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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Autarch (CM)
The Eldar Guy
luis the young
Dr. Love
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Dr. Love Mon Feb 09, 2009 9:59 am


Army-wide Special Rules


Doctrines have supposedly been replaced by Platoons options, so for example, rather than Armoured fist squads a player would buy Chimeras for a whole platoon, or buy the whole platoon grav-chutes to give them deep strike, or drop the heavy weapons from squads and give the platoon Scout. No details on exactly what upgrades are available have emerges as yet. This system would allow “crusade” style armies of multiple regiments.

Another rumour says that there will be multiple flavours of Platoon with varying rules and options, such as Heavy Platoons, the squads will have the option of taking up to three heavy weapons teams; Assault Platoons, able to take up to three assault weapons; Stealth Platoons possibly able to infiltrate. It is not clear if this was based on a proper rumour or mutant wishlisting.

This has been given some credence with catdubh posting the following:

Originally Posted by catdubh View Post
From the way I was told it an assault platoon can only take assault weapons, 3 flamers fine, 3 G/L fine, 3 plasma no. From both a fluff point of view and game balance it seams fair to me.

Also told Heavy Weapons squads are now 10 men not six and that the rumour of all squads in a platoon being able to take 3 Heavies per squad is not quite right. Instead a Heavy Weapon Squad can be attached to a platoon. Very similar but as to which one is correct we will have to wait

reds8n broke the news on Orders with the following:

Originally Posted by reds8n View Post
I believe that command squads will in fact be able to give actual orders to their troops-- I assume perhaps only the ones under their direct command perhaps ? These have various affects, the ones I heard about being one that reduces their chance to hit ( for guard ! ) but ignores/lowers cover saves.

.... and one that in affect puts the platoon onto overwatch.
Orders are given by Officers to a squad (note not the whole Platoon) within command radius or via Vox channel. Orders generally make a squad do something such as make them better shots, rally, or recover from things like pinning or gone to ground. These orders are not automatic and will probably require a Ld test.

Orders will be one or maybe two orders per Officer per turn, and it is assumed Platoon Officers will only be able to order their own Platoon whilst army Commanders will be able to order anyone. This has not been confirmed.

Some rumoured Orders include:
“TAAAANK!!” which allows the squad to add +1 to penetrate armour for a turn of shooting.
"Front Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire" which allows the squad to shoot twice to represent your men firing in well timed volleys to increase rate of fire. This is probably just Lasguns.

Overwatch would supposedly allow them a round of shooting during the enemy’s shooting phase at the cost of not shooting and assaulting next turn (effectively going to ground).

I have been told the Orders system works a bit different to how it is currently rumoured above, but wasn’t able to get clarification yet.


Some squads will supposedly have access to heavy flamers, but it is not clear which ones.


Can reportedly be upgraded for x-amount to get Storm Troopers as Troops

Primaris Psyker
Apparently able to blast tanks with a psychic power. No further details have emerged as yet.

Commissar Lord
Early on was rumoured to allow Stormtroopers as Troops choices. This has since been debunked. Newer rumours say he is described as having lots of inspirational powers (possibly fearless) and will supposedly allow more freedom in selecting Commissars for other squads.

Inquisitor and Retinue
Very early rumours pointed to an entry for IG as an HQ choice, which would supposedly appear much like the elites from the current Daemon Hunters/Witch Hunters books. There has been no recent mention of this however.

Are supposedly now squad upgrades, technically allowing a lot of Commissars to appear in an army. Rumours now say they are allowed to attach to “certain squads”, However once a Commissar Lord is taken they have more freedom and there can be more of them. They are also supposedly cheaper (almost half their current price).

GGM007 also offered the following from a GW Manager:

Originally Posted by GGM007 View Post
He said that command squads could be accompanied by 3 types of 'Councilor' which were 'Fleet liason officer' some kind of psyker/astropath and an artillery spotter/officer.
Master of the Fleet
Rumoured to allow some type of orbital bombardment, details unknown.

Supposedly has a 'predicting' ability, possibly similar to Sicarius's ability to re-roll "seize the initiative".

Master of the Watch

Artillery Officer. Rules unknown.

There are apparently a few other things that you can give the Command Squad to affect the army. No further details are available as yet.


The assumption has been made based on the WIP Stormtrooper mini that Stormtroopers will be able to take shotguns this has since been refuted, with the new rumour being they are for WH Arbites-style Stormtroopers.

You can supposedly have a Storm Trooper Squad/Platoon as a Troops choice (not clear if this means both or one of), but this is reliant on an upgrade to the Officer leading the army. They may also get to pick from a list of mission 'operations', such as outflank, deepstrike etc. They may be able to infiltrate if not transported.

