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Cryx Battle Log

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Cryx Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:14 pm

GAME # - Result/Points - Warcaster vs. Opponent (Faction)

1 - W/35 - pGaspy vs. Thagrosh (LoE)..... Attrition war. The Iron Lich was the only model left standing when it ended.
2 - L/35 - pGaspy vs. eLylyth (LoE)..... Cankerworm missed a key attack roll and left the Iron Lich exposed to the counter-strike.
3 - W/35 - Terminus vs. eCaine (Cygnar)..... Over-aggressive attempt at a turn 1 assassination left Caine in base to base with death.
4 - L/25 - pGaspy vs. Damiano (Mercs)..... Made a decent last dice run, but failed and lost on objective points (0-7).
5 - L/35 - pGaspy vs. Harkevich (Khador)..... In control but an over aggressive teleport put the Iron Lich in harms way of a Destroyer. Bad move!
6 - W/50 - pGaspy vs. Strakhov (Khador)..... Won on objectives 7-0, then survived Strakov's run at me (2 boxes left) and trashed him next turn.
7 - L/35 - Terminus vs. Hoarluk Doomshaper (Trolls)..... Mulg trampled to Terminus and smacked him down good.
8 - L/35 - pGaspy vs. Madrak (Trolls)..... Troll Champs ran down the iron lich. growing to hate trolls!
9 - W/35 - pShade vs. Xerxis (Skorne)..... Got super lucky to live and then mashed the thralls into Xerxis.
10 - L/35 - pShade vs. Vayl (LoE)..... Cat and moused me for the win. Made a desperate run that failed and got fried by dragonbreath.

11 - L/35 - pShade vs. Vayl (LoE)..... Rinse and repeat. Played it really badly. Lost even worse.
12 - W/35 - pShade vs. Venetrax (Cryx)..... (SR) While reviewing the game film vs. Vayl I suddenly saw the light of how to play pShade
13 - W/35 - pShade vs. Ravyn (RoS)..... (SR) Now I know why Blackbane's Ghosts are Blake's favorite unit.
14 - L/35 - pGaspy vs. Rhyas (LoE)..... (SR) In complete control until Ms. Ninja somersaulted out of combat and went all Bruce Lee on me.
15 - L/35 - pGoreshade vs. pHaley (Cygnar)..... Couldn't finish her off and got blasted.
16 - W/35 - pGaspy vs. Zaal (Skorne)..... Zaal failed his run and died to self inflicted Last Stand effects.
17 - W/35 - Terminus vs. Strakhov (Khador)..... Finally getting the hang of the big Lich, which is very bad for the living.
18 - W/35 - Terminus vs. eMakeda (Skorne)..... Yup - very bad for the living indeed! Attrition + Godzilla mode = WIN!
19 - L/35 - pDenny vs. Mordikaar (Skorne)..... Hit her a bunch but couldn't kill her. Attrition loss.
20 - W/35 - Morty vs. Gorton (Mercs)..... Overdrove a ghostly Deathjack into the little guy.

21 W/35 - Morty vs. Garreth (RoS)..... Overdrove a ghostly Deathjack into the assassin. This combo rocks.
22 L/35 - Morty vs. Garreth (RoS)..... Got her too close and was blasted by a rapid-firing AFG.
23 W/35 - pShade vs. eButcher (Khador)..... Bane Knight around the corner and Bane Thrall up the middle.
24 W/35 - Terminus vs. Strakhov (Khador)..... Got lucky to dodge a Berserker attack and then Terminus cut him down.
25 W/35 - Terminus vs. Strakhov (Khador)..... Went full Godzilla with A34 turning into 20 focus and A38 for the big finish.
26 W/35 - Morty vs. pScortcha (Khador)..... Overdrove the Seether into position for a trample to Scortcha.
27 W/35 - Morty vs. pScortcha (Khador)..... Overdrove a ghostly Seether around the corner and into Scortcha.
28 W/36 - Morty vs. Ravyn (RoS)..... Gostly Deathjack trampled over to the sexy elf.
29 L/35 - Morty vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Missed one small step in my run, failed, and found myself eating Phoenix steel.
30 L/35 - Morty vs. pMorghoul (Skorne)..... Bronzeback threat caused me to panic and I blew the counter-attack.

