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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Hurricane Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:59 am

Not only is it weak.... but he has pledged to reduce the sixe of the military and stop spending money on expensive new military systems, so we can redirect the savings to social welfare spending.

Just what I want, lets stop spending money on the military so we can hand out more welfare checks and so the we can have a socialist system that includes Universal Health Care. Our health care is the best in the world because it is PRIVATE.

Obama has endorsed Hamas and suggested that we have talks with enemies of the USA such as Ahmadinejad from Iran. Finally, I can't vote for a man that won't put his hand over his heart during the national anthem. He is obviously very unpatriotic and he wants to run our country.

Here is one I find disturbing. Ahmed Yousef, the chief political advisor to the prime minister of Hamas said, "We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections."

Sorry but I have to vote for McCain, the alternative to me is unacceptable. I would have rather Hillary be president than Obama. How sad is that LOL.
Chaos God

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Forcefed24 Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:05 pm

I think we should all vote for the Nazi Party, then...seeing as it did so much for the common white folk...unlike Barack the Devil.

Bill, haven't you always tried to separate The common german foot soldier from the Nazi party? Did those soldiers march under a Nazi Flag? Did they all hate Jews? Did they all want to exterminate the Untermensch?

I am trying to understand the agenda your promoting?

Who here thinks Obama made the right decision to go to a racist church?

Anyone?? Anyone???

They will crucify this guy if he starts promoting African american favoritism....especially the media...The checks and balances are there for that..

on the other hand, the far right wing has been bankrupting the US for the last 8 years, fucking all us good middle class folks right up the ass....

Besides, you are asked to do a job every single day and yet you harbor resentment for other races....yet you do your job without bias.

I feel he can keep his religious beliefs personal, as he should.

I don't care if he likes me, I just want him to do his fucking Job.
Dark Apostle

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by rokassan Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:40 pm

I agree. I dont care for either candidate. All Im saying is Barrack aint all that and a bag of chips. Also Phil theres a slight difference from CHOOSING to attend a racist church and being a citizen of a nation with a monstrous government. In a Church you simply stop attending. As a citizen of Hitlers Germany you choice is turn your back on your people,country,way of life, family and friends and either leave the country or die in an extermination camp or try to distance yourself from the atrocities fight for you country and make the right decisions when you neeed to(dont shoot the civilians ect.)
well I will end up voting for the eggplant and hope for the best. You know Im in the middle Phil ,but feel Im in a position where I have to choose to vote either extreme right wing or extreme left wing...and I dont like it. Ive suffered the extreme right so I guess Ill suffer the extreme left this time.
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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Hurricane Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:25 pm

I'm gonna have to stock up on some firearms.... before I'm not allowed to own them anymore! Sad

Hell, I'm from Pennslyvania so I might as well cling to my guns and religion !
Chaos God

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:51 pm

Here's why I'm a little afraid of voting for Obama still.

Obama : Mr. Amedinijad, are you guys trying to build a bomb?

Ahmedinijad : Yes. We have a right and you cannot stop us.

Obama : Let's talk about this for a second. Are you sure you wanna do this?

Ahmedinjad : Yes, it is our right granted by allah and woe be to the infidels that stand in our way. We will crush them with the fury and the might of the jihad.

Obama : Are you sure we can't come to some sort of terms? Maybe we can offer you some trade agreements maybe? Buy some more of your oil or something.?

Ahmedinijad : NO. Nothing can stop us from obtaining power in the middle east ! Nothing !

Obama : Please?

Ahmedidjiad : NO

Obama : Pretty please?

Amedinijad : Are you fucking kidding me ?

Obama : (Turns to Biden) Allright , we tried right? Pack it up folks, we're going home... guess we'll just have to deal with Iran being a nuclear power now. oh well.

Then the World goes to shit because Iran invades Iraq and Afghanistan, and we can't do shit cause if we do they'll nuke Israel, but if that happens Israel will Nuke Iran, Eqypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and then the entire worlds oil supply will dwindle to almost nothing, send the world back into the dark ages.
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Forcefed24 Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:04 pm

Well, you have a problem with Pakistan having nuclear weapons? You know that they do. I think Obama would of course use diplomacy where Bush would walk in with his spurs jangling and his guns blazing.....But, what would give anyone the idea that the guy wouldn't lay the smack down if America was threatened by iran's nuclear program. He seems to be a rational guy with a penchant for diplomacy. If that failed, Air strikes would do just fine. You of course know my stance on israel, so nothing needs to be said on that topic. Regardless of what the US decides to do in a situation like that, When has Israel ever waited to defend themselves from enemies both real and imagined? I don't get the feeling that Obama couldn't make a decision regarding Iran, even if it wound up being military force. I do recall that democrats fought World War 2. Part of Vietnam, etc.

I think he would go to great lengths to promote STABILITY in the region, unlike the last 8 years.

But, then again, I think in your mind, Iran should be nuked, period....and any candidate that doesn't express as much won't be strong enough for you.

HOw about we worry about some domestic issues for a change?
Dark Apostle

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:20 pm

But, then again, I think in your mind, Iran should be nuked, period....and any candidate that doesn't express as much won't be strong enough for you.

