, Black Orcs. So many scenarios and ORVR battles I would go to and Order would have no tanks or only a couple Ironbreakers against a horde of Destruction players.

The Ironbreaker back then was godly good, but not enough of them. Knights and the Troll Slayers that came later helped even things out, but by then a lot of the damage was done to the population.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
Armies : Infinity-Yu Jing, Heavy Gear-North, 40K-IG/Orks, Uncharted Seas-Shroud Mages, FoW-SS, AM Naval-Japanese, Hordes-Trolls, Blood Bowl-Goblins, Malifaux- Guild, Anima-Azure, BFG- Chaos, Dystopian Wars- Brits
Registration date : 2008-11-03

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Warhammer online Empty Re: Warhammer online

Post by ShadowMaster Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:14 am

I think both sides had some OP'd classes (more on Order), but both sides also had some gimps.

Magus, the mage/healing elf, and the archer classes come to mind.

People dump their time into something to find out it's no good in end game. Nothing can be worse than to be stuck forced to surf the zerg.

We switched out of magus and went top level with Witch Elves. They nerfed us right before we hit 40 and we sucked again. That was about enough for me.

Mythic dev just have their stubborn heads up their ass when it comes to balance.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
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Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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