31 W/35 - eGaspy vs. eHexeris (Skorne)..... Attrition win as Carter and Matt coached me on how to run the Lich Lord.
32 L/25 - eGaspy vs. eCaine (Cygnar)..... Cloud cover was solid, but Greygore Boomhowler & Co would not go down. Lost on 4th (ACP) tie-breaker 16-13.
33 L/25 - eGaspy vs. eLilith (LoE)..... Triple Ravagores had me running for my life. Lost to Miles on Control Points 2-0.
34 W/25 - eGaspy vs. Kallus (LoE)..... Gene's infantry list lacked the shooting to counter my clouds. Attrition win.
35 W/25 - eGaspy vs. eStryker (Cygnar)..... Won attrition game on 4th (ACP) tie breaker over Andrew.
36 W/35 - eGaspy vs. Carver (Minions)..... Triple Warhogs. Used clouds to close and alpha strike. Feasted on bacon.
37 W/35 - eGaspy vs. Kraye (Cygnar)..... Attrition win on the 3rd (ACP) tie breaker.
Made the qualifing cut in 8th of 8!
38 L/35 - eGaspy vs. Old Witch (Khador)..... Misplaced the clouds. Ryan blasted me with a Decimator and the WGI deathstar.
39 L/35 - Terminus vs. eGaspy (Cryx)..... Very close and down to the last seconds, but lost on 3rd tie breaker to Adam.
40 L/35 - eGaspy vs. Rhan (RoS)..... Misplaced the clouds (again!), and I got force hammered, magno blasted, and force bolted down by Paul.
8TH PLACE (last)

41 W/35 - Morty vs. Rhan (RoS)..... Caught Paul by surprise when I over ran the Harrower up for massive Thresher casulties. Then a slayer claw of revenge to the face!
42 W/35 - Terminus vs. eHaley (Cygnar)..... Max did not get anything close enough to contest my zone (1/4 inch) and I immediately scored 2 control points and the win.
43 W/35 - Terminus vs. eVayl (LoE)..... Wethered a Carnivian attack. Trashed Typhon's sprit & run with a lone backstrike. Clint failed to contest, instant 2cp and a 3-0 win.
44 L/35 - eGaspy vs. Barnabus (Minions)..... Made some bad choices. Got some good dice. Lost attrition game on 3rd (ACP) tie breaker 32-19.
45 W/35 - eGaspy vs. eHaley (Cygnar)..... A comedy of errors ended when Eryk accidently moved out of the control zone to give me the game.
46 W/35 - eGaspy vs. eDoomshaper (Trolls)..... Attrition win as I resummoned into a near empty battlefield and finished him off with a ghostly horde.
47 W/35 - Morty vs. eDoomshaper (Trolls)..... Overdrove the ghostly DJ into eDoom and took his soul.
48 W/35 - pDenny vs. eDoomshaper (Trolls)..... Biles blew open a lane and Knights vengence around the left flank for the kill.
49 L/35 - pDenny vs. eDoomshaper (Trolls)..... A bit too aggressive and got eaten by the severly debuffed Earthborn Troll. (non-league)
50 L/15 - pGaspy vs. Kaelyssa (RoS)..... Shot down on the top of turn 3

