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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:10 pm

GAME # - Result/Points - Warcaster vs. Opponent (Faction)

1 - W/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Harbinger (PoM)..... Attrition win. Ran down a defensless Harbinger with MHAs and Narn.
2 - W/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Butcher (Khador)..... Attrition win. Hit and Run tactics.
3 - L/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Kreoss (PoM)..... Caught out of position and slaughtered by some nasty solo Menoth Paladin Knight
4 - L/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Goreshade (Cryx)..... Some nifty tricks puts the Deathjack in my face for a beatdown.
5 - W/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Goreshade (Cryx)..... Caught Goreshade being aggressive and shot the Phoenix into him. He lived the round, but the RIP fire got him seconds later.
6 - L/21 - Kaelyssa vs. Terminus (Cryx)..... Had him very hurt but couldn't finish (Griffon punked his damage role). He went Godzilla and owned me in CC.
7 - L/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Lylith (LoE)..... Eaten in the top of 2 by some nasty heavy flying beast.
8 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Old Witch (Khador)..... Major attrition win. Only 5 models left on the table when it finally ended.
9 - L/35 - Kaelyssa vs. eSkarre (Cryx)..... Shutdown by his feat and steamrolled.
10 -W/15 - Kaelyssa vs. Venethrax (Cryx)..... Loosing attrition so made a run with Kaelyssa at a weakened Venethrax and the dice gods said yes.

11 - L/15 - Kaelyssa vs. Venethrax (Cryx)..... Venethrax used 10 focus and chooped down Kaelyssa.
12 - L/15 - Kaelyssa vs. Venethrax (Cryx)..... Lone Venethrax got her again with only Kaelyssa and the Manticore left
13 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. eScorcha (Khador)..... Arcanists bolt just enough spare parts onto the Phoenix to let the dice gods rob Mike.
14 - L/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Kommander Oleg Strakhov (Khador)..... Looked good unitl one missed step allowed Beast-09 to walk up and give Kaelyssa an axe to the mouth.
15 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Vyros (RoS)..... Attrition win with the melee units. Vyros has nowhere left to hide with 3 assassins and the Phoenix closing in.
16 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Buthcer (Khador)..... Melee swarm of sentinals and nasty solos over-ran him Khador style.
17 - L/35 - Raveyn vs. Terminus (Cryx)..... Poor plan. Poor target selection. Godzilla up to armor 32.
18 - L/35 - Raveyn vs. eVlad (Khador)..... Better plan. Better target selection. Still over run by a wall of red metal.
19 - W/35 - Raveyn vs. Karchev (Khador)..... Mage Hunters xbow down the caster jack on turn 2
20 - L/25 - Kaelyssa vs. Butcher (Khador)..... Close game. Kodiak would not die. Made a failed run and got smashed by Beast-09.

21 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Morghoul (Skorn)..... Sentinals carved a lane for the Phoenix to slice up the ninja warlock.
22 - L/35 - Raveyn vs. Butcher (Khador)..... Kodiak found a lane and one shot Raveyn into a pool of goo on his fist.
23 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Irusk (Khador)..... Narn broke through for big damage and Eiryss finally finished him off with a xbow bolt to the head.
24 - L/35 - Raveyn vs. Skarre (Cryx)..... In control, but got Raveyn too close and she got whacked.
25 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Dr. Arkadius (Minions)..... Sentinals broke through the line to catch the doctor.
26 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Dr. Arkadius (Minions)..... Charging weapon masters FTW!
27 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Saeryn (LoE)..... Attrition win
28 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. pCaine (Cygnar)..... Poor start..... and then I won. After dodgin 3 shots from K, he burned up from continuous stormfall fire.
29 - L/35 - Kaelyssa vs. eStryker (Cygnar)..... Great start..... and then I lost when the Stormblades outdueled my Sentinals!
30 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. eKaya (Circle)..... (SR) Phoenix went combusion on the druid.

