The Traitor Legion
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Hordes Factions

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Hordes Factions Empty Hordes Factions

Post by aosol Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:25 am

The Circle is a cabal of druids who dwell in wilds of Western Immorean and have a dark and sinister reputation with the civilized nations who believe they worship the Devourer Wurm, the terrifying god of the wilds. In actuality the druids draw on the latent energies of the earth, storms and animals to combat civilization and keep the Devourer Wurm from returning and destroying the world. Because of their small numbers the Circle uses manipulation, deception and misdirection to achieve their aims, but they are fully capable of leveling entire armies with precise displays of awesome power. Indeed the three Omnipotents that lead the Circle are the most powerful human spellcasters in the world. Savage tribesmen, terrifying beasts and the very land itself marches alongside the Circle when they go to war.

Circle Melee: The Circle's melee attacks are very accurate and capable of hitting even high defense model with average rolls. They are also very fast for the most part and can usually get the first charge in, which is necessary as they don't have the stopping power of other factions. While they have lower than normal Armor stats, Circle has higher than normal Defense, Stealth and most of their models can move through rough terrain and forests unhindered.

Circle Range: The Circle's range attacks have average range and power but are also very accurate. They can use terrain and their speed to get off the first shot and decimate the enemy with a shower of missiles.

Circle Warlocks: The Circle's warlocks have the highest average fury stat of Hordes and are thus very accurate spell slingers. They are however fragile for the most part and best kept away from the enemy. They all have a good selection of spells for buffing, denial and attack and are some of the best spellcasters in the game. Some specialize in warbeasts and can run an effective all-beast army.

Circle Denial: Denial is a word that is probably most associated with the Circle. The Circle can prevent the enemy from targeting the army with spells and even punish the enemy for casting spells upon themselves. This can either take the form of making it more difficult for them to cast spells, the complete denial of casting spells, or even making our attacks stronger against them for having spells on their units. Circle can also create forests or clouds effects with relative ease, blocking Line of Sight and disrupting enemy movements or protecting key models.

Circle Warbests: Circle Warbeasts can be divided into two categories: the Wold constructs and the fuzzie Beasts. The Wolds bring high Armor, Health and effective defensive and denial animus, but are slower and less powerful than the Beasts. The Beasts bring high damage, high Defense, speed and excellent buff animus, but are lacking in the Armor and Health. But with the proper buffs they can demolish even the toughest of foes in a flurry of claw and fang. Circle also has the highest number of heavy beasts in Hordes.

The Skorne are a race who hail from far to the East across the Bloodstone Marches. They are ruthless and driven, determined to conquer the Iron Kingdoms and enslave its peoples. Skorne soldiers are disciplined and coordinated, obsessed with the warrior code and hopes of exaltation. Their spellcasters harness the energies released through pain and death to drive their soldiers to fight past their natural limits and to punish those who would stand against them.

Skorne Melee: Melee units take up the majority of the Skorne’s infantry, and for good reason. Their discipline and practiced maneuvers, combined with mortitheurgical tinkering, allow them to strike from unexpected angles. Many of the Skorne units are able to take a beating in return as well.

Skorne Ranged: In a faction that exalts dying gloriously in close combat, ranged units are sparse. What ranged attacks there are tend to be precise and moderately powerful, with a bit of the Skorne’s trademark maneuverability

Skorne Magic: Skorne magic manipulates the powers of death and pain, and are used to drive their already skilled warriors to feats of strength and endurance that would normally be impossible. Offensively, these abilities are used to rend souls and hinder the abilities of the enemy.

Skorne Warlocks: Skorne warlocks tend to embrace either the military aspect of Skorne culture, or the mortitheurgical aspect. The former can inspire their troops to greater heights and deliver a sound beating on their own, whilst the latter tend to lurk in the back, harming the bodies and souls of their enemies, whilst manipulating those of their troops.

Skorne Warbeasts: Skorne warbeasts come in a variety of types, but the pride of our army lies in our melee beasts. Whether you want your warbeasts to withstand frightful blows or swiftly maneuver into the meat of an opponent’s army, Skorne can provide, along with some of the hardest hitting beasties in Hordes. When goaded by our beasthandlers, few things can stand in our beasts’ way.

The dragon Everblight exists now as an athanc, the heartstone of the dragon in the chest of the Ogrun Thagrosh, now transformed by the influence of the dragon’s blight. Together they have dominated the nation of reclusive elves, the Nyss and a few ogrun tribes and produced an army of monstrous draconic spawn to support them. They lead a group of Nyss warlocks, given power and linked together and with the dragon’s mind by the shards of the athanc in each of their chests. Everblight constantly experiments with the power of his blight’s influence on the Nyss and ogruns, warping these species who already have an obsessive nature in to various specialised soldiers, and creating a range of spawn perfectly designed for each battlefield role. A soldier of the Legion of Everblight cannot expect a lot of support from his warlocks, but is each a perfected specialist in his role, and can rely on the dragonspawn to do most of the work. Everblight searches the wilds of Immoren for dragons and gods to devour. Every assault of the Legion is preceded by scouting and testing of defences, and followed shortly by overwhelming and decisive force. A dragon doesn't play with his food.

