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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by Hurricane Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:40 am

Last night German paratroopers supported by a Tiger and a platoon of Stug assault guns broke through an entrenched Russian Infantry Battalion. Russian resistance was high as they decimated a paratrooper platoon that made a direct assault on the entrenched russians. Heavy fire from the german MG-42's and 20mm flak cannons keep the russians from advancing on the germans. The tide started to turn when the Tiger rolled over an infantry company and made them flee from their entrenched positions and the German reserves made the breakthrough attack coming from the Russian rear. A fresh Paratrooper platoon supported by the stug's wrecked havoc on the Russians. The Stug's decimated a katayushka platoon and then rolled over another infantry company that was defending an key objective. Russian reineforcements consisting of 5 T-34/85's and 3 SU-85's arrived at the same time as the Germans but were unable to keep Germans from securing the objective. Air support for both armies was ineffective and the anticipated tank battle was short and uneventful as only 1 T-34/85 was destroyed and no German armor was lost.

German propaganda officals are developing combat photos that will be released later today!!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
Registration date : 2008-03-01

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by luis the young Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:18 am

The brave soldiers of the 12th Infantry army retreated in good order from the unimportant objectice, their mission was accomplished as they inflicted heavy losses on the advancing naxi dogs. Our brave soldiers performed admirably under unfavorable conditions, being outnumbered and sorrounded on all sides by the best soldiers the hitlerites had at their disposal, it took the best of the best of the fascist dogs to make our brave peasants brake from their trenches! The brave tankists of the 23rd Tank regiment were delayed in arriving but were able to assist in the withdrawl.

The 12th army is currently beign recalled for some well earned R&R in the world famous Siberian Recreation camps, the supporting elements from the 23rd Tank regiment will be joining them. The Kommisar personal trainers in charge of the camps have been instructed to have xtra special activities for the brave soldiers to enhance their stay.

This is the voice of truth of the Free Soviet republic signing out, all glory to papa Stalin !
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by luis the young Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:15 pm

The game started great for me, i was inflicting heavy losses on the germans, but the dice Gods were not with me, all of a sudden my dice lost their load, and erics' found theirs, he was making armor saves left and right like he owned the place ( well, he did, it was his house), I on the other hand was failing pretty much evry single save i had to take.

I think the turn of the battle came when i launched an assault with an Infantry company consisting of 14 infantry stands vs his 4 stands of paratroopers, i got arround 4 attacks in..and missed evrysingle one of them !!!! he killed like 2-3 in retaliation and my long streak of failed motivation rolls began ( i pretty much failed about 95% of them from there on ). After that assault he opened up on them with bunch of machine guns and russians were drpping like flies.

Planes once again, totally worthless, my tanks beign on reserve sucked as they didnt come in untill turn 5 !

Once Eric remember that a Tiger tank is the shit, he finaly sharged my lines with it, not a damn thing i could do to it since soviet infantry lack antitank gear, he pushed my center back 3 times with it!

At the end it was my mistake of thinking that my undersize infantry company could hold the objective against a full platoon of paratroopers and 3 stugs, my reins coming in so late sucked horribly. I had a chance to take out the tiger, but after missing 6 shots, and then him saving twice on a 5 and a 6 !!!
couldnt take the bastard down.

It was a fun game that looked to be goign my way for the first 2 turns, then totally turned arround after turn 3.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by Hurricane Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:27 pm

Here are the pictures that the German High Command promised.

German set up

Russian set up

Other side of Russian set up

FJ platoon was wiped out but Tiger gets ready to pounce

German re-inforcements arrive form Russian rear.

Stug G's and Paratroopers secure objective

What's left of the Russians
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
Registration date : 2008-03-01

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by scurrdi Mon Jun 09, 2008 2:33 am

Incorrect Luis!!!

I discovered this at the tournament I was playing in which would have given me a draw rather then a loss in the first game!

Even if you can't hurt the tiger with your regular infantry, you can still attack it. If you manage to score a hit (not a bail or a destroyed, just pass a skill test) your opponent must pass a motivation test to continue fighting or break off. If he breaks off then he has to run away (giving you side armor) and you still hold the objective, giving it your turn to open up with your anti-tank on the exposed tiger (he can't turn it round as it's fleeing from the battle).

The rules in assault state that you must test for motivation if you do any "hits" at all, not if you destroy the tank at all or not.

Something to keep in mind when those Tigers assault the objective, just gotta stick it through until they run off, considering the Tiger is only Confident he should run by the second go around and particuarly with only 1 tiger he won't kill enough stands before you drive him away.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by Abaddon Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:04 pm

I have to ask. What's up with the green dice on the stands? Are they markers or something?
Traitor Captain

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by luis the young Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:32 pm

Dammit, i couldve prob made that tiger break ! oh well, next time i will swarm over the bastard like ants over cake !

javi the green dice on the stand were reprecenting my AA mahine guns that come on a truck and were attached to my HQ, they have the "Portee" rule, so we figured they can be dismounted from the truck, since they were glued to the truck and i didnt have any machine guns to represent them, i used dice Smile

Also, here is a question for you, that scenario we played says that i can bring ONE vehicle in, but all the rest stay on reserve. How the heck to Katiushka rocket battery counts, they are on trucks, but cant be dismounted, and is an artillery piece.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Registration date : 2008-03-03

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by Hurricane Mon Jun 09, 2008 5:15 pm

I will post something on the flames of war forum to make sure we played it right. Its the same as any SPA piece you just can't direct fire like other SPA and obviously cant fire a barrage after you move.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
Registration date : 2008-03-01

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by scurrdi Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:02 pm

The mobile reserves rule that your talking about is just that. You can only deploy one unit with vehicles. This includes transports, unarmored cars, etc.

However, you can deploy a unit WITHOUT their vehicles, they are just considered sent to the rear. But if you were to bring out the rocket wagons then those count as your vehicle.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by Hurricane Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:24 pm

Thats what I thought, and that is how we played it.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
Registration date : 2008-03-01

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

Post by scurrdi Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:41 pm

Yeah, in Nashcon we played 3 different missions. Hold the Line, Breakthrough, and Cauldron.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front  (Eric vs Luis) Empty Re: German Breakthrough on the Eastern Front (Eric vs Luis)

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