31 - W/35 - Raveyn vs. eCaine (Cygnar)..... (SR) Snipe, Feat, Go!
32 - L/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Madrak (Trolls)..... (SR) Bounced off the brick and got slammed.
33 - W/50 - Raveyn vs. Carver (Farrow)..... Sniped him down with the Mage Hunters.
34 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Hard fought fight club match that saw many jacks turned to trash.
35 - W/35 - Raveyn vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... Commando dive roll to dogde a deadly sniper shot, then a heavily wounded Raveyn caught up with the Lord Arcanist.
36 - W/35 - Vyros vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... First game with Vyros results in a Fight Club match win.
37 - L/50 - Garreth vs. Rahn (RoS)..... Got close and forgot my to pop feat which let Rahn's battle mages blast me to pieces.
38 - L/35 - Vyros vs. eNemo (Cygnar)..... Close fight club match, but failed support caused my jacks to fall short to their cygnar counterparts.
39 - W/50 - Rahn vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... Discorida and Skarrath do in the time mage with big double spray damage.
40 - W/35 - Rahn vs. Madrak (Trolls)..... Custom built to beat the troll brick..... and it worked!

41 - L/100 - Raveyn/Ossyan vs. eHaley/Kara (Cygnar)..... Took longer to setup and deploy than play as the vet roughed up my noobishness.
42 - W/50 - Kaelyssa vs. Barnabus (Minions)..... (LN) Sents took out key beasts opening a lane for the phoenix to roast some gator tail bites.
43 - W/50 - Raveyn vs. Ossyan (RoS)..... (LN) Snipe, Feat, Go. The only problem is I'm teaching Paul.
44 - W/50 - Ossyan vs. Rahn (RoS)..... (LN) Used Ossyan feat to clear the fair grounds. Won by scenario control points (1-0).
45 - L/25 - Garreth vs. Scaverous (Cryx)..... Almost survived the run, but the final attack from a high rolling mech-thrall took me out.
46 - W/25 - Garreth vs. Scaverous (Cryx)..... Survived the run, but failed to get into postion. Won on Attrition. Scaverous is an awful matchup for this caster.
47 - L/35 - Rahn vs. Kaya (CoO)..... Out gunned in his own movement shannigan game
48 - W/35 - Garreth vs. Kaya (CoO)..... Got a few sentinals through the lines to her and sliced her up
49 - W/50 - Kaelyssa vs. Baulder (CoC)..... Leeched his fury and then pumped him full of holes with the AFG
50 - L/35 - Raveyn vs. Terminus (Cryx)..... Had him!!!!!.....,but the MHSF failed the terror check and he lived to cut me down.

51 - W/35 Ossyan vs. eLylith (LoE)..... Picked her off with the last shot of my feat turn. Super close.
52 - W/35 Ossyan vs. eLylith (LoE)..... Big damage on feat turn but missed kill. Survived counter run with 2 health and won. Super close!
53 - W/35 Raveyn vs. eStryker (Cygnar)..... MHSF rained mega-death. Missed kill by 3, but Eyriss disrupted any plans of counter-attack.
54 - W/35 Garreth vs. Strakhov (Khador)..... Slipped between the Colossal and the WGI Deathstar and took him out.
55 - L/35 Kaelyssa vs. Harkevich (Khador)..... With an idiot move I put Lady K into harms way. WGI Deathstar took her out.
56 - W/50 Kaelyssa vs. Rasheth (Skorne)..... Knocked him down with Momentum and shot him up right through his impervious flesh.
57 - L/50 Raveyn vs. Naaresh (Skorne)..... Testing your anti-WM list vs. hordes played by Press Ganger will end badly.
58 - L/50 Kaelyssa vs. Makeda (Skorne)..... Catrati got right up on me and I played counter strike the whole game. Lost on objectives.
59 - W/50 Kaelyssa vs. pDoomshaper (Trolls)..... Knocked him down and shot him up. The Banshee/AFG combo is nasty.
60 - L/50 Raveyn vs. pHaley (Cygnar)..... 45 points of army kills, including the Stormwall; but lost on objectives to JPtheGreat1.