Legion Melee
Most dragonspawn, even the ones with very good guns, are absolute killing machines in melee. They are fast, often fly or find paths through terrain, and many have reach.Many Legion warlocks specialize in enhancing the melee attacks of their dragonspawn in one way or another. They are supported by infantry units of crazed elven weaponmasters, blighted abominations, and berzerking ogrun. Decent melee skill and volume of attacks means that when the Legion charge in, they can deliver a crushing blow to the enemy lines. Often, a killing strike will grant the attacker benefits such as additional attacks, movement, or healing. In this way, Legion builds momentum as it carves through its foes.

Legion Shooting
Legion can be equally reliant on shooting as it is on melee, delivering a hail of arrows and spears from its infantry and gouts of flame from its dragonspawn. While Legion's ranged infantry will prefer stay on the move and pick apart the enemy from afar, the Dragonspawn are often just as powerful in melee, and will often use ranged attacks to soften targets up before going in for the kill. Legion firepower is defined by a penchant for spray templates, as would be expected from a dragon, and for ignoring many of the defensive abilities available to the enemy. Dragonspawn are eyeless and use senses other than sight to “see” through the enemy defenses. Even some infantry have learned similar tricks. One thing is certain. It is very difficult to hide from Legion’s flames.

Legion Warcasters
Legion has one but one male, and that is also the only Ogrun. All others are Nyss females, with various levels of blightedness. Their strengths, weaknesses and play styles vary greatly, and it could be said they are the main source of variety in the faction, but there is one common theme throughout the warlocks. They all support their warbeasts at the expense of not supporting infantry very well, with a few exceptions.

Legion Magic
Legion magic centres on support for their warbeasts with offensive and defensive buffs, with a sub-theme of enemy infantry annihilation. Many warlocks have powerful anti-infantry spells that often have useful secondary or lingering effects. In general legion does not have a lot of magical support outside of its warlocks, with just one spell using solo, and no magical weapons other than the ones carried by the warlocks.

Legion Warbeasts
Everblight has created a wide range of dragonspawn, for every occasion from the blood of his warlocks and his enemies. Legion has almost exclusive access to lesser warbeasts, man sized critters that swarm, bite, stab or claw their way through their enemies. Their light warbeasts include the nephilim, results of nefarious experiments by everblight on the Nyss, ad intelligent enough to wield weapons and train in specialist roles, be they melee, ranged or bodyguard. The heavy dragonspawn are all devastating killing machines, using wings or a sturdy set of legs and bulk to fly over or crash through terrain at astonishing speed to deliver a torrent of ranged or melee attacks. All legion warbeasts use their hypersenses to see through clouds forests and most defences to seek their prey. Many have no soul and most will not attack their warlock under any circumstances.

Trollbloods are a people without a home. Driven from their lands, betrayed by other nations, they are a wandering people who have taken up sword and shield to carve a new home for themselves...and ensure that no one will ever take it from them again. They are wildly diverse, from forest dwelling kriel warriors to former cygnar military officers, but they all share an incredible ability to adapt, and an even more tenacious desire to survive.

Trollblood Melee: Accurate and fairly powerful, with the right support there is no enemy that the Trollblood infantry cannot hit, and when harnessing the power of their beasts, the infantry can achieve extraordinary levels of damage. They aren't the most agile troops around, but their heavy armor and tough disposition make them hard to put down.

Trollblood Ranged: Using high caliber but often cumbersome weapons, the ranged power of the trollbloods often relies on their allies to set up their targets for a ranged assault. Not as accurate as many armies, but very powerful when they connect, and they have the same toughness as their infantry counterparts.

Trollblood Warlocks: Resourceful and tenacious, Trollblood warlocks are as varied as they come . They enhance their army with magical might, and can often take the battle to the enemy themselves, yet others rely on ranged attacks to kill enemies from afar, or warp chance itself in their armies favor. But no matter how they do it, increasing the effectiveness of their army is the main aim of every Warlock.

Trollblood Magic: Trollblood warlocks primarily use their magic to support their army. Specifically, they tend to use spells that increase the offensive or defensive capabilities of their troops, although a few casters do have ways of making the full blood trolls that accompany them to battle even more ferocious. Trollblood warlocks rarely sling spells at their enemies, preferring to impart greater strength on their army instead.

Trollblood Beasts: Powerful in combat and in the primal animi they bring to the battlefield, these trolls can increase the offense of any army. From devestating melee attacks to high powered ranged weapons, if a troll is not tearing into the enemy, he is still making his presence known with the animi he will be sharing with the Trollbloods around him. Even in the ranks of their beasts, support for the army is not forgotten
Traitor Captain

Number of posts : 256
Armies : Legion of Ever-blahhhh
Registration date : 2011-01-27

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Hordes Factions Empty Re: Hordes Factions

Post by Barby007 Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:29 pm

Circle for the FURocious win. :p

Barby alien

Number of posts : 24
Age : 40
Location : Pembroke Pines, Florida
Armies : Warhammer- Blood Angels, Hordes- Circle. Malifaux- Neverborn
Registration date : 2011-06-27

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