Bestiaparda offered the following:

Originally Posted by Bestiaparda View Post
Hellguns will be now AP 3 as I said in the other long dead post, making stormtroopers capable of dealing with a lot of different (MEQ) opponents...
This has been confirmed by one of my Ninja who said that AP3 "hot shots" for Hell Guns will be in there, but wasn’t sure if it was a permanent thing. He gathered it's more likely going to be like the Dire Avengers’ Blade Storm skill.

Rumoured to be T5 with a 4+ save and Feel No Pain. Further rumours said EITHER T5 or FNP will make the final cut, but probably not both. More recently rumoured to be 25 pts, S5 T5 A3 Sv4+ Furious Charge.

Sniper Squads
Can supposedly infiltrate, get stealth, range finders and all models in the squad have sniper rifles and BS 4. A new rumour says they will also get camo cloaks.

Veteran Squads
Have been rumoured to become upgrades to platoons rather than Elites choices and may work like Ork Ard Boyz in that you may upgrade one unit in the whole army. Although a newer rumour says they probably won’t be upgrades for platoons.


Imperial Guard Platoons
Platoons will supposedly be structured as follows:
1 command squad
2 - 5 infantry squads
0 - 5 heavy weapons squads
0-2 special weapons squads
0-1 conscript squad
The entire platoon with all these squads will only take one Troops selection in the FOC.

Platoons are rumoured to be able to attach sentinels, chimeras, and hellhounds as support vehicles, but not demolishers as previously thought.

Platoons will supposedly benefit from a special rule called "Platoon Drill" which grants the ability to ignore any other squad within the Platoon for the purposes of determining the enemy's cover save. What this means is that the Guard squads will get a cover save when being shot at through a squad in the same Platoon, but their enemy will not get one when the squad shoots back. This will supposedly only work if the Vox network is still intact.

Platoons have been rumoured to have a great number of options available to them including attaching various support vehicles like sentinels, hellhounds and demolishers. They still take up a FOC spot, but become part of the platoon and so will benefit from “Platoon Drill” and other Platoon-wide rules rule.

Platoons are rumoured to be able to merge into one big unit (sort of the opposite of Space Marine combat squads). So for example the platoon HQ and all its squads can merge into a single unit to hold an objective. Some more rules are probably applied to this but no further details have emerged forthcoming.

Kill Points for Platoons have been ruloured to be 1KP per half of the Platoon killed. More recently, this has been rumoured to be 1 KP for the entire Platoon, although there is some conjecture about whether Officers will yield a further KP. This could possibly be related to the ability to merge the Platoon into a single unit, thereby giving up a single KP.

There has been much talk about a point decrease to 4points per Guardsman. This has also been rumoured to be 50 point Infantry squads (10 men with Sgt, Heavy Bolter & Flamer). Another rumour says the basic squad load-out will be 10 Lasguns or 9 Lasguns and a Laspistol for 40 points.

Heavy weapons teams will supposedly be required to be on large bases. It is assumed there will be some sort of rule making HW Teams a single 2W entity, like a Space Marine Attack Bike. Nothing has been rumoured on this yet though.

Originally rumoured to be a Troops choice that didn’t take up a FOC slot and come with a command squad of a Commissar and three teams of Heavy Bolters. The Heavy Bolter team guns them down the conscripts if they break adding bonuses. This rumour has been refuted by several sources. Other rumours say conscripts will disappear altogether, or remain only as “naked” Platoons.

Penal Battalion
50 pts. 1 Custodian and 9 Penal troopers. Ld 8. Rifle and close combat weapons. Scouts, Stubborn, "Desperate". No news on what the last Special Rule may entail.


55 pts. 12 10 10 Tank, Amphibious, Mobile Command Vehicle. Multi-laser, hull Heavy Bolter, searchlight and smoke launchers. Options: Upgrade Multi-laser to Heavy Flamer or Heavy Bolter - free; hull Heavy Bolter to Heavy Flamer - free; Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber +10pts, Hunter-Killer Missile +10pts, Dozer Blade +10 pts, Extra Armour +15pts, Camo Netting +20pts.

Skimmer. 24" move. Troops may disembark at any point in its movement, but more than 12" and they take a dangerous terrain check. Was rumoured to allow embarked troops to deploy after deep striking. Another rumour says they will be able to DS more accurately like Drop Pods. It was originally rumoured to only be a transport for Stormtroopers, but more recently it has been said it will be available to all units that have access to Chimeras.

Fast Attack

Will be available for both Fast Attack and HS slots, with the slot determining the weapon and upgrade options, as well as special rules. Fast Attack Sentinels will retain Scout, but only have the option to be open topped.

