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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

luis the young
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Hurricane Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:08 pm

Today, A Russian Tank Battalion attemped to breakthrough German defenses outsided the city of Belgorod.

Fallshirmjager Company
HQ with 2 submahine teams and Panzerfausts, 1 Puppchen
FJ Platoon with 3 Squads and 1 Panzerfaust Submachine gun team.
FJ Platoon with 3 Squads and 1 Panzerfaust submachine gun team.
FJ Platoon with 2 Squads and 1 Panzerfaust submachine gun team.
Lt. gun platoon (2 guns) LG40 recoiless guns
Mortar platoon (4 GW 34)
Parachute Anti tank Platoon ( 2 x Pak 40 guns)
Panzer Platoon ( 4x Stug G's)
Parachute Tank Hunter Platoon (3 x Marder II's)
Limited Air Supports FW-190's

Russian Tank Company
HQ 1 T-34 85, Anti- Aircraft Platoon ( 3x DShK AA MG on trucks)
Tankovy Company ( 5x T-34, 5x T-34-85)
Tankovy Company ( 4x Mark II, 1x Mark VIII Valentines)
Tankovy Company (5x T-34-85)
Guards Heavy Tank Company ( 3x IS-2)
Assualt Gun Company (3x SU-85's)
Limited Airsupport P-39 Kobras

The mission was breathrough. I was the German Fallshirmjager and Stephan had his Russian Tank Company

I set up my small FJ Platoon and the light Anti tank guns in the Wheatfield. Behind them I placed the mortars and behind the field was my Stug G's. On the other flank, I placed a larger FJ Platoon supported by the Pak 40's. I also had the other FJ platoon ready to move out to secure the objectives. I had to hold my Marders in reserve.

Stehan placed the T-34's and the Valentines directly in front of the Wheatfield and the SU-85s in the middle and the IS-2s facing the Pak 40's and FJ platoon. He placed the AA trucks in the woods and held the T 34-85's in reserve.

Stephan began the game by knocking out one Stug G the I thought would be safe and rolling the IS-2s up on my left flank and machine gunning my Pak 40's. He failed to kill any of them. He used the AA guns and Valentines to take out/pin my anti tank guns in the wheatfield but failed to do either. He forgot to call in airsupport but assualted with the T-34's I fired the LG 40's and 1 Panzerfaust in defensive fire. I bailed out 3 tanks but didnt kill any. He killed 1 infantry team and 2 LG 40's. I then promptly failed motivation to counter assault with the FJ Platoon but passed with the lone command team with panzeknacker. He our course missed and he was killed. So, I am out 1 platoon of LG40's and my FJ platoon is pinned and fled from their fox holes.

On my turn, I call in airsupport and Stephan and he intercepted it. I forgot to my the FJ platoon towards the objectives. I moved the Stugs up on the left side of the T-34s that were not in the wheatfield. I drop a mortar barrage on the AA trucks in the woods and destroyed all of them. I rallied the FJ platoon but failed to dig in. The Stugs knocked out 1 T-34. My PaK 40's killed 1 SU-85 and bailed out another.

Oh his next turn he moved the remainer of the T-34's up on the FJ platoon that had just ralled and the Valentines up on the mortars. The IS-2s got ready to hit the Paks with the 1 SU-85 because the other one failed to remount his tank. My PaK 40's got hit 3 times and I made each 5+ save and didnt lose a single one. His T-34s fired 28 machine gun shots and mowed down the remaining FJ platoon. The Valentines assaulted the Mortars and didnt kill any of them. I counter assaulted and hit with 1 infantry hit and a panzerknacker. He made both saves. And killed both the Command team and an Mortar. The remaining broke away.

ON my 2nd turn, On my turn, I call in airsupport and Stephan intercepted it. I moved one FJ platoon towards the objectives and moved the Mortars away from contact. The Stugs moved up and fired at the Valentines and knocked out 1 or 2 ( cant remember). The Pak 40's destroyed on more SU-85 and bailed out the last one. A platoon check failed and the SU-85s were gone.