61 - W/50 Kaelyssa vs. pNemo (Cygnar)..... AFG/Banshee momentum turret rocks on. Grabed and early CP. Finished with a phoenix burst and burn.
62 - W/50 Raveyn vs. eButcher (Khador)..... Poncho's Doomreaver spam met dakka as I shot down the zombie horde and pumped the Butcher full of Sniper and Stormfall shots.
63 - W/50 Kaelyssa vs. pDenny (Cryx)..... Feated early, Rifted often, won attrition to setup a MHA backstrike and one shot the warwitch on the bottom of turn 4.
64 - L/50 Kaelyssa vs. eMadrak (Trolls)..... Poured plenty of damage into the World Ender, but couldn't get past his Grim Salvation.
65 - L/50 Kaelyssa vs. Borka (Trolls)..... Hard fought, played it pretty well - but lost the attrition battle vs those ever tough trolls.
66 - W/35 Raveyn vs. Scaverous (Cryx)..... Blake learns about snipe, feat, go on the top of turn 2
67 - W/35 Garreth vs. Terminus (Cryx)..... Cruise missled the Blade into the over aggressive Lich Lord on the top of turn 2
68 - W/50 pVyros vs. Gaspy3 (Cryx)..... Widdled away at him for an attrition win. Spray from Disco. Starburst blast damage. Sentinal charge put him down.
69 - W/50 pVyros vs. eSeverius (PoM)..... Survived a failed run and plastered the old man onto Hyperion's fist. Crit-consumed 3 choir, Gorman, and the book in one shot.
70 - W/50 pVyros vs. eHaley (Cygnar)..... Turtled up to weather her feat. She survive's a fluffy starburst damage roll. Trampled Disco over and finished her.

71 - L/50 Ossyan vs. Borka (Trolls)..... Had him but he drunk stumbled out of the run and bashed me in next turn. Solid outing vs. Trolls here.
72 - L/50 Ossyan vs. pDoomShaper (Trolls)..... Early error with MHSF cost me late. Solid attrition battle. Lost on CP
73 - L/50 pVyros vs. pDoomShaper (Trolls)..... Played like a newbie. Bad deploy. Wrong flag vanished. Forgot about Birds Eye. Beat up and lost on CP
DoGW SR2013
74 - L/50 Raveyn vs. PButcher (Khador)..... Too many errors vs. Adam. Winning on attrition, but got greedy for CP and put myself into the Butchers reach.
75 - L/50 Raveyn vs. Terminus (Cryx)..... Early errors gave too many souls to papa T and I could not finish him before he won on control.
76 - L/50 Raveyn vs. eHaley (Cygnar)..... 2 minutes from attrition and CP victory when I ran out of clock.
77 - W/50 Raveyn vs. Morty (Cryx)..... Snipe, Feat, Go at the top of turn 2. New player (10 games), so it hardly feels like a win.
17th PLACE (out of 18)
PPF Journeyman League
78 - W/11 Kaelyssa vs. pMakada (Skorne)..... Lady K shot him to pieces on the top of turn 2
79 - L/11 Kaelyssa vs. pMakada (Skorne)..... Got caught by 2 cyclops, couldn't shake free, and got sliced up.
80 - W/11 Kaelyssa vs. pBaulder (CoO)..... Lady K combo of spells and shots to take out the tree hugger.

81 - W/11 Kaelyssa vs. pBaulder (CoO)..... Back and forth game with Blake with Lady K getting the last swing in for the win.
82 - W/15 Kaelyssa vs. pLylith (LoE)..... Again, Lady K took this one herself as she shot down the everblight huntress.
83 - W/15 Kaelyssa vs. pDenny (Cryx)..... Back and forth battle that finally ended with a gun shot to the face.

