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My very first attempt at fan fiction

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My very first attempt at fan fiction Empty My very first attempt at fan fiction

Post by Ovich Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:22 pm

I wrote this bit back in 2000 when I first started playing 40k with the Eldar. I wrote as fluff to my own army. check it out.

The Sayeen Na’dar

What amuses me, human, is that your race seems to believe that they know so much, when in fact, all your collected knowledge is but a speck of sand in the desert of time and space. You think that your blessed emperor’s eyes can pierce through this veil, providing your kind with inexhaustible wisdom. Hah !..... It is sad to say that at one time.. my own people fell pray to this illusion. But now many of us have learned that we know nothing, and to believe otherwise is folly. Let me enlighten you then, human, to a speck of to speak, that is considered a legend even among my own people........

It is written that during the great sundering, which a learned scholar such as yourself would know of and be familiar with, there were several Craftworlds that prepared to leave long before the cataclysm. The few individuals who recognized the coming catastrophe were able to leave our homeworld long before it’s devastation. One of these was the well know Biel Tan.. or Sword Wind.. in your primitive language. There is a myth that has perpetuated since that cursed time, enduring throughout the long years of hardship and rebuilding. This legend describes the existence of a second Craftworld, a twin so to speak, that left our world in the wake of it’s sister Craftworld, and remained close by during the slow decent into the outer fringes of the galaxy. This Craftworld was called the Sayeen Na’dar.. or “Star of Hope” in your tounge...

The Biel Tan and the Sayeen Na’dar were as family... sharing resources and providing protection for one another as they traveled into the great void... their people were similar in custom and ceremony..and shared great hope together, despite small differences in philosophy and ideology. It was these minute differences however that would slowly tear the fate of these two craftworlds apart and create the animosity that is said to now exist between their people.

The philosophy of the Sayeen stem suprisingly, from Eldrad himself, though no records would show this to be true. The farseer who named the craftword and ultimately his very own people was in fact a pupil of Eldrad on our home world. His name was Olor Na Eldan, his surname representing nobility among the Eldar race. Few know of his beginnings nor any of his history before his tutelage under the greatest of our kind. It was Olor who was deemed the most compassionate and wise of all Eldrad’s students, with tremendous powers of vision and divination, rivaling the great one himself. Thus, it is no surprise that Olor had the foresight and wisdom to leave the planet long before it’s destruction. With him went all his kin and followers that believed in the most precious idea of all, that the Eldar race is a beautiful one and must be preserved at all cost.

Integral to the Sayeen philosophy was the concept of harmony and balance to the system. Homeostasis is the means by which the universe rules itself and no force can deny it. In regards to civilizations, this meant that all empires must fall, to eventually rise again, in cricular fashion. This notion portrays that while the Eldar have fallen, one day, they will rule again, but in different form. Be proud human, because the age of man is upon us. But despair in the fact that one day your path will lead only to ruin. Look and see how already the Great Devourer that was prophesized is here and menacingly encroaches toward the very center of your dominion. Even your own kind has turned on you.. and now those loathesomw wretches of Chaos cause pain and suffering to all races.

What would be surprizing to you is that Olor himself had a hand in keeping those vile corruptions alive and full of evil strength. For Olor jumped great spans with his mind and saw what would be the doom of the Eldar race if the Chaos was eliminated. The Imperium would have been rejuvenated, and would have carried out the conquering of both the Eldar and Ork races and with new resources, hold power over the Great Devourer. This could not occur, and during the flight of Abaddon from Terra, Olor appeared to Abaddon as the great sorcerer Ahriman of the thousand sons. Olor’s spirit form gave Abaddon counsel and persuaded the warlord to seek refuge in the great storm. Thus the chaos scum were preserved and are now forever a thorn in the hide of the Imperium more than any other race. As your kind say, evil will eventually feed upon itself.

Our losses have been great as well, but nowhere near the grief that is beset to fall upon mankind. Take hope friend, that some of your kind will indeed live through the rise of the Tyrannids, and be able to bask in the glory of the Eldar civilization reborn.

For this is the ultimate goal of the Sayeen, to live and rebuild. You are blessed human, for your ears have heard much that should have not been heard already..But what I tell you now is a sacred secret known only to my people... and may Kaine be merciful with my soul for telling you....
The Sayeen have built a new Eldar home world, filled with life, music, art, love, and kindness. But this planet will never be found for it resides within a psychic sheath that renders it untouchable to all, even the great devourer. Already, hive ships have past and found no trace of our new growth. The great Webway itself is the only entrance and it is zealously guarded by the best of our troops in the event it is uncovered by our piratical brethren. The Harliquins themselves have helped us greatly, for to them, balance is an objective above all others.

Our troops are fierce, much like the Biel Tan, for they are even modeled after that great warrior Craftworld.... But our troops also hold compassion and wisdom, with no need to uselessly waste their lives on ancient artifacts and Exodite worlds. This was the conflict between the Biel Tan and the Sayeen.... the Biel Tan, warlike and cruel had begun to reflect the Eldar of old... slaves to their passions and lust for blood....where else is this most evident than in the summoning of their Avatar, where Eldar sacrifice is made to call the bloody god. Unlike us.. they have not learned from the past...

And thus.. Olor spoke to his counsel, and they agree to abandon the Biel Tan and seek a better way towards balance and the restoration of the Eldar Empire. The Biel Tan remain bitter and resentful.... for the break was a wound to them.... a reminder that somewhere, somehow... they lost their way along the path.

And now I must leave you friend, for agents of your race are everwhere.... and I do not intend to become their wretched plaything in the interrogation room. I’ve told you all that I know human... seek me no longer, for I hold the key to the Sayeen... and where I go, neither you nor your kind may follow.

As the ranger stood up, there was a flash of light brighter than the glare of two suns... the agent.. shielding himself from the white heat... cursed.... For when the haze had cleared the ranger was seen no more...

Across the span of the open galaxy... through the currents and eddies of the warp... there was a laugh.... benign yet full of satisfaction. Olor looked up and turned to his warlock........ “These eager for the truth...... just so they can destroy it.... This time..... the humans will learn the foolishness of seeking those things that are best left alone..... His laugh continued to echo in the folds and curtains of time....
Lord of Chaos

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My very first attempt at fan fiction Empty Re: My very first attempt at fan fiction

Post by luis the young Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:33 am

Allright, finally had to time to sit down and actually read the whole thing. It was a nice read, flowed well together and it adds a nice touch to the army.
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Registration date : 2008-03-03

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