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Dark Heresy

Dr. Love
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Dark Heresy Empty Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 03, 2009 11:37 am

When: 9 May 2009, 1300 hours until complete
Where: Sunshine Roleplayers

What: I've been toying with this for a few weeks now and I've come to the conclusion that if I want to play then I need to run a game or two so I'm currently looking for 4 - 5 players with ROLEplaying experience and a moderate understanding of the 40k universe to attempt an initial game of Dark Heresy. At a minimum if you have the Dark Heresy role playing guide that would be nice but not required as I have a copy of the book along with the advanced rules supplements that can be used to help anyone make a sheet at 1200 hours the day of gaming. I have a basic understandings of the rules thus far but I can spin a fairly good story so this should be entertaining.

Intrest: If you are interested please PM me so I can get a list of 4 - 5 who want to try this and let me know what your rp style is and the kind of character you would like to play. If you are not sure I can make some pre-generated ones for you.

411: The scenario opens on an Imperial Light Cruiser. The Characters do not know each other yet unless two poeple want to write in their backgrounds that they do know one another. You are currently hitching a ride to the Cadian Sub Sector where you will transfer to whatever awaits your character there at a star fort.

Characters: You are not currently a part of an Inquisitorial retinue yet as this is the lead in story to form the initial group. As this is an initial game and mainly for fun over anything else I am excepting consideration for ab human (IE Ratling, Ogryn) applications but there will only be one and we have to work on the state make up for either and or as there should be some draw backs as well as benefits. Generation will be at the starting level and this should be reflected in your characters concept (IE newbie gaurdsman, first time spacer, Prison transfer, whatever). I do use alot of props for RPGs but I don't have enough models to really field encounters so those most likely will just be through RP instead of miniatures at this time but there will be bonus XP/equipment for those that actually have a model for their characters or generate extra things.

QUESTIONS: If you have questions post here through the week and if yu want to play PM me your application (IE experience, desire to play, and character concept). I do use alot of props for RPGs but I don't have enough models to really field encounters so those most likely will just be through RP instead of miniatures at this time but there will be bonus XP/equipment for those that actually have a model for their characters or generate extra things.

OVERALL: Concept is for Role play over ROLL play so please keep that in mind before you ask to play. If Joel has a conflict that day we will reschedule.

Last edited by Michaelharmon on Sun May 03, 2009 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by scurrdi Sun May 03, 2009 11:54 am

You mean May 9th right Mike?

I might be interested, but can't commit yet. Also I won't be in town then.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Dr. Love Sun May 03, 2009 12:03 pm

My time machine is broken, so i cant make it to the 9th of april =(.

I'd be very interested otherwise
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 344
Age : 35
Location : Hialeah, Florida
Armies : Orks, Empire, Imperial Guard (WIP)
Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 03, 2009 12:03 pm

May.... ugmmm yeah.. May! Edited the post;) Also make sure if you PM me you send yoru real name to as gamer tags and names always confuse me for some reason. Of course those I interact with more I know better;)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 03, 2009 12:06 pm

scurrdi wrote:You mean May 9th right Mike?

I might be interested, but can't commit yet. Also I won't be in town then.

We will do this more than once and with the way Acolytes work it's no big thing to have someone pop in off and on as they where on other side missions. Really the frequency of play depends on how much fun I have running it and thats all player based so we will see how it goes. Feel free like I said to work up a concept and even make a character if you can't make it. The intent is to get this started so I can play at times but I always want to play 40k as well besides still;)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by scurrdi Sun May 03, 2009 2:51 pm

Fully understandable! I'll let ya know as things get going.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Tue May 05, 2009 10:09 am

So far I have only been contacted by two interested people. If you are interested please let me know via PM.

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Vycem Fri May 08, 2009 1:42 pm

So what do we need to bring for this?