51 L/15 - pGaspy vs. Kaelyssa (RoS)..... Shot up and finished off by a MHA variant
52 W/15 - pShade vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Deathjack took the slam, got up, and charged over to Rahn. We know how that ends.
53 L/25 - pShade vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Teleported into a double MHA backstrike. We know how that ends.
54 W/35 - Morty vs. Kromac (CoO)..... Overran the ghostly DJ in there for the kill.
55 W/35 - Morty vs. Kromac (CoO)..... Overran the ghostly DJ in there for the kill. This is NOT a double post.
56 W/50 - Morty vs. Mohsar (CoO)..... Overran the ghostly DJ in there for the kill. It was a good night for the DJ.
57 W/50 - Morty vs. Mohsar (CoO)..... Overran the Harrower into a Thresher soul feast, then put it all into the caster for the kill.
58 W/15 - pShade vs. Kaelyssa (RoS)..... Extra 5 points for the attrition win.
59 W/35 - eGaspy vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Added the ghosts to a massive wave 2 attack that claimed many elf souls for the lich lord.
60 L/50 - eGaspy vs. Borka (Trolls)..... Wandered to close and got smacked down by Mulg.

61 W/15 - Venetrax vs. Borka (Trolls)..... The Dragonslayer barely takes out the EBDT. DJ fails on Borka. Axer fails on LLV. DJ cleans up on Borka.
62 L/50 - Terminus vs. Jarl (Trolls)..... I botched 3 rules during my run and failed. Should have won, but instead I was smacked down by Mulg.
63 W/35 - pShade vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... WSC converted 2 heavies to give me a disgusting attrition edge. Feat Banes finished him.
64 W/15 - pGaspy vs. Kaelyssa (RoS)..... Rattled her into a bad spot with Soulhunters, then finished her with the Iron Lich.
65 L/50 - Morty vs. Mandrak (Trolls)..... Fight club is not an easy win vs. four buffed up, five fury heavies.
66 L/35 - Morty vs. pIrusk (Kha)..... Took him down to 2, but couldn't finish. Lost on Contorl Points.
67 L/35 - Terminus vs. pButcher (Kha)..... WGI blew open a whole and assassins finished me off.
68 W/35 - eGaspy vs. eKrueger (CoO)..... Dropped the Bile Thrall Bomb deep into the Druids and frustrated with clouds. Won on Army Kill points.
69 W/35 - Terminus vs. Kallus (LoE)..... Used Pistol Wriaths to shut down beasts and toughed out the rest. Won on Army Kill points.
70 L/35 - Terminus vs. eThagrosh (LoE)..... With Terminus too close, PWs fail to lock down eThag and I get pummeled down with 2 minutes to go.

Dogs Of War Gaming Steamroller (Road to GenCon qualifier)
71 W/75 eGaspy vs. pNemo (Cygnar)..... Spawned some Bane Knights with BLT and slipped one in on the old man for the one shot kill on a very good roll.
72 L/75 eGaspy vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... MHSF+ShatterStorm ripped me to shreads - lost on attrition and then lost on control points.
73 L/75 Morty vs. pVlad (Khador)..... Ironiclly overrun as the twin Kraken/5 Heavy experiment could not keep up with the mass of infantry plus Jacks.
74 W/75 Morty vs. pHaley (Cygnar)..... Took big damage, but setup DJ to Overrun into walk up position, avoiding Temporal Barrier and smacking down Haley
FINSHED 2-2, 6th or 7th of 16
75 W/50 eGaspy vs. Vlad3 (Khador)..... Slipped the gang through on feat turn and took him down.
76 W/50 eGaspy vs. Vlad3 (Khador)..... Killed my own boys and surprised him from further out than expected.
77 W/50 eGaspy vs. eNemo (Cygnar)..... Slipped the feat gang in for the win.
78 W/35 Morty vs. Harkavich (Khador)..... Overran the ghostly DJ to the caster for the win.
Red Skies @ Night
79 W/35 Morty vs. eDoomy (Trolls)..... Took out Tom's Bouncer with the Harrower and Slayers to overrun a fully loaded Deathjack into the Troll shaman.
80 L/35 Morty vs. Kross3 (Menoth)..... Lost initials, fully camped cav caster, and some cold dice left him with 2. Kyle charged Kross in.