Was this comment meant to be asinine, or did it just come out the wrong way?

Who in their right mind would would feel that a country with millions of innocent civilians including women, children, and elderly should be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust? Not me

My point is Phil, I'm not convinced, like you that Obamma would have the mental fortitude to make such a difficult decision to send troops into Iran. Airstrikes wouldn't cut it my friend and you know that, not when everything worth bombing is underground. It would have to be another invasion.

Obamma has to worry about his constituency, which is made up of many people who would strongly oppose any type of military action towards Iran. Let's not forget, he's gonna wanna win 4 years later if he gets elected.

I get the sense that his attempts at diplomacy will become drawn out until it's too late.

I think he would go to great lengths to promote STABILITY in the region, unlike the last 8 years.

Admittedly , Bush has done nothing for the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. But your statement above has no basis on any track record or history of experience on foreign matters. Does stability mean giving in to Islamic fundamentalist demands? Because that region will never be stable as long as Israel Exists period.

do you have a problem with Pakistan having nuclear weapons?

This doesn't bother me as much as Iran having Nuclear weapons. Pakistan is a "moderate" muslim country, even though it has like the second highest muslim population in the world.

It is a semi-presidential federal democratic republic with Islam as the state religion. The bicameral legislature comprises a 100-member Senate and a 342-member National Assembly. The President is the Head of State and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and is elected by an electoral college. The prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the National Assembly. Their are checks and balances here in regards to launching a nuclear weapon.

Plus they hate India more than they hate us, which is always a good thing.

Iran on the other hand, is lead by the Supreme Leader, which must be a cleric and and is appointed and watched by the Assembly of Experts, which are all clerics. It is a Theocracy for all intents and purposes run by people who are fanatical in their devotion to what they see as the only acceptable way to live one's life. This fanaticism makes me a little uneasy when thinking of the the ultimate responsibility of maintaining weapons of mass destruction.
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Vycem Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:58 pm

While I'm not endorsing either candidate, I do like me facts:

rokassan wrote:Photobucket


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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Forcefed24 Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:13 pm

Ovich wrote:
But, then again, I think in your mind, Iran should be nuked, period....and any candidate that doesn't express as much won't be strong enough for you.

Was this comment meant to be asinine, or did it just come out the wrong way?

Who in their right mind would would feel that a country with millions of innocent civilians including women, children, and elderly should be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust? Not me

My point is Phil, I'm not convinced, like you that Obamma would have the mental fortitude to make such a difficult decision to send troops into Iran. Airstrikes wouldn't cut it my friend and you know that, not when everything worth bombing is underground. It would have to be another invasion.

Obamma has to worry about his constituency, which is made up of many people who would strongly oppose any type of military action towards Iran. Let's not forget, he's gonna wanna win 4 years later if he gets elected.

I get the sense that his attempts at diplomacy will become drawn out until it's too late.

I think he would go to great lengths to promote STABILITY in the region, unlike the last 8 years.

Admittedly , Bush has done nothing for the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. But your statement above has no basis on any track record or history of experience on foreign matters. Does stability mean giving in to Islamic fundamentalist demands? Because that region will never be stable as long as Israel Exists period.

do you have a problem with Pakistan having nuclear weapons?

This doesn't bother me as much as Iran having Nuclear weapons. Pakistan is a "moderate" muslim country, even though it has like the second highest muslim population in the world.

It is a semi-presidential federal democratic republic with Islam as the state religion. The bicameral legislature comprises a 100-member Senate and a 342-member National Assembly. The President is the Head of State and the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and is elected by an electoral college. The prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the National Assembly. Their are checks and balances here in regards to launching a nuclear weapon.

Plus they hate India more than they hate us, which is always a good thing.

Iran on the other hand, is lead by the Supreme Leader, which must be a cleric and and is appointed and watched by the Assembly of Experts, which are all clerics. It is a Theocracy for all intents and purposes run by people who are fanatical in their devotion to what they see as the only acceptable way to live one's life. This fanaticism makes me a little uneasy when thinking of the the ultimate responsibility of maintaining weapons of mass destruction.

Well then, I guess these questions are meant rhetorically then stephan.....And I don't think Pakistan is as nice and fuzzy as you make them out to be....seeing as they were the ones that fostered the taliban in their overthrow of Afghanistan. I do't beleive that another war will happen with Iran. The US public has lost the stomach for it, seeing as we have been in this senseless conflict with Iraq longer than the vietnam war already.

I think that you underestimate our capabilities on a covert level, as well as our capability in performing precision air strikes. I won't be convinced that we don't know where their reactors are, thier weaponizing and testing facilities are. Futhermore......You make Iran sound like they are on par with us when it comes to military capability. we have bunkerbuster bombs capable of wondrous things. I would guarantee that their points of interest have been mapped long ago, along with all potential areas they may be moved to. Satellite imagery can determine the color of a mole on someone's ass from outer space, dude.

What it boils down to is that you fear that he will be a doormat. On what grounds? Would he rather allow Nuclear conflict or avert it with force? I think any normal person, in their right mind, of course, would not offer up any country as a sacrificial lamb to be vaporized off the map.

You have as much basis to doubt his abilities as I have to beleive in them......It's all gut feeling. Vote your concience stephan.

Hell, if we get Mccain.....we might need your daughter on the front lines by the time she comes of age. We won't be drafting just men any longer. Eternal war for eternal peace will not work.
Dark Apostle

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:57 pm

It'll be like starship troopers with chicks and guys in the showers of the military barracks together. You remember that scene?
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Hurricane Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:52 am

I think that you underestimate our capabilities on a covert level, as well as our capability in performing precision air strikes. I won't be convinced that we don't know where their reactors are, thier weaponizing and testing facilities are. Futhermore......You make Iran sound like they are on par with us when it comes to military capability. we have bunkerbuster bombs capable of wondrous things. I would guarantee that their points of interest have been mapped long ago, along with all potential areas they may be moved to. Satellite imagery can determine the color of a mole on someone's ass from outer space, dude.

Our Military won't be able to do any of these wonderous things once Obama gets his hands on it. Cut backs are coming and so much for any new weapons or technology. It won't happen.
Chaos God

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Forcefed24 Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:13 pm

Hurricane wrote:
I think that you underestimate our capabilities on a covert level, as well as our capability in performing precision air strikes. I won't be convinced that we don't know where their reactors are, thier weaponizing and testing facilities are. Futhermore......You make Iran sound like they are on par with us when it comes to military capability. we have bunkerbuster bombs capable of wondrous things. I would guarantee that their points of interest have been mapped long ago, along with all potential areas they may be moved to. Satellite imagery can determine the color of a mole on someone's ass from outer space, dude.

Our Military won't be able to do any of these wonderous things once Obama gets his hands on it. Cut backs are coming and so much for any new weapons or technology. It won't happen.

The military industrial complex is too deeply rooted Eric. No matter what Obama or Mccain does, we have fat rich white guys that need new yachts and houses that we can't let down by cutting the military budget back by drastic levels. Although I do like the "hot Button" statements like "they are gonna take our guns" and "They are gonna cut the military". HOw bad did leftist Clinton do with curtailing our military, looks like they survived his cutbacks quite well. Obama hasn't made any claim that he is going to cut the military back. That's all Iwill say on the topic. these conversations go nowhere fast.
Dark Apostle

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Hurricane Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:35 pm

I think yoiu are right, we all have our own opinions and noone is going to convince the other that they are wrong. Its just the way it is. And there is nothing wrong with that. Thats why we should leave the politics and religion out of this forum like we are supposed to. I know its a hot topic but really this should not be discussed here. Just my 2 cents.
Chaos God

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:22 am

I take the view of the Italians, and most Europeans in general : If you can't talk politics and still love the other person, then get out of the room when people start talking about it. People are gonna get heated, people are gonna get pissed, but you can't take things personally. Allright, so you feel strongly about something, and you dislike the fact that someone who you normally respect and get along with has very different views about it. So deal with it, it's just life.

For example,
I dislike the fact that Phil has problems with Israel. That he takes the view that most of the world takes when it comes to that country. Allright, does that make me dislike Phil himself? no. If I'm gonna dislike Phil, it's because of who he is and how he treats me, not just his political views.

We should be able to talk about these kinds of things, because this is clearly not a website only devoted to gaming, that idea went out with yesterdays trash. We're a community that shares a common passion, but a community of thinkers none-the less.
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Valhalla114 Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:24 pm

What I don't understand is what do we owe Israel? Why are we their big brother?

I do agree we should talk politics but not if it turns into a flame war. How do you think I feel living in NYC with all these liberal pussies? I've about had enough and have only been here for about 3 weeks.
Dark Apostle

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:30 pm

We'll need a whole other forum if we want to talk about Israel
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by rokassan Sun Sep 14, 2008 3:42 pm

I reach a 1000 post a while ago...where are my stars?
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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:18 pm

You can do that yourself
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by rokassan Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:25 pm

No Stephan. I want you to do it.
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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Mon Sep 15, 2008 7:42 am

No really, I can't. Only you an change your status. I tried to change the name under your Handle once to King of Pedophiles, but it won't let me do it because you're the Forum creator. No one can fuck with your profile.
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:36 am

Im fucking God in this forum.
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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Mon Sep 15, 2008 2:37 pm

Friggin cops and their illusions of grandeur.
Lord of Chaos

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by luis the young Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:14 pm

give a guy a tazer and some pepperspray and he thinks he owns the city....pfffffft
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by rokassan Mon Sep 15, 2008 3:48 pm

I have a Tazer, expandable baton, a.45 cal pistol and 5.56 mm M4(I finally got the class).
My profile is immune to the taint of other Admins Evil or Very Mad . Hmmmm...lets see if Stephans is immune to my influence.
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Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards - Page 3 Empty Re: Russell Brand calls George Bush a 'retard' at MTV awards

Post by Ovich Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:59 pm

Well, I know if all hell breaks loose in a zombie invasion I'm going to Bills house... Dude's got an assault rifle.
Lord of Chaos

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