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Fri May 08, 2009 11:44 pm

Pen, Paper, Pencil, eraser, Two Ten sided die for percentage rolls. If you have the Players book it would also help. I have my own but I'm sure Joel has a store copy to use as well if need be. Also a good imagination helps;)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 10, 2009 12:01 pm

ASSESSMENT: Mild to poor
PLAYERS: 2 (1 late show that watched)
TIME= 1300 - 1730

Opening Scene:
Translating from Delta 743 Alpha aboard the Imperial Light cruiser “Determination” was a trip of two months… It’s been five weeks and already the mind numbing sense of motionless travel has been wearing on the nerves of everyone aboard. Only the constant thrum of the warp shielding within the old ships decking gives any perspective that this is a vessel and not some land locked facility.
A shudder suddenly runs the length of the ship as everything that isn’t bolted down is hurled violently to the port before up becomes down and then back again… The lighting goes and everything is dark… Seconds tick by and nothing before the emergency lights come to and bathe everything the color of blood.
The ships emergency klaxon sounds and that’s when the screaming begins… Hit and hit hard it’s like the world is coming to an end as the ship is hammered by successive explosions… You move into a corridor and already you can feel the pull of a strong breeze from somewhere far off bleeding atmosphere…. Hull breach…..

An Ogryn Guardsmen and an Imperial Assassin are thrown together as their transport is torn from the warp while in route to the Cadian Sub Sector. It quickly becomes apparent that the ship is beset by Ork Raiders intent on plundering the ship and enslaving what crew survives their blood lust. Unfortunately the ship's power reactor has been damaged which will lead to the ships eventual destruction within an hour if the two hapless companions do not escape.

Thrown into the belly of the beast so to speak, the two companions encounter a tech priest that may be able to lead them to safety if they but keep him alive. Easier said than done as the party is quickly beset by a group of Gretchin and their pet Squig. They party nearly falters as they take wounds and one particularly nasty Gretchin nearly blows the Ogryn's arm off before he to sucums to the fire of the imperial Assassin as the Ogryn turns and beats feet to cover rather than face the Horrid Gretchin whom nearly slays him.

Taking a moment to heal, the party quickly moves to the savior pods only to find a large group of orks, gretchin, and squigs blocking their path. Rathre than turn and flee though in silence the Assassin takes his shot at the back of one Ork and manages to wound the hulking beast... barely. Alerted the Orks bellow their "WAAAAAAGH!" and charge... The Ogryn promptly turns tail and beats feet quickly followed by the tech priest as the Assassin takes a few more pot shots before realizing his mistake and running to.

Finding that Tech priests run really fast the Players loose sight of their NPC and take extra time finding a hanger bay as they Orks quickly begin to gain ground. It's there that the Party Encounters a group of survivors loading an Arvus Lighter for departure from the doomed ship. Screaming their peril as they run into the Hanger a Imperial Gaurdsmen from Mordant Prime turns his heavy flamer onto the passageway bathing the Orkish horde in holy promethium before the party seals the blast doors and cuts the orkish rush off.

It is here that the party fails to impress upon the Inquisitor why he should save them and so it is he intends to leave them to their own devices... But things never go as planned as an Ork in Mega armor begins to break through the blast door with it's power claws. The Mordant gaurdsman is nearly slain and the Ogryn quickly rushes his body onto the Arvus as the Assassin impresses that no one is getting out of here if someone doesn't fix the Hanger door mechanism so that they can retreat into space.

So it is that the Tech Adept NPC sacrifices himself and the hanger doors are violently ripped away forcing the Arvus into space via explosive decompression. The party drifts for hours as they try to keep the wounded machine spirit of the Arvus alive to give them life support. It is then that the NPC pilot scans the area and discovers three large space hulks causing the rift in the warp catching passing ships and bringing them to the space graveyard to be set upon. Guiding the Arvus and nursing it's wounded spirit the party manages to crash into one of the hulks where a derelict Space Marine Hunter Class Destroyer Torpedo gun boot rests near the surface... It is here.... Amidsts an Orkish Drops that we end and await to see what will happen when next we meet... If we meet that is.

The two who played did well despite me loosing half my notes to a computer crash. We had several props from purity seals to Imperial Throne Gelt to give the characters to utilize to buy their starting gear. The two did really well but the lack of people really made it NPC driven in some senses where I wanted to see the players think and direct themselves more with minimal nudges. The game will continue for one more session and depending on that we will see what happens if we get more and better participation. I do hope the players had a good time but apologize for how things turned out.

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Dan Sun May 10, 2009 2:53 pm

Sounds awesome. If I wasn't working a freelance job up in Boca I would have been there. Either way I am very interested in playing. Will the next game be this Saturday the 16th? Same time? Sorry I'm not Military time savvy. You guys played from 1pm to 5:30pm, right? I'm pretty sure I can do those times.