Last edited by ShadowMaster on Fri May 24, 2013 10:26 pm; edited 48 times in total
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:13 pm

Nice Bill! Thinking of starting a Batlog, gonna bring my camera down to Tates Sunday to report some of my games. Hope your enjoying WM/H.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:08 pm

I am. It's very different, but very cool.
I should have the rest of my models built today so I'm ready to try some new things.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:01 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:I am. It's very different, but very cool.
I should have the rest of my models built today so I'm ready to try some new things.

Awesome. Just txt me or send me a PM if your free for a game.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Vycem Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:33 pm

You guys HAVE to put up battle reports. I'm a total noob with both Retribution AND Khador, so it just happens that you got my total attention.

I'm still reading through the new Mk2 rules. The biggest problem I have is getting a real feel for the game - right now I have a very cursory understanding of the stats so it's hard for me to gauge what's good beyond "high numbers in stat X"

Any beginner tips, either of you?


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:06 am

Vycem wrote:You guys HAVE to put up battle reports. I'm a total noob with both Retribution AND Khador, so it just happens that you got my total attention.

I'm still reading through the new Mk2 rules. The biggest problem I have is getting a real feel for the game - right now I have a very cursory understanding of the stats so it's hard for me to gauge what's good beyond "high numbers in stat X"

Any beginner tips, either of you?
Biggest tip is simply to start playing as many games as you can with a battlebox or 15pts. The game is extremely easy to understand when put into practice and very easy to get into. Stop by Tate's on a Sunday if you get a chance and I'll be more than glad to get you up to speed on the rules and mechanics. If you have any questions on Khador then feel free to ask!
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Ovich Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:34 am

Didn't know you were getting into WM/H... I still have my entire Skorne army which has been collecting dust.

I need the new cards though.. but maybe we can get together at some point to play down at Sunshine too ?
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Vycem Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:05 am

Yeah, I vote for Sunshine. While I appreciate the offer for Tate's, that's actually really far from me. I live literally 3 blocks from Sunshine.


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:11 pm

@Steph - I've been playing 1 week. I find it quite fun. All you need is the MKII stat card deck for your faction.

I'll gladly play you guys at Sunshine, but as an FYI - the Tate's group is about 18 strong so you can get alot of different games in if you drive up for the day.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:32 pm

Huh, could have sworn I replied to this a few hours ago, must have hit the preview button lol. Anyway, no problem vycem, I hope you guys get a good group down there. Bill knows a lot of the rules and can get you guys up to speed. I'd head down to Sunshine, but it would have to be a once a month thing.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Vycem Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:14 pm

What's the busiest WM day at Tate's?


Number of posts : 815
Registration date : 2008-05-29

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Warbird Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:41 pm

I got 25pts of Circle laying around. I played MKII over the summer so I have the weird PDF cards they had out at the time. But, I could easily pick them up and play over at sunshine.

Aspiring Champion

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:04 am

Vycem wrote:What's the busiest WM day at Tate's?
Sunday typically, theres now a month break until the next part of the league starts up tho. Still, you should have no trouble finding a game.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Ovich Sun Mar 13, 2011 10:57 am

I know this Board has tended to center around Sunshine , but the guys who own Outland station opened up a store in Kendall. It's in the same shopping plaza as Chuckwagon, on 117th ave between sunset and kendall drive.

The owner there Marc, told me that Warmachine/Hordes guys play there every Thursday night, and that they've got a pretty good group of guys who are more into casual gaming than tournaments.

There's a fellow Gabe, not the tall, passionate fellow that ran warmachine at Joel's a while back, but the other Gabe who also plays Blood Bowl. He's kind of the coordinator.