81 L/35 Morty vs. eStryker (Cygnar)..... Andrew’s punks me on the extension turn rule.
82 W/35 Morty vs. pGaspy (Cryx)..... Forced to move out of the killbox, Matt puts Gaspy too close to Deathjack.
83 L/35 Morty vs. pSevy (Menoth)..... Brain meltdown. Run fails. To Jeff on a silver platter with a bow.
84 L/50 eGaspy vs. Harby (Menoth)..... Enlivened the Avatar into the way of my own feat and give it to Gabe.
85 L/50 eGaspy vs. eKrueger (CoO)..... Moved up in the zone for no reason and Ryan proceeded beat down my lich.
86 W/50 pSkarre vs. Broadside Bart (Mercs)..... Backlash Bart down to 3 with Colossal 1, then win on CP by choice the next turn over John
87 L/50 eGaspy vs. Kreoss3 (Menoth)..... Twice in 4 games I’m too close for no reason. Jeff puts a Jack into my caster.
88 W/35 eGaspy vs. pThagrosh (Legion)..... Finally ended this intense see-saw battle with Fernando to take out the Prophet.
89 W/35 eGaspy vs. Rhan (Ret)..... Jesse lacked enough shooting to deal with my infantry horde and I eventually dropped the clouds and over ran him.
90 L/35 eGaspy vs. eSorcha (Khador)..... Mahu made a nice play to put Eiryss into the cloud to get a charge target, and then move in with Conquest to one shot the Lich Lord.

91 W/35 eGaspy vs. pDoomy (Trolls)..... A couple of Seether claws into the Shammy gave me a collection of troll teeth and a win over Max.
92 L/50 Terminus vs. eSorcha (Khador)..... Unable to connect in combat on D14+, my everything fails. Conquest 1 shot Terminus.
93 W/35 eGaspy vs. Siege (Cygnar)..... I was able to keep way back and just work JP down with Biles and Banes.
94 W/35 pSkarre vs. Harby (Menoth)..... Blackbane's slip through to cut and burn the teen diety. Rolled Boxcars to end it in the control phase.
Finished 6th of 16
25Pt MM/TC SpeedMachine @ PPF
95 L/25 pShade vs. eVayl (LoE)..... Died at the top of two to double boosted Obliteration. Ross was 4-0 with this list in under 8 minutes total so I think I was par for the course.
96 W/25 pShade vs. pDoomy (Trolls)..... Killed an Axer and Slag while banking 2 CP. Cody played it too safe and took Trall bait with Mulg to give me the final 3CP on 1 activation.
97 L/25 pShade vs. eDoomy (Trolls)..... In what seemed like total control when the EBDT broke free for a 13" charge and gave Goreshade his fists.
98 W/50 pGaspy vs. Saeryn (LoE)..... Surprised him with Biles on feat turn to take control of attrition and feated for the win.
99 L/35 pSkarre vs. pCaine (Cygnar)..... Too much shooting, feated for D to get in but poor dice led to very few kills. Last gasp spell run failed.
DoWG 50 Pt SR2013 Road to GenCon Qualifier
100 W/50 eGaspy vs. eHaley (Cygnar)..... Loosing on CP so forced to feat and go for her. Got lucky rolls with BLT and Slaughterborn to cut up JP's favorite caster.

101 W/50 eGaspy vs. Rask (Minions)..... Slaughterborn read the ambush play and the counter-strike took out 13 of 16 bog trogs to put me in complete control.
102 W/50 eGaspy vs. pDenny (Cryx)..... Very hard fought game with few mistakes on either side until Adam left Denny a touch too close, and again I got the key rolls to end her.
1st PLACE!
PPT Journeyman League
103 L/15 pDenny vs. pKaya (CoO)..... Gave up all of my Arc-nodes too easily and forced to make a run. Failed. Died.
104 W/15 pDenney vs. pMakada (Skorne)..... This time I position my nodes better and get my Scorge off. A knocked down ninja is a dead ninja.
105 W/15 pDenney vs. pSorcha (Khador)..... Survived her massive sling shot charge (which I always forget about). She survives my counter run. I win on a backstrike.