Please post when the next game will be and I will do my best to be there. Depending on the day and time I can bring another player as well. We both have extensive 40k & roleplaying experience and have been chomping at the bit to see if Dark Heresey is worth getting into.
Traitor Captain

Number of posts : 290
Age : 50
Location : Hialeah, FL
Registration date : 2009-03-20

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 10, 2009 5:29 pm

Most likely the game will run two week intervals because my wife only gives me two days a month to go do any gaming. I'll post the 100% details by this coming weekend on the next game but the times will be standard 1:00 pm - complete (Roughly till when poeple need to leave or Close of Business)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by scurrdi Sun May 10, 2009 6:58 pm

If it's in two weeks I will try to make it Mike. I'll try to give you a call or shoot you a PM about joining up. I arrive in Miami this Saturday.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Sun May 10, 2009 7:40 pm

Very nice;)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Dan Thu May 21, 2009 4:07 pm

What's the word on the next Dark Heresy game? Will it be this Saturday? I'd like to try and schedule my plans so I can play.
Traitor Captain

Number of posts : 290
Age : 50
Location : Hialeah, FL
Registration date : 2009-03-20

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Thu May 21, 2009 6:27 pm

Unfortunately I will be in the Keys with my wife this weekend but I ma making arrangements for the next chapter in the adventure for the following Saturday after memorial weekend.

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Valhalla114 Thu May 21, 2009 6:48 pm

What you said:

Michaelharmon wrote:Unfortunately I will be in the Keys with my wife this weekend but I ma making arrangements for the next chapter in the adventure for the following Saturday after memorial weekend.

What I read:

Michaelharmon wrote:Unfortunately this weekend I will be getting some whilst I'd rather be sitting at a table with a bunch of dudes imaging we were banging chicks...with cyber crotches.

Im just bugging you Mike, you're cool.
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 465
Age : 38
Armies : Guard, Sisers, =][=, Blood Angels.
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Michaelharmon Thu May 21, 2009 8:48 pm

I think I like your translation a lot more though;)

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by scurrdi Thu May 21, 2009 10:10 pm

Hehe, oh my.

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Dark Heresy Empty Family Issue

Post by Michaelharmon Thu May 28, 2009 11:57 am

Recently I have had a major family emergency and will be departing for Kentucky most likely on sunday and do not have the will or imagination to run this game for a short time. My Dad's wife recently abandoned him, he was evicted from his house and he has been homelss for two days. He hasn't worked since the late 80s and to make a long story short is lazy. I'm hoping him being an Airforce Vietnam Vet may help but so far he has had no luck getting any government aid and has no car or transportation. To make matters worse he had a heart attack recently, has a clogged vein in his leg he won't go to the hospital for and walks with a kane.
I will most likely stop in the store to keep painting from time to time but for a while I think I will be taking a break to do what I can for him to get him set up. Thanks for all your guys friendship it is greatly appreciated and let Joel know I'm sorry I won't be there to run this for him for awhile. I'll most likely drop in saturday to say bye for a few.

Number of posts : 613
Age : 49
Location : Medley, Fl
Armies : Black Templar, Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Imperial Gaurd Leman Russ support tanks and Hellhammer, THunderbolt Imperial Navy Flier.
Registration date : 2008-03-02

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by scurrdi Thu May 28, 2009 12:21 pm


Good luck with your dad and everything! I hope it all works out for the best and that you can get back to some gaming in the future!

Keep it touch for sure!

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2520
Registration date : 2008-03-04

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by luis the young Thu May 28, 2009 12:58 pm

Good luck bud, hope everything comes out ok for your father. Damn government spends millions helping bunch of people that dont deserve it and then abandon our Veterans when they need help. Bunch of criminals in jail that we are spending millions to keep fed and with cable TV, all that money should be spent in helping those that fought for this country.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Dr. Love Thu May 28, 2009 1:01 pm

oh damn mike, that really sucks. Hope you can help him.
Dr. Love
Dr. Love
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 344
Age : 35
Location : Hialeah, Florida
Armies : Orks, Empire, Imperial Guard (WIP)
Registration date : 2008-03-13

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by Valhalla114 Thu May 28, 2009 1:17 pm

Sorry about your dad Mike. Hope your visit brings some good. And don't despair.
Dark Apostle

Number of posts : 465
Age : 38
Armies : Guard, Sisers, =][=, Blood Angels.
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

Post by chef xenos Thu May 28, 2009 1:30 pm

sorry mike
hope everything works out
chef xenos
chef xenos

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Dark Heresy Empty Re: Dark Heresy

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