His turn 3. Failed reserves roll. The IS-2s moved to the far flank to prepare for an assault on the FJ platoon. The T-34s and Valentines jockey for shooting position in the wheatfield and he only bailed out 1 Stug. The IS-2 assualt didnt go to well, he failed to pin with machine guns and my defensive fire with the panzerfaust bailed out 1 tank. During the assault he destroyed 2 infantry teams. I counter assaulted and destoyed 1 IS-2. He failed the motivation and and I capture the bailed out one. He passed his platoon check and 1 IS-2 remained.

My turn 3. I rolled a six and brought in 3 planes for airsupport. I also rolled a 6 and brought in the marders. I dug in with the FJ near the objectives. I left the IS-2 alone. My shooting was pretty ineffective. His turn 4 he rolls in his T-34's in the breakthrough reserves. He uses the T-34/85s to shoot at the Stugs instead of the FJ platoon near the objectives. He then knocks out all 3 Marder II's. The FW-190's dropped bombs and knocked out 4 T-34's. So, 5 were knocked out plus 1 bailed from previously caused a platoon check that he failed. He felt that he need to re-roll that with the Battalion Commander and luckily he passed it.

My turn 4. I knock out a few Valentines and he fails his platoon check. They are gone.

His turn 5, He isnt able to knock out any more Stugs. And his assault by the IS-2 on the FJ platoon ends with a bail out from defensive fire from the panzerfaust. Thats 3 out of 5 platoons destroyed.

My turn 5 was ineffective, I bail out 1 T-34 from the original platoon but he passes his motiviation test.

Turn six and he fails his Company Morale check. Game over

Great game, it was very competitive and could have gone either way. My panzerfausts were a nice addition.

Final picture of wheatfield.

Last edited by Hurricane on Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
Registration date : 2008-03-01

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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by luis the young Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:15 am

The german propaganda machine never fails to find its photo equipment and typewritters whenever they win a battle Smile for some reason they always get misplaced when things dont go their way !! lol

Looks like it was a fun game, i gotta put together my T-34 85s and see if we can get a battle next week sometime
luis the young
luis the young
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Hurricane Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:37 am

Let me know when I am off on Thu and Fri.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
Location : Miami
Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Ovich Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:14 am

Yes, quite a frustrating way to loose, but that's what you get when you're confident and not fearless. Of course if I had been fearless I would have rolled a 1 or 2 anyway.

All in all a very good game. I think I might have been able to eek out a victory if I had passed my battalion check. I had all but cleared out the wheatfield and would have attempted to swing my platoon around take the objective. The Pak 40ks would have been my next objectives. After that I could have parked myself on an objective and make Erik come to me.

But alas, the Russians looked around at the field littered with the smouldering wrecks of there dead brethren and decided to high tail it out of there.
Lord of Chaos

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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Abaddon Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:11 pm

Wow, what a shock. Eric does a detailed battle report. Let me guess you won. lol!
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by smirkweasel Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:42 pm

Winners write the history books.

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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Hurricane Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:53 am

LOL, thats right! You all are crazy if you think I gonna post about how I got my butt kicked.
Chaos God

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Armies : Mormon Crusaders,Sisters of Battle, Lizardmen, British and Fallschirmjager
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Ovich Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:35 am

If you noticed it's been a long time since he wrote one !
Lord of Chaos

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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Hurricane Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:58 am

Ya, I simply havent played in a while Wink
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1622
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by rokassan Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:14 am

Ill write one if I loose...then twist it around and make it as if I won. Cool
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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by Hurricane Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:35 am

Stephan, how did you like those 15 pts Panzerfausts! They hammered your IS-2's! cheers
Chaos God

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Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt Empty Re: Fallshcirmjager Repels Russian Breakthrough Attempt

Post by scurrdi Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:52 pm

Panzerfuasts are gross, thats why I love me my bazookas!

Anyways, great battle report! Looks like it had lots and lots of damage going on in it!

One major thing you messed up with the rules (I think you did) is that for the Defender in Breakthrough your platoons that are in reserve (your vehicles basically) come in as REGULAR reserve, not delayed. I asked about this on the FOW forum because in the rules both for mobile reserves and in the breakthrough mission explination, it states "reserves" not "delayed reserves" whereas later on the Breakthrough mission it particularly says "delayed reserves" for the attacker.

Chaos God

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Registration date : 2008-03-04

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