The Traitor Legion
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reworked the cult

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reworked the cult Empty reworked the cult

Post by chef xenos Fri May 21, 2010 8:32 pm

hey everyone
ill be there next week for sure with the cult since i wanna try out my new list cus they updated the codex Smile so that mains they wont be a walk through like before this one has some hurt ahahaha reworked the cult Icon_twisted
this is my 1850 point list and ill inculde the army rules for you:

Brother phillips and 7 man bodyguard=210 points
phillips:live to fight,voice of reason,fearless,psyker,bolt pistol,rosaries,power weapon
coven limo:fast,smoke,civilian vehicle,twin heavy stubber
hybrid bodyguard:devourers,missile launcher,auto-cannon,devoted,rending claws,toxic sacs.

Genestealer patriach and 6 stealer bodygruad=190
patraich:implant attack,acid blood,psyker,fearless,transfixing gaze,live to fight,inhuman strength
stealers:fleet,move through cover,sything talons


Brood comrades=190
5 las-cannons teams,storm-bolter(vet-Sargent)


6x Brood brothers=68
squad of 10,toxic sacs,rending claws,heavy stubber/grenade launcher/flamer,infiltrate,laspistol(one squad has shotguns),cc weapon,scything talons

6x Brood initiates=53
squad of 10,laspistol,scything talons,toxic sacs,rending claws,rage,furious charge,unwashed masses,satchel charge


Brood bikers=68
squad of 5,laspistols,sything talons,civialin vechiale,toxic sacs,rending claws,grandade launcher

2x Brood truckers=80
squad of 3,fast,civilian vehicle,auto-cannon


leman russ=165
battle cannon,hull las-cannon,smoke,searchlights,lumbering,heavy flamer sponsors,pintle heavy stubber

Scout sentinel squad=165
squad of 3,heavy flamer,scout,move through cover,

Hybrid monstrosity=120
monstrous creature(moves as beast),fearless,hyper predator,acid spray,regeneration,

army special rules:

Blessed be the Father: Any Genestealer Cult units within 12” of a Patriarch or Magus may use their Leadership when making Leadership or Morale tests (except Psychic Tests).

The Father has Fallen: The loss of the Genestealer Cult’s leader is an almost unimaginable concept for cult followers. As they are unshakable when defending their masters, a leaderless cult quickly loses focus and falls
into disarray. All Genestealer Cult units in an army which has lost all of its Patriarchs and Magi are at -1 Ld for the rest of the game.


Live to Fight. Cult Leaders have a strong sense of selfpreservation. At the beginning of the Leader’s movement
phase, and for his Movement phase only, the model is not considered locked in close combat. This means that
he can move normally; leaving an ongoing close combat, ignoring any units with which he was engaged. A Leader may not assault on the turn he uses the Live to Fight ability.

Devoted: The elite forces of a Genestealer Cult surround their masters, and willingly lay down their lives to defend them. If a Patriarch or Magus suffers a wound from any source, he may allocate that wound to any model within 6”. The wound is allocated beforesaving throws are attempted.

Civilian Vehicle: Genestealer Cult members use easily disguised civilian vehicles. To represent this, the vehicle
or unit may always be deployed at the start of the battle, even in scenarios where they could not normally be
deployed. For example, in a mission with the Dawn of War deployment, the vehicle or unit could always setup at the start of the battle instead of being placed in Reserve. Civilian Vehicle models destroyed for any reason are removed from the tabletop due to their light construction.

Transfixing Gaze. Genestealer Patriarchs are possessed of a powerful force of will. They can harness their psychic power to dominate those near them with a disarming gaze. This Psychic power is used in the assault phase. If successful, then any enemy model in base contact withthe Patriarch must make a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the model may not attack in the Assault Phase and will be hit automatically by any close combat attacks that are directed against it. Enemy models without a Leadership value cannot be affected by this power

Voice of Reason. A Genestealer Magus is unnaturally charismatic. They are able to lull almost anyone into a
false sense of security by focusing their potent psychic abilities into their voice. Voice of Reason is a Psychic power used at the start of Magus’ turn. Select any single enemy unit within 12” and in line of sight. If the psychic test is passed, both players roll a D6 and add the highest Leadership of their respective models. If the Magus’ total is equal or higher than the target squad, they must Go To Ground until the beginning of the Genestealer Cult player’s next turn. The Magus may not use this power against a unit engaged in
close combat.


Satchel Charge. Trusted cult members often strap improvised explosives to their bodies and hurl themselves
at close-by enemies. These unstable home-made devices are as much a threat to the cult as to its foes. A satchel charge may be used in the shooting phase instead of firing a ranged weapon or the assault phase
instead of attacking. If used in close combat, the satchel charge is resolved at an effective Initiative of 5. Place the big Blast template anywhere in contact with the model using the satchel charge. All models, friend or
foe, touched by the template suffer a S7 AP3 hit. Once the results are determined the model using the satchel
charge is automatically removed as a casualty. If used by a model in close combat, any wounds inflicted
by the satchel charge count toward the combat result. If a model carrying a satchel charge is killed before using it, it explodes on a 4+. Center the blast on the dead model and resolve it as above.

Cult Mortar. A heavy but simple improvised mortar is often mounted in cult vehicles. It packs a potent warhead
but has poor range. R:24” S:5 AP:5 Heavy 1, Blast, Barrage

hope to have people enjoy playing against it next weds,ill try to get it off so i can get tons of games in.
chef xenos
chef xenos

Number of posts : 814
Age : 37
Location : 12525 ne 13 ave. apt 511
Armies : {40k and apoc units} tyranids,gene-cult,exocrine,dominatrix,fortress of faith {bfg}tyranids {battletech} void-stalkers(merc/pirates)
Registration date : 2009-01-08

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