12 12 10 Tank, Fast. Inferno Cannon: 12" Template, S6 AP4 Heavy 1 (like the previous version but there is no roll to hit and no partials, but reaches 12").

12 12 10 Tank, Fast. Fusion Cannon: 24" S8 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast, Melta.

12 12 10 Tank, Fast. Chemical Cannon: S1 AP3 Heavy 1, Template, Poison (wounds on a 2+ to targets with a Toughness stat).

Valkyrie (possibly Valkyrie Vendetta)
The “up-gunned” version of the Valkyrie is rumoured to be a Fast Attack Choice called the Vendetta. There is much speculation about this.

Heavy Support

Spearhead Sentinels
Heavy Support Sentinels will supposedly lose Scout, but will be enclosed, have slightly better front armour and have options for heavy weapons such as the Plasma Cannon.

Leman Russ
Can reportedly be bought as a squadron so you can get 3 for a single FOC. It is unclear if this is a true Vehicle Squadron, or a three-to-a-slot situation.

Russ’ have been rumoured to cost 150 points with increased Sponson cost, so a LR will supposedly cost 180 points with 3 HB.

They have been rumoured to come with a hull heavy bolter, smoke launchers and searchlight as standard.

Leman Russ Battle Tank
14 13 10 Tank. Battle Cannon.

Leman Russ Exterminator
14 13 10 Tank. Exterminator Autocannon: Heavy 4, Twin-linked.

Leman Russ Vanquisher
14 13 10 Tank. Vanquisher Cannon: AP2 Heavy 1, +1D6 penetration.

Leman Russ Eradicator
14 13 10 Tank. Eradicator Nova Cannon: 36" S6 AP4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Ignores cover saves.

Leman Russ Demolisher
14 13 11 Tank. Demolisher Siege Cannon.

Leman Russ Punisher
14 13 11 Tank. Punisher Gatling Cannon: 24" S5 AP- Heavy 20.

Leman Russ Executioner
14 13 11 Tank. Executioner Plasma Cannon: 36" S7 AP2 Heavy 3.

Lumbering Behemoth rule - Can choose to move 6" and fire all weapons or fire nothing and move 6" +1D6".

12 10 10 Tank, Open Topped. Can be enclosed

12 10 10 Tank, Open Topped. Medusa Siege Gun: 36" S10 AP2, Heavy Artillery 1, Large Blast. "Fortification Buster" Ammunition: 48" S10 AP1 Heavy 1, Blast, +1D6 penetration. Can be enclosed

12 10 10 Tank, Open Topped. Colossus Siege Cannon: 24-240" S6 AP3 Heavy Artillery 1, Large Blast, Ignores cover saves. Can be enclosed

12 10 10 Tank, Open Topped. Griffon Heavy Mortar: 12-48" S6 AP4 Heavy Artillery 1, Large Blast, can choose to re-roll deviation dice roll. Can be enclosed

12 10 10 Tank. Storm Eagle Missile: 4 only. 24-120" S10 AP4 Heavy Artillery 1D3, Large Blast.

12 12 10 Tank. Deathstrike Missile: 1 only. 12"-960" S10 AP1 Heavy Artillery, Blast (radius 1D3+3").
Special Rules:
- Cannot be fired on Turn 1. Each turn roll a D6, weapon can be fired on a 6. Modifiers: +1 per turn, -1 for each crew stunned or weapon destroyed results sustained. Can always be fired on the roll of a natural 6.
- Any weapon destroyed results received are ignored, the only effect they have is to delay the launch.
- Hits on vehicles in the area of the Deathstrike Missile are not calculated at half strength but at S10.

-from Warseer.

All i can say is, if GW's goal is to get people to make Guard armies, its sure as hell worked on me.
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by luis the young Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:15 am

Time to trade for a Guard army ...
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by The Eldar Guy Mon Feb 09, 2009 2:04 pm

Glanced at it, but... Valkyrie, what. the. fuck.

Last edited by The Eldar Guy on Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Eldar Guy
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by feen039 Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:55 pm

12 12 10 Tank, Fast. Chemical Cannon: S1 AP3 Heavy 1, Template, Poison (wounds on a 2+ to targets with a Toughness stat).

This shit beter not apply to monstrous creatures?

50 point Infantry squads (10 men with Sgt, Heavy Bolter & Flamer).
50pts 10 men squad that count as troops?, so pretty much anyone could run some gay shit like:
- 8 50pts squads = 400 pts
- 9 L. Russes = 1350 pts
- 1 Schmuck HQ = 100 pts

If thats the case, Anyone interested in trading IG for an Eldar army?
Aspiring Champion

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by scurrdi Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:25 pm

I didn't look at them too much, but if everyone is talking about it like they are gonna be the "new cheese" since everyone is suddenly talking about getting one, it will make me sad.