Overall: 62W 43L

Last edited by ShadowMaster on Sun May 26, 2013 9:38 pm; edited 42 times in total
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:03 pm

Those 2 games were great Bill. The eThags vs. pGaspy was hands-down one of the best games I've played.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:15 am

Super fun Mike - love that Typhon
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:48 pm


Cryx Battle Log Blackbanes-ghost-raiders-unit
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:22 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:I LOVE THESE GUYS!

These guys just caused me to lose 10$ due to me now needing to have a extoller soulward in every list (grants magic weapons). Bastards.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:12 am

Cryx Battle Log Crucib10
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by KingdomCome Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:24 am

Nice going Bill. Who got the other two top spots?
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1233
Age : 40
Location : Miami, Fl.
Armies : 40K: Tau, Eldar, SM FoW: Americans & Russians Infinity: Combined Army of EI WM/H: TrollBloods
Registration date : 2009-08-04

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:13 am

First in the main event was Jon Galvin with Gators. Due to earlier list choices, I was pigeon holed into my eGaspy list. Now he is an AWESOME caster, just not my best option vs. Gators. It was still a winnable game for me, but I played it badly under the pressure of the final table. I forgot vengence twice, I forgot many tough rolls, I ran out of time on my feat turn.

Passing me for 2nd was Ryan Lavoie with Khador. This guy was (IMO) the deadliest gun in the bunch. He had the most wins during the weekend and he effortlessly ripped me a new one in game 38 above.

The Red Skies at Night winner was JP (The Great One) with Cygnar
The Reville winner was Ryan Lavoie with Khador
The Taps winner was Danny Modesto with Retribution

I won 2 raffles for a new RoS jack (got the last one!) and some nice 50mm bases from Microwar Studios. I also led the heros to victory in a game of Super Dungeon Explorer while the 2nd qualifier played out Saturday night.

My 3 goals were -
Make new friends - CHECK!
Qualify - CHECK!
Improve my game - look out peeps.... DOUBLE CHECK!

Truely a blast! Without a doubt - I'll play in this again next year. I also got invited to couch crash in Atlanta for WarMachine weekend this April (25th), so I may hop up there in a few weeks and do it all again!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:09 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:First in the main event was Jon Galvin with Gators. Due to earlier list choices, I was pigeon holed into my eGaspy list. Now he is an AWESOME caster, just not my best option vs. Gators. It was still a winnable game for me, but I played it badly under the pressure of the final table. I forgot vengence twice, I forgot many tough rolls, I ran out of time on my feat turn.

Passing me for 2nd was Ryan Lavoie with Khador. This guy was (IMO) the deadliest gun in the bunch. He had the most wins during the weekend and he effortlessly ripped me a new one in game 38 above.

The Red Skies at Night winner was JP (The Great One) with Cygnar
The Reville winner was Ryan Lavoie with Khador
The Taps winner was Danny Modesto with Retribution

I won 2 raffles for a new RoS jack (got the last one!) and some nice 50mm bases from Microwar Studios. I also led the heros to victory in a game of Super Dungeon Explorer while the 2nd qualifier played out Saturday night.

My 3 goals were -
Make new friends - CHECK!
Qualify - CHECK!
Improve my game - look out peeps.... DOUBLE CHECK!

Truely a blast! Without a doubt - I'll play in this again next year. I also got invited to couch crash in Atlanta for WarMachine weekend this April (25th), so I may hop up there in a few weeks and do it all again!

Glad it was a good event Bill. Unfortunately a family issue caused me to head out of state from Thursday to Saturday. Been extremely busy with school and work the last few months as well, but I think I can squeeze in some games, particularly Thursday if your good.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Cryx Battle Log Empty Re: Cryx Battle Log

Post by Wild Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:50 pm

That was a great game to watch Bill. Was hoping you'd take down the blasted Gators but ah well. Congrats again on the 3rd place!


Number of posts : 60
Armies : Tau, Black Templars
Registration date : 2009-04-25

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