I got no problem playing at Joel's, but I may go check out this group one of these weeks. I need to get the deck first though.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:22 pm

Update the Outland Station game info Steph and let me know when you want to meet and play. 0-2 today. UG!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:24 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:Update the Outland Station game info Steph and let me know when you want to meet and play. 0-2 today. UG!
Sad I really wanted to get a game in with you, but my game took forever!
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:09 pm

8 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Old Witch (Khador)..... Major attrition win. Only 5 models left on the table when it finally ended.

Crazy game today! Those mage hunters are no joke lol
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:00 am

Someuberdude wrote:
8 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Old Witch (Khador)..... Major attrition win. Only 5 models left on the table when it finally ended.

Crazy game today! Those mage hunters are no joke lol

Excellent game Mike. I thought I had you lined up after turn 2, but you mounted one nasty come back. What a blood bath.

The Strike Force are great, but I was happier about finally using the Phoenix correctly. It was the arc node support to land the backlash (from safty) that let the MHSF do their real damage. Picking up on the other Eyriss tricks helped too.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:53 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:
Someuberdude wrote:
8 - W/35 - Kaelyssa vs. Old Witch (Khador)..... Major attrition win. Only 5 models left on the table when it finally ended.

Crazy game today! Those mage hunters are no joke lol

Excellent game Mike. I thought I had you lined up after turn 2, but you mounted one nasty come back. What a blood bath.

The Strike Force are great, but I was happier about finally using the Phoenix correctly. It was the arc node support to land the backlash (from safty) that let the MHSF do their real damage. Picking up on the other Eyriss tricks helped too.
Yep that disruption bolt + stationary trick is nasty lol!
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:09 pm

Not sure if you've seen these Bill but I just got in the new No Quarter and theres two new retribution units in Wrath that they give the rules for. The first is a Heavy rifle team. The Heavy sniper rifle is a large base, has a rng of 14 and a pow of 7; but it also has armor piercing (arm gets cut in half). The next is the artificer who is a medium base, has 8 wounds and 3 spells. First spell gives +2 def against ranged attacks while within 3inches of the artificer, the next is a rng 10, pow 13 magic attack (after resolving damage, you can push models within 2 inches of the effected model 1 inch toward or away!) and the last is a spell that makes enemy models unable to charge him in his front arc.

Pretty interesting; the rifle crew looks pretty cool at only two points; on a khador jack it'll do dice minus 3 for damage.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:50 pm

Cool to see the stats for the new stuff.

My plan for my next 50 points:

Discordia 10
Max Invictors + UA 12
2xThane 8 (what's a chess game with no knights?!)
Battle Engine 10

I have 10 to play with.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:38 pm

Venethrax win.....
3 points from Backlash as I pin-cushioned his light arc node (round 2)
5 points from a boosted ranged hit from the Manticore (round 3)
10 points from a charging Kaelyssa (16 on 3d6) as the dice gods say YES!
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:14 pm

ShadowMaster wrote:Venethrax win.....
3 points from Backlash as I pin-cushioned his light arc node (round 2)
5 points from a boosted ranged hit from the Manticore (round 3)
10 points from a charging Kaelyssa (16 on 3d6) as the dice gods say YES!
Very nice! Also to let you know Bill, Tates is going to host a Steamroller Tournament April 17th. Sign ups are here, just create an account and sign up. Erik just announced it, but I'm assuming that they'll be using the steamroller 2011 format and rules.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by ShadowMaster Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:53 pm

Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log 35046_LordArcanistOssyanWEB
Chaos God

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Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log Empty Re: Retribution of Scyrah Battle Log

Post by Someuberdude Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:24 pm

I like him. The face is a bit odd to me, but the rest of the model is pretty cool.
Traitor Guardsman

Number of posts : 97
Location : Coconut Creek, Florida
Armies : [WM/H]:Trollbloods, Khador, Cryx [WHF]: Vampire Counts [FoW] Fallshirmjager Company, Brit Paras
Registration date : 2010-12-31

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