Who knows, I'm still gonna play 'em, but my interest in 40k has diminished a bit.

Chaos God

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by The Eldar Guy Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:30 pm

I can't get over the fact that they have the ability to be faster than dark eldar. But meh, Everyone thought marines were going to be OP before the codex came out.
The Eldar Guy
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Autarch (CM) Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:45 pm

feen039 wrote:Banewolf
12 12 10 Tank, Fast. Chemical Cannon: S1 AP3 Heavy 1, Template, Poison (wounds on a 2+ to targets with a Toughness stat).

This shit beter not apply to monstrous creatures?

50 point Infantry squads (10 men with Sgt, Heavy Bolter & Flamer).
50pts 10 men squad that count as troops?, so pretty much anyone could run some gay shit like:
- 8 50pts squads = 400 pts
- 9 L. Russes = 1350 pts
- 1 Schmuck HQ = 100 pts

If thats the case, Anyone interested in trading IG for an Eldar army?

Haha! I can use my 9 Leman Russ' in 1850 now!
Autarch (CM)
Autarch (CM)
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Michaelharmon Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:03 pm

Very nice. just the excuss I was looking for to paint more models.

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by scurrdi Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:32 am

Feen, unfortunately you've had to take a Lt. for your platoon as well, and probably put it into two different troops choices (to make it work). It wouldn't be so many guardsmen, but something to that.

But yeah, that is a wee bit silly...

Chaos God

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Autarch (CM) Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:48 am

scurrdi wrote:Feen, unfortunately you've had to take a Lt. for your platoon as well, and probably put it into two different troops choices (to make it work). It wouldn't be so many guardsmen, but something to that.

But yeah, that is a wee bit silly...

That's my Krieg Armoured Spearhead. Razz
Autarch (CM)
Autarch (CM)
Dark Apostle

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by luis the young Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:36 am

Nothing that 20 nobs and 2 warbosses in bikes with poweclaws with docs for feel no pain cant take care off Twisted Evil
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by scurrdi Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:39 pm

Umm... Luis?

Just FYI, the tanks are Str 8, which would ignore your FNP (instant death since your still toughness Cool. Thats also NINE templates, which on average will be 3 on targets.

With the no partials rule, that would hurt.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Valhalla114 Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:37 pm

Alfred read all these rumors....and he jizzed in his pants.
Dark Apostle

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by luis the young Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:56 am

scurrdi wrote:Umm... Luis?

Just FYI, the tanks are Str 8, which would ignore your FNP (instant death since your still toughness Cool. Thats also NINE templates, which on average will be 3 on targets.

With the no partials rule, that would hurt.

why did you have to come and crush my dreams of crazy orcs dancing on top of burning leman russes ?? Sad you are such a mean person
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Registration date : 2008-03-03

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by rokassan Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:24 am

Thank Nurgle I didn't sell my IG. I'm gonna have a blast with IG. I already have a substancial force painted. Outstanding. I can fight for the emperor now as well. I'm excited.
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Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Kyle Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:57 pm

OMG IG might be able to actually win games for once!

Course people are going to screw it up and go with insane tank armies and forget that you need troops now to claim objectives.

As for super cheap guard..... they have always had them with conscripts pretty much.

Some of the rumors are not 100% either since they were translated from spanish sources and there was mistakes found already with conversion from metric system and such.
Chaos God

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by rokassan Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:07 pm

I'd never use conscripts. I prefer quality over quantity.
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Registration date : 2008-02-27

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by scurrdi Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:34 pm

Well, guardsmen aren't quality exactly...

But either way, the guard are still the guard, they are just back on par before the Ork codex came out. Before that, the only thing cheaper was either a grot or a gaunt.

Bill, you could have always played your Guard! Whats changed??

Chaos God

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Valhalla114 Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:56 am

yeah guard just dont know how to play guard...cough cough hellhounds...
Dark Apostle

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Michaelharmon Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:05 pm

Any rumors on Elysian drop troop type guard sprues from GW and not forgeworld? With the new Valk model that might be nice. give it an airborn feel.

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by scurrdi Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:13 pm

I might kill someone if they actually did that. I've been wanting an elysian force for forever, just not willing to spend a gazillion dollars on them.

Chaos God

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by Dr. Love Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:15 am

Anybody speak French? The Summary sheet was leaked on the french GW website.

Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Frenchigjb6
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by luis the young Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:30 am

Thats a lot of freaking weapon options ...
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by The Eldar Guy Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:18 pm

for slowpokes:

Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors 1235141313414ff6
The Eldar Guy
The Eldar Guy
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Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors Empty Re: Imperial Guard Semi-confirmed Rumors

Post by luis the young Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:28 pm

Punisher Gatling Cannon.. Heavy 20 !!!!!!! WTF?!?!
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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