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*th edition opinions.

the wanderer
luis the young
The Eldar Guy
Autarch (CM)
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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by ShadowMaster Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:41 pm

Part matchups, part play test strategy.
We just pushed twords each other.

WoC is TOUGH in 8th
WS5, S4, I5 on his warrior horde

Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
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Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by bayardnbk Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:34 am

I agree with Bill. Plus there was not much strategy it seemed...just move forward and try the rules out.

I feel like any monster-sized infantry will be difficult to deal with given all of their attacks, wounds, etc., but this could be mitigated with a good shooting phase?

Time to test this new, exciting game out! Seems like everyone but Brets have a good shot (sorry love for calv)!


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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by jspyd3rx Thu Jun 24, 2010 1:12 am

Is there a specific day you guys play?
Chaos God

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Registration date : 2009-10-10

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Kyle Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:11 am

Magic, and warmachines will take care of giant formations of infantry. They made a similar change to templates as they did with 40k didn't they were you hit more models now and no partials from what I remember. Also harder to miss large formations.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 1433
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Registration date : 2008-11-03

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Garry Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:38 pm

Looked at the brit's they are not that bad off. 9 knights in formation get 8at and 7 horse total 15 they can lose two and still have 16at. 2 up saves 6 ward the most they can get atacked back from is 8 models (7 from chaos and Orc) two ranks or 12 for three ranks not to mention the men at arms are really cheap. Most there knights are core so they can still be the hvy calv army. I really need to play test it but I think they might have helped them out a litle. The question is how does the charge work now do you move normally then roll for the charge distance how many dice for calv.
Aspiring Champion

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by ShadowMaster Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:36 pm

Cav charge range is 3d6 (discard the highest) and add your movement.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
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Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Garry Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:40 pm

so that is not that bad 8 in. plus 3d6 2 highest not to mention you need a rank to remove rank bonus in flank and rear brits can do that with 6 models. Thay are not that bad off from what I have heard with rules men at arms are really cheap and if there is a night unit with in 6 inch or if you put a hero on foot that is 12in they get there leadership. All there mages have magic resisitance which seems is more important more now then last edition.
2x trebs = 180

30x Bowmen w/ FC, Stakes, Brazier = 205
30x Bowmen w/ FC, Stakes, Brazier = 205

50x Men at Arms w/ FC = 277
50x Men at Arms w/ FC = 277

Your Trebs will be a lot more accurate, the bowmen with salvo fire can get 25+ shots off and have the static res to be very difficult to shift while the men at arms will have 30+ attacks and be stubborn.
Aspiring Champion

Number of posts : 233
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Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : Chaos, dark elf, Skaven, Ogre, Orc (fan & 40K) Brit, eldar, marines, high elf
Registration date : 2008-11-04

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by ShadowMaster Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:03 pm

The trick for Bretts has always been to break on the charge. If you bring less ranks (ala most knight units), your opponent becomes stubborn.

You can now use the generals leadership for your stubborn role too, so they are not likely to break.

You'll need to plan to have a supporting flank charge or bring some ranks of your own in with them.

MR will stack with the lady's ward save for some awesome saves vs. magic damage.

The s10 trebs and big blocks look good too. I think the Bretts look solid for 8Ed.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Garry Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:13 am

It will need to be more men at arms big blocks moving around the field and having the knights used more for the flank chaging and added weight in a combat, Big blockmen at armys hold enemy units up for a turn then next turn make sure kniights can hit there flank, this will get ride of ranks and also remove second ra nk attacks. They will not be able to be used as they use to be charge and hope for the break.

New rules are going to bring a new look at the game, it is going to be a good time for new players out there to be on some what level ground.
Aspiring Champion

Number of posts : 233
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : Chaos, dark elf, Skaven, Ogre, Orc (fan & 40K) Brit, eldar, marines, high elf
Registration date : 2008-11-04

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Vycem Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:10 am

Maybe I'll see people using the grail reliquae. I fucking love that model.


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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by luis the young Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:48 am

I hope the FAQ how the Casket of Souls is gonna work, is an upgrade that is bought for a character, but it also takes a rare slot.

OH MAN !! King Settra can be used now in any point game that can fit him !!! Even though he counts as 2 Lord choices, it doesnt fracking matter now with 8th ED !! Go Tomb Kings ! He fits perfectly on a 2500 point game .
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:56 pm

The key to TK will be how their magic phase works. If it stays as is, they will wreck havock with guarenteed casting, no miscasts, and limited dispel options for the opponent.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Ovich Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:10 pm

One things for sure guys,

No matter how shitty this system is, we'll all have a little fun testing new shit out. Which is something that many of us have lost. With new rules comes new scenarios, match ups, and outcomes.

Now we'll all go to the games, not quite sure what to expect from the armies that we own. We can hypothesize, and predict. But you really won't know how that army of yours will really perform.

As much as I disagree with some of the changes GW has made (guess weapons WTF?) , I think playing will be invigorating and exciting again.

I just feel sorry that I don't have as much time on my hands as I used to, because if I did, I'd be out there right now playing the new game with you guys.
Lord of Chaos

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by smirkweasel Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:01 pm

Bretonnians are still good on a frontal charge.
At least against a "standard" size infantry block.

My Knight of the Realms (9 knights with 3 characters) charged a block of 20/25 Elf spearmen.
With their ASF and re-roll misses for higher initiative and fighting in 3 ranks + 1 support,
they killed two knights. After the Lance got done with them they needed double ones to stay,
even with the generals leadership ( and a re-roll from the BSB).

Phoenix guard with a 4+ ward save are another matter.

My Spellcaster rolled double sixes to get a spell off. This is the spellcaster in the middle of the
knight unit. Rolled a 7 on the miscast table. One knight died. Opponent started to whine.
Forgot that the hero and lord failed their ward save and took a wound each. Just lucky most
of the remaining knight made theirs.

I expect to face Lore of Metal all the time. Damage spells in the Lore have no armor save
and no strength value. Whatever my armor save is becomes what you roll to wound.
Since my ward save is based on the strength of the attack, I have no armor save or
ward to protect my knights. Expect a lot of anti-magic.

The most effective spell my opponent had was the one that gave a unit 5+ scaly skin.
Scaly skin combines with armor and shield giving the unit a 3+ armor save. Great against
shooting and very good against charging knights.

Aspiring Champion

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Registration date : 2008-04-01

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by Ovich Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:46 pm

The empire mortar becomes an autoselection in my opinion.

Since many armies will move towards alot of infantry, a solid mortar shot, with the new rules, on a toughness 3 unit, can cause some serious mayhem.

Think about it.. the large template where everything touched by it gets hit. Over a standard 5X5 block, that's EVERYONE ! So BOOM, 25 guys hit, 12+ guys take a wound with -1 to their armour. Not bad for clearing out some Gobos, humans, Swordmasters, eternal guard, marauders, black guard, skaven, and skelletons !

I love you Mortar because you're only 75 points.
Lord of Chaos

Number of posts : 2629
Age : 50
Location : Miami, FL
Armies : Iron Warriors, Empire, Woodelves, Vampire Counts, Warriors of Chaos, Mid War Italians, Late War Soviets, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-02-29

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by luis the young Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:38 am

1- The Plague Catapult from the Skaven became more attractive also, large template, strggth 2, NO armor saves.
2- The Bone Giant became a little bit more useful now with the stomp hits. If you can get unstopable assault of the Stomp as well as regular attacks ...he just became a mowing machine.
3- I can just Picture Khalida lists with 90 skeleton bowmen doing volley fire twice a turn with poison arrows ...hmmmmmmmm.
4- Scorpions are even sicker now !
6- Skeletons with spears are actually good, horde them up and they can hit twice per turn with Smite with a bunch attacks at a time.
7- with the skirmish nerf the Plague sencer bearers got hurt, they are not as mobile as before.
8- Carrion for TKs are not an auto selection anymore, the new flying rules messed them up.
9- Shagas Screaming Sword for the O&G is even nastier with the increase of heroes on the board, +1attack and +1strgth per heroe charater within 12 inches of the wearer. Give that to a guy in a chariot and charge him to the middle of an army along with the guy with the Piggsticka +1strgth and +1attack per rank of the unit he is hitting. Make them Goblin Big Bosses on a wolf chariot, and they are 149 and 139 points each. They make awsone flankers.
10- Squig Hoppers saddly are useless now with the Skirmish nerf Sad
luis the young
luis the young
The Lord of Cuba
The Lord of Cuba

Number of posts : 2971
Age : 50
Armies : Orks, Space Wolves, O&G, Skaven, Lizardmen, Beastmen, Tyranids, FOW Peasant Canibal Army
Registration date : 2008-03-03

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*th edition opinions. - Page 4 Empty Re: *th edition opinions.

Post by ShadowMaster Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:13 am

All artillery deserve serious consideration now. They are cheap and destructive units that all just got a serious bump in accuracy.

You can fit 3 SSC into a normal list and fire each twice per turn.

Going off base size, scorpions should also get the thunderstomp rule - thus, 3 or 6 of these become an auto choice for the TK player.
Chaos God

Number of posts : 2812
Age : 55
Location : Pembroke Pines
Armies : [WHFB] DoC, Lizardmen, O&G [LoTR] Moria [40k] Daemons [WM/H] RoS, Cryx, Cygnar, Mercs, Gators, Skorne
Registration date : 